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SEDBUK Rating an efficiency:
Screen shot from SEDBUK,or equivalent website
Fuel Type:
Year of Commissioning:
Age of Boiler:
State how you have established year of commissioning/age (e.g. Servicing sticker, customer documents etc.)
Is the boiler a combination boiler:
Is the boiler connected to a functioning domestic heating system:
Faults with the boiler, please be as specific as you cam:
Is the boiler broken down:
If no to the above, have the faults identified affected the performance of the boiler so that it is not functionally efficiently:
What steps did you take to reach this diagnosis/conclusion (visual is not sufficient)
Only fill in this section if the boiler is above 86%
GC Number:
Serial number with prefix:
Details of repair parts so that technical can generate a repair quote:
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