Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Food Safety
When was the Ice machine last cleaned according to the AAS log?
Is the restaurant free of standing water?
What is the date of the last Orkin Inpection in the Orkin binder?
Is the 3 compartment sink set up properly?
Does the restaurant have red buckets set up with clean sanitizer?
Is the Redbook up to date with temperatures in Cold Holding?
Is the Redbook up to date with Cooking temperature and Hot Holding Temperatures?
Is the Pink DCP log up to date?
Is the dumpster area clean and the lids closed?
Are the self assessments and Ops Connect completed in Redbook?
Are all products in date and have a label?
Are all chemicals stored in their proper location?
Do all crew members have their food handlers certificates?
Who is missing their certificate?
Coffee Excellence
Are all spray heads cleaned, including IC3 brewer?
Are coffee filters upside down?
Is the grind texture correct on FC grinder?
Is the grind texture correct on DT grinder?
What is the Grind weight on FC Reg Coffee?
What is the grind weight on FC decaf?
What is the Grind weight on DT reg coffee?
What is the grind weight on DT decaf?
What is the water volume on FC brewer 1?
What is the water volume on FC brewer 2?
What is the water volume on FC brewer 3?
What is the water volume on DT brewer 1?
What is the water volume on DT brewer 2?
What is the water volume on DT brewer 3?
Is the water temperature of all brewers between 196 and 200 degrees?
What is the temperature of steamed dairy for a Large Latte? (148-160 F)
What is the weight of a small shot of espresso? (36-44g)?
What is the weight of medium shot of espresso (48-56g)?
What is the weight of a large shot of espresso (72-88g)?
What is the temperature of espresso?(175-190F)?
What is the weight of medium cream at FC (41-51g)?
What is the weight of medium cream at DT (41-51g)?
What is the weight of medium sugar at FC (18-24g)?
What is the weight of medium sugar at DT (18-24g)?
What is the weight of the ice on left Island Oasis (9-11oz)?
How many ounces is the water on Left Island Oasis (3.75oz-4.25oz)?
How many ounces is the liquid sugar on left Island Oasis (3.75-4.25oz)?
What is the weight of the ice on on right Island Oasis? (9-11oz)?
How many ounces is the water on right Island Oasis (3.75oz-4.25oz)?
How many ounces is the liquid sugar on the right Island Oasis (3.75-4.25oz)?
Is the water volume and temperature correct on the IC3 brewer?
Does the store have all donut labels?
What labels are missing?
How much money is in the safe?
Are all headsets accounted for?
Is the green maintenance schedule posted and being competed
Is the ice caddy clean inside and out?
Is the parking lot and DT lane clean?
Are the windows clean?
Is behind, and on top of, equipment clean?
Are all floor drains clean?
Are the restrooms clean and stocked, including wall under hand dryer?
Are trash cans clean inside and out?
Are all vents cleaned in FOH and BOH?
Is the lobby clean? Including window sills, walls, chairs etc.
Please have MOD sign this report and review any action items with them.