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JL FEM Production LPA
Your Name
Select a work area
Select the JL FEM workstation or cell/area
- AGC Station 2
- AGC Station 3
- AGC Station 5
- AGC Station 6
- AGC Station 7
- AGC Station 10
- AGC Station 11
- AGC Station 13
- ECM Sub Assembly
- Assembly Kitting
Select the JL/JT Carrier work station
- Rivnut Station 1
- Rivnut Station 2
- Turntable Station 3
- Turntable Station 4
- Turntable Station 5
- Turntable Station 6
- Compression Limiter 1
- Compression Limiter 2
- Compression Limiter 3 (LWR Rivnut)
Which shift are you auditing?
Name of operator at station
JL FEM - MGT SF 092-2 LPA Form Rev 0 content 11/16/18
High Risk - Verify the "Critical Safety/Quality" section of the OK to Produce Process was completed for this operation
Audit one of the following items from the OK to Produce for this process to verify compliance (Quality/Safety Alerts [no expired alerts posted], Training Matrix, First Piece Approval, In Process Verification). If a NC is found, alert the Production and Dept. Manager immediately.
High Risk - Verify there is a signed process/product deviation in place for any equipment, torques or labeling in by-pass and that the operator understands and is following the deviation
Verify an error proofing device works as intended. (Focus on high RPNs from the PFMEA) If not, is there a reaction plan for these devices?
Verify Rabbit documentation is filled out in accordance with the procedure using the proper nomenclature. (Are all error proofing devices verified as scheduled?)
Ensure the Standard Operation Sheet and Job Element Sheet are located in the work cell
Verify appropriate PPE is called out on the SOS and worn by the operator
Verify the Team Member is following the MES including any known quality issues
If the JES calls out any key process symbols or customer interface characteristics, verify the operator understands the reasoning behind the denoted checks
Does the team member understand what determines clean vs. soiled contents in a drum? (Refer to QA below)
Clean rags - yellow step can. Soiled rags - red step can.
High Risk - Verify any torques are at the correct setting and in compliance (torque settings are noted on the torque boxes)
Verify required inspections are being completed
If inspection is done at this station, are visual aids present? (select N/A if no inspection is conducted)
High Risk - Ensure quality gate/verification station operations for this part are being followed for any relevant customer or internal quality issues.
Verify corrective actions are in place for the NCTs below if they apply to the station being audited
Review packaging instructions and ensure stacking/packing techniques of parts is appropriate/safe. Ensure FIFO practices are being followed.
High Risk - Verify the operator is green in the OJT for all required operations
Review 3 completed product assemblies to ensure conformance including proper part identification and packing technique
Is the line balance available in the work area?
Verify gauge instructions are available for all gauges in use for this program if applicable
Verify the Safety, Quality, Timing, Cost, and Morale metrics have been updated for the last working shift prior to the start of today's shift for that team. (Ex: 2nd shift needs to update the last 2nd shift metrics prior to the start of today's 2nd shift)
Example of acceptable status
Verify Autonomous Maintenance is up to date if applicable.
Are all master and secondary documents controlled with a form number?
Do all communication documents have a document name, initiator name and date?
Verify any non-conforming parts have been properly identified with a red tag/tape and placed in the NC area. Note, if any NC is found, an action item is required and NC must be contained/corrected within 24 hrs.
Issue Specific Questions
Is the ECM rack padding being utilized?
Is the ECM guard being utilized?
Assign an action item for any continuous improvement items
Please review any findings with the area TL or Production Manager
If you completed this audit on a shared device/tablet, please sign out of the device once you complete this audit.