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Welcome to Toby Carvery 😀😀!!

Unless our business meets the standard our guests expect we run the risk of reduced sales, reduced profits, guest complaints and poor guest voice result. So, before we start the shift let's take a look at the guest perception. This checklist will talk you through what to look for and give you the opportunity to better how your guests see your business. Remember! The more you get this right the more guests will return and increase your business performance.. Let's get started!!

Outside: What would you expect?

  • All team cars in furthest spaces - including live in team and manager?

  • Beauty duty done pre opening (inc Breakfast)?

  • No non disabled cars in disabled bays?

  • Bins in yard and not visible?

  • All guest bins empty?

  • Front doors hooked open?

  • External baskets/plants alive & litter free?

  • 100% ciggie butt free?

  • Licensee plaque shining?

  • Challenge 21 poster and license present & correct?

  • Cask Marque plaque on display?

  • Garden/patio clean?

  • Parasols up (every other table)?

  • Plant pot ash trays on table?

  • Smoking shelter clean & well presented?

  • Anything else that's specific to your guest perception?

  • Are you ready to open for breakfast?

People: Does everyone look the part?

  • Correct name badges, challenge 21 badges & promotional badges worn as per brand standard?

  • No nail varnish or false nails?

  • Correct ear-rings?

  • Correct footwear?

  • No visible tattoos?

  • No canvas shoes?

  • Duty manager female: Blouse tucked into business trousers/skirt (tights worn if skirt), sensible black shoes with max 2" heel & closed toe?<br>Duty manager male : Collared shirt tucked into trousers (no jeans), clean shaven or established beard, black closed toe shoes?

Pub: First impressions

  • All real ale handles badged & guest facing?

  • All prices are correct?

  • Brass shiny on all pumps

  • Cask Marque runner present in front of ales

  • No more than 1 charity box

  • Optics all present, neat & full - no gaps & optic style matching?

  • Coffee machine & station all set up and looking good?

  • All fridge lights on and labels facing forward?

  • Ice & fruit ready for opening on back bar?

  • All bar tables are clean, set up with beer mats, pub food menus and chairs positioned correctly (no pub food menus on a Sunday)?

  • Machines are all refilled, switched on, clean including ATM and grabber?

  • Any machine out of order for more than 24 hours is called into MAB machines manager for escalation?

Restaurant: Set up for success?

  • Welcoming and set up for volume?

  • Table management system in use?

  • Each team member has an iServe and is in use?

  • Clean menus presented neatly?

  • Kids menus and crayons are available?

  • No hand written signs in the business?

  • Enough printed guest sat slips available for the day?

  • Correct napkins with perforated edge to top of setting?

  • All tables set for correct numbers?

  • Salt & pepper clean, full and positioned correctly?

  • Menu stands are clean and correctly set up?

  • Cutlery polished and straight?

Dressers & Highchairs: Set up for success?

  • Guest friendly on visibility?

  • Bin available?

  • Set up for volume with napkins, clean cutlery, cloths, till & EFT rolls?

  • No rubbish anywhere?

  • Drawers stocked?

  • EFT machines present at each station?

  • Till rolls changed ready for volume?

  • Highchairs all stored away and not in guest areas?

  • Highchairs clean & safe?

  • Correct furniture reset into correct location ready for trade?

General: The finer details

  • No light bulbs out.. Check Toilets, Pub, Restaurant, Kitchen and Cellar etc?

  • Music on at conversational level in all zones?

  • Television is on ready for breakfast. Set to news channel (Sky TV to correct sporting event if fitted), no sound with subtitles showing?

  • Meeting rooms (if applicable) <br>Vacant: set for show around, set in best configuration with pens, pads cordials and water available?<br>Occupied: Coffee station set up, Lunch options offered & team all aware of the meeting?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.