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PART145.A.40 Equipment, tools and material


  • 145.A.40(a) The organisation shall have available and use the necessary equipment, tools and material to perform the approved scope of work.

  • 145.A.40(a) (i). Where the manufacturer specifies a particular tool or equipment, does the organisation use that tool or equipment, unless the use of alternative tooling or equipment has been agreed by the competent authority via procedures specified in the exposition?

  • 145.A.40(a) (ii). Is equipment and tools permanently available, except in the case of any tool or equipment that is so infrequently used that its permanent availability is not necessary?

  • 145.A.40(a) (ii). Where equipment and tools are infrequently used and are not permanently available is there a procedure to ensure their availability?

  • 145.A.40(a) (iii). Does the organisation approved for base maintenance have sufficient aircraft access equipment and inspection platforms/docking such that the aircraft can be properly inspected?


  • 145.A.40(b) Does the organisation ensure that all tools, equipment and particularly test equipment, as appropriate, are controlled and calibrated according to an officially recognised standard at a frequency to ensure serviceability and accuracy?

  • 145.A.40(b) Are records of such calibrations and traceability to the standard used kept by the organisation?

Tooling reviewed

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Procedures Reviewed

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