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OSH Monthly Inspection Checklist 3.0

  • School OSH Monthly Inspection Checklist

  • School Name:

  • Facilities Manager:

  • Signature :

  • Date :

  • Inspector 1 :

  • Signature :

  • Inspector 2 :

  • Signature :


  • Place

  • Corrective Action Recommended

  • Person Responsible for CA

1. Housekeeping & Environment

  • 1.1 Work areas and walkways are free of waste, obstructions, slip & trip hazards

  • 1.2 Floor coverings are in good condition

  • 1.3 Materials are stored appropriately & safely (e.g. heavy items are stored at waist height)

  • 1.4 Proper equipment is used for handling materials (e.g. hand trucks & trolleys)

  • 1.5 Correct lifting procedures are observed

  • 1.6 Portable ladders are in good condition

  • 1.7 Appropriate warning signs are provided during floor cleaning

  • 1.8 Hygiene controls are in place for food handling (gloves, hair nets, etc.)

  • 1.9 Kitchens & washrooms are adequately ventilated (no bad smells)

  • 1.10 Security personnel are available at the main entrance

  • 1.11 An entry/exit log is kept up to date & visitor ID is checked

2. Exit Routes & Emergency Action Plans

  • 2.1 Assembly Areas free of vehicles or other obstructions

  • 2.2 Egress routes are free of obstructions (corridors, stairs, doorways & outdoor routes to assembly areas)

  • 2.3 Emergency exit & assembly signs are in good condition & clearly visible

  • 2.4 Emergency exits are unlocked

  • 2.5 Emergency lights are operational

  • 2.6 Fire extinguishers are clearly visible, in good condition & have an inspection date

  • 2.7 Last inspection date was :

  • 2.8 Fire Alarm are working and without faults or false alarms. Panel locked to prevent access

  • 2.9 Emergency evacuation plans are conspicuously posted in all locations.

  • 2.10 Emergency evacuation drill conducted. Last drill was:

  • 2.11 First aid kits are easily accessible

  • 2.12 First aid kit contents are clean and valid (no expired items)

3. Hazardous Substances ( FOR CYCLE 3 SCHOOLS ONLY )

  • 3.1 All hazardous substances are properly labeled, including secondary (decanted) containers & contain risk and safety phrases according to MSDS

  • 3.2 MSDS & Hazardous Substances Register readily accessible in the area where substances are stored & used and in the clinic

  • 3.3 All substances are stored according to requirements of MSDS – (e.g. oxidizers)

  • 3.4 Flammable chemical substances and concentrated acids (e.g. HCL) are stored inside a fire resistant cabinet

  • 3.5 Lab local exhaust ventilation / suction hood and indoor air quality ventilation system in good condition (no observation of abnormal chemical or gas smells)

  • 3.6 Appropriate PPE available (according to MSDS) & worn by all those using/handling the substance

  • 3.7 PPE is properly stored & in good condition

  • 3.8 Expired and waste substances are disposed of through approved Center of Waste Management Tadweer service providers. Records for chemical waste are available

4. Electrical

  • 4.1 Electrical cords properly secured & away from children (e.g. not across walkways/no trip hazards)

  • 4.2 All electrical plugs, sockets, leads, cords & switches are in good working order

  • 4.3 All electrical appliances are kept clear of wet areas

  • 4.4 Power boards are used in preference to double adaptors

  • 4.5 Electrical rooms locked to prevent unauthorized access. Also, electrical panel kept clear, locked and a warning sign displayed

  • 4.6 Electrical rooms are free of any storage items – no boxes, ladders

5. Indoor Air Quality

  • 5.1 No evidence of moisture leaks or mold around AC units

  • 5.2 No evidence of insects, pests, bird droppings etc

  • 5.3 No smoking policy enforced for all (students, employees, contractors, visitors) No Smoking signage present, no physical evidence of smoking – e.g. cigarette butts

6. Ergonomics

  • 6.1 Chairs, desks, monitors keyboard, mouse, phone & work layout are in good conditions

  • 6.2 Computer screens kept away from windows to avoid glare

  • 6.3 Lighting is adequate

  • 6.4 All furniture is fit for purpose & in food condition

7. Incidents

  • 7.1 Ensure reporting of Serious Health & Safety Incidents to ADEK OSH Section

  • 7.2 Number of reportable incidents:

  • 7.3 Ensure the recording of near misses and first aid cases in School Incident Register

  • 7.4 Number of recordable incidents :

  • 7.5 Ensure the investigation of all incidents (reportable using Form G1 and recordable using Form G2)

8. Comments or Additional Items

  • Our school not nominated yet regarding risk level

  • This Form must be filled by the OSH Officer / FM and Follow up all the actions above and keep it in the school OSH records

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