Site conducted
Document No.
Conducted on
Site Supervisor
Site Access
Will pre deliveries of materials be required prior to slab pour due to site constraints ?<br>
Can delivers be stored on site ? <br>
Take a few photos of the location on site
Can delivers be stored on site ?
Take a few photos and advise the CA
Will an access track be required ? <br>Comments...<br><br><br>
When does it need to be installed ?
Take a photo of the driveway
Is a limestone / panel & post retaining wall is required? <br>
Is this before the slab or after the slab ?
Site Conditions
Does the site require grass cutting ?
Take some photos and advised the CA
Does the site require cleaning ? ( Sketch on Site Plan)<br>Comments ..<br>
Take some photos and advised the CA
Have nominated trees been removed ? <br><br>
Take some photos and advised the CA
Are there any existing structures on the site ? <br>
Take some photos and advised the CA
Are all survey pegs visible ?
How many pegs are found ?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
Take some photos of the pegs
Is a boundary re-peg required ? <br>
Are there any signs of asbestos on site ? <br>
Which side are affected ?
Take some photos and advised the CA
Existing Assets
Are there any existing fences or retaining walls / structures on boundaries ? <br>
Take some photos and advised the CA ( Customer will need to remove before construction starts)
Will any existing fences or retaining walls impede on construction area ? <br>
Take some photos and advised the CA
Will there be any underpinning required for the existing assets ? <br><br>
Take some photos and advised the CA
Is the site powered ? <br>(If overhead, show location of power pole, location of where cables cross over site and approximate height on the Site Plan)<br>
Is there overheads power running in front of the site ?<br>
Take photos of the overheads and a photo of the site plan being marked
Show location of power pole, location of where cables cross over site and approximate height on the Site Plan
Is there overheads power running down the side of the site ? ( Sketch on Site Plan)<br>
Take photos of this
Is there overheads power running over the site to the neighbors property ? ( Sketch on Site Plan)<br>
Take photos of this
Will any crane or machinery used reach within 6.4 meters of a power line ?<br>If YES, has a spotter been obtained ? THIS IS MANDATORY <br>
Will any crane or machinery used reach within 3 meters of a power line ?<br><br>If YES, has an application been made with our electrical company to have the lines sleeving ? THIS IS MANDATORY
Will scaffold be erected within 4 meters to the side or 5 meters below power lines ?<br>If YES, has an application been made with our electrical company to have the lines sleeving ? THIS IS MANDATORY<br>
Is there an existing water meter on site ? <br>If YES does it need to be replace or moved ?<br>Comment ..<br>
Existing service identified and marked out where possible ?<br>
Site Photographs
Have photos been taken of adjoining properties and their authority assets (footpaths, etc.)<br>
Add media
Has the site been photographed from across the road ? <br>
Add media
Have all existing assets been photographed including ? <br>
Has the site been photographed from each corner ? <br>
Add media
Date Completed
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