Document No.
- Redditch
- Bromsgrove
- Alliance
- Osprey
- All Saints
- St Wulstans
- St Andrews
- Cathedral
- St Dunstans
- Malvern
- Northbrook
- Lowesmoor Unit 16
- Lowesmoor Unit 1-4
Inspection Completed by
- Tom Hawkesford
- Sally Hill
Conducted on
Fire Safety
Is the Fire Alarm System showing no faults and healthy?
Are fire extinguishers visible throughout the building and stored correctly?
Are fire exit signs clearly visible?
Do all visual alarms and / or pagers (as applicable) work?
Do all emergency fastening devices to fire exits work correctly? (Push bars, pads etc)
Are all magnetic fire door hold back devices operating correctly?
Are escape lighting charging indicators visible where fitted?
Are maintained emergency exit lighting units operating correctly?
Water Services
Check the water log book to ensure legionella checks are carried out?
Are local hot water heaters working (kitchens etc)
Maintenance Internal
Check the following ares for any defects if a faults is found please give as much details as possible including location and take photograph if possible
Are corridors free from hazards and defects?
Are general circulation areas free from hazards and defects?
Are Stairwells free from hazards and defects?
Maintenance External
Check the following areas for any defects and/or hazards. If a fault is found please give as much detail as possible and include location also take photograph if possible
Are car parks free from hazards and defects?
Are building walls and windows free from hazards and defects?
Are steps free from hazards and defects?
Are footpaths clear from hazards and defects?
First Aid
First aid box and signage visible
Are there sufficient amount of First Aiders
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