Restaurant Number
Restaurant Manager
Reason for visit
- Routine Visit
- Follow up Visit
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is stand bank at correct amount for the restaurant including kiosk where applicable? (Refer to master sheet)
Stand bank verified and logged by shift ?
All drop box in working order and used for all $2, $20, $50 and $100 bills?
Is only the person assigned for the register working the register? (Pull receipt to verify)
Spot check coupons and voided orders (5) for proper handling.
Only PIC has the store keys? (Store keys not hanging or left laying around)
Items cancel under 8%?
Refunds/over rings under $50 per week?
Deposits taken to the bank every day by 2 PM?
Verify amount and date on deposit slips and bank receipts match?
Are Monday counts accurate? (Spot check 5 items)
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
Days on hand less than 10 days?
Destroyed food information entered into PC daily?
Daily tracking being posted and tracked daily?
Is DVR in working condition?
Are all cameras and monitors working, clear and at a proper angle?
Does DVR records at least 30 days and on motion detection?
DVR time matches PC/NCR time?
Spot check video by shift (6-2, 2-10 & 10-6) for any safety and/or security violations
Video surveillance decal properly display on door(s) and DT window (where required)?
Any suggestions to enhance security system?
Safety calendar/safety booklet is visible, monthly rolled out to EEs and signed before the 15th (must be retain for three years).
Is information on restaurant emergency action plan up to date and visible?
Are legal posters posted on break room and up to date?
Does the store have the proper safety equipment on hand and is it in good condition (face shield, goggles, apron, gloves and back belts - XS, S, M, L & XL)?
Is the ansul free of debris, obstructions and capped?
Employees wearing slip resistant shoes. Shoes are in proper state with no missing treads and properly covers foot?
Ask a minimum of 2 employees the following:
1.-Where and how do you read the MSDS book?
2.-Explain the robbery policy.
3.-Where and how to use safety equipment (back belts, face shields and robber apron and gloves).
4.-Where the fire extinguishers are located and what is each color use for?
5.- where the ansul system is located and when do you use it?
Is first aid kit properly stocked per resource manual (inventory list) and posted and/or in kit?
Have all employees watched "work place violence" and "safety and security" videos on CBT?
Back door closed and locked?
Floor mats in front of all guest entry doors, lobby drink station and walk-in freezer (if applicable)?
Where applicable, floor mats in good condition (edges of floor mat are not curled)?
Wet floor signs not left out after floor dried and in use when floor is wet?
Does the PIC able to demonstrate proper way to shut off main breakers, gas and water valve?
Person in Charge: