Description of Work Activity
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Pre-Start Safety Check Process - Engage your brain before your hands
The Pre-start / Take 5 check is a quick and simple method to help you assess your environment, the hazards within it and to keep you and others as safe as possible.
Use the Hazard identification checklist to help understand the working environment and the task. Ensure that you have the skills, tools and equipment required to do the task effectively and safely.
If you identify any hazards, use the Hazard Analysis to help identify methods of controlling the risk of incidents occurring:
- There is a Hazard Control Sheet available, tick this box and review the controls outlined in the sheet
- If it is a more complex task, complete a Job Safety and Environmental Analysis (JSEA)
- If neither of the above applies and the hazard is easy to control, write down the controls that you will implement
Implement the controls that you have identified in the Hazard analysis, then commence the task and complete it safely.
Continue to observe for changes in the work environment and task that may change the risks and adapt the control strategy. -
Hazard and Incident Reporting
All hazards and incidents (including the near miss event) require immediate reporting to your supervisor or team leader as soon as possible. If on a customer site, also notify the customer site supervisor or representative.
Motor vehicle accidents, regardless of nature, are also to be notified to your supervisor to team leader immediately.
Record key information relating to the hazard or incident:
- What happened
- Nature of any injury
- Person on persons involved
- Time of the event
- When notifications were made
- What actions were taken and by whom
- If a motor vehicle accident, record license and registration details of other parties.
I have informed SRC Office / Management of my location.
Slipping / Tripping
Ensure that the work are is clear of cables, boxes, etc. Check if floor is wet or icy. Apply good housekeeping principles around work environment. Check for water on floor areas, check for slippery surfaces and trip hazards.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Workplace Noise
Follow site requirements and signage as to when hearing protection is required. Wear hearing protection when required, even if it is not signposted. Wear hearing protection if in doubt.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Working Remotely / Working Alone
Follow site sign in / out requirements and ensure site is aware of your location / activity and anticipated duration of work. Establish regular communication protocol with supervisor, project or site persons as applicable. Service team apply SCCC protocol.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Emergency Access / Egress
Ensure site access / egress arrangements are understood. Ensure local work area access / egress ways are recognised and clear of obstructions.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Protection from Mobile Plant or Vehicle Traffic
Establish protection zones, use barriers and warning signs, use a spotter. Wear high visibility clothing.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Use of Mobile Plant and Equipment (i.e. Forklifts, EWP)
Only use with relevant training, competency and license. Carry out inspection of equipment and pre-start checks. Set up EWP to prevent tip over and consider overhead power.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Ensure lighting is appropriate for the task and that access and walkways are adequately lit. Use portable lighting if required or a torch for inspection purposes.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Dust, Fumes or Vapours
Ascertain nature of and sources of vapours or dust prior to commencing work activity. Vacate work area where fume or vapour gas hazard levels cannot be identified. Depending on nature of hazard, use extraction equipment or use fans. PPE (respirators) may be needed.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Excavation or Construction
Follow all site requirements and controls. Identify local and site hazards - consider mobile plant and equipment, overhead lifting activities / suspended loads, unprotected edges and fall potential, excavation and trenches.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Asbestos / Synthetic Mineral Fibres (SMF's)
Refer to site asbestos register and check if material is identified. If any material you are working on is suspected of containing asbestos, cease work and report the situation to the host client and your supervisor. If SMF's are identified, seek informational on work controls.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Hazard Substances / Dangerous Goods
Refer to labelling of substances and goods. Refer to Material Safety Data Sheets for hazard and product information and controls. Refer to site signage and placards.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Extreme Temperatures / Adverse Weather
In hot weather extremes, keep well hydrated, take frequent breaks, use broad brim hats and apply sunscreen. For strong wind warnings, avoid roof top work. Avoid working in the rain. Follow Bureau of Meteorology warnings.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Where Biohazards are present, refer to site controls and requirements. Follow client specific controls and processes, seek client advice where necessary.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Electric Shock
Electrical work must not be performed live. For any work above ELV, a registered qualified electrical contractor must be used and a JSEA must be completed. Identify and check for electrical hazards in the work area such as exposed connectors, exposed conductors, poor installation by others, overhead lines. Apply Siemens Electrical controls including isolation and LOTO requirements.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Working at Heights, Falls to Lower Levels
Consider if the work can be done at ground level or on a solid construction that has fall protection; can temporary work platforms be utilised or EWP's made available? Are individual fall arrest devices available? Where step ladders / ladders are used, ensure that they are appropriate for the task and correctly set up.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Confined Spaces
Confined space work is a high risk activity subject to Permit to Work processes, JSEA's and specific training and competencies.
Confined space work is NOT to be undertaken. Refer to you supervisor for further direction.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
RF Hazards
Identify dishes or other transmitting devices, particularly on roof tops. Obtain RF site information and maps to identify RF exclusion zones. Do not work or walk in front of transmitting devices.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Manual Handling
Use mechanical assistance or trolleys to assist in transport of items. Adopt good working postures as far as possible. Only manually carry, move or position items that you can manage and adopt good lifting techniques.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Hot Work - Welding, Grinding, Soldering
Follow site requirements for Hot Work and Permits. Area to be clear of flammable and combustible materials. Ensure that fire fighting equipment is on hand.
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Additional Hazard - Where work is considered high risk and outside the scope of routine activities, discuss with your supervisor and address the requirements in a stand alone JSEA.
Additional Hazard
Additional Risk level
Add media
Description of Hazard Identified
What will be the consequence?
What is the likelihood of occurrence?
Control Measure(s) Implemented
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
Actions taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Sign Off:
I / we understand the scope of this work and have received the training/induction and am fit to carry out this task
I am / we are legally licensed to carry out this work
I / We confirm that the appropriate PPE / tools are available and will be used
I / We feel safe performing the works and am / are able to focus on the task at hand
Additional Worker
Additional Worker