Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Auditor

  • Process

  • Part number

Purchasing- AS9100


  • Is there a procedure to control Purchasing?

  • Are Purchase orders approved prior to Purchasing?

  • Are there training records available for the signatories for these purchases?

  • Does the skills matrix reflect the skill levels of the purchasing department personnel?<br>Does training cover an understanding of:<br>Counterfeit parts,<br>Product safety

Process Audit

  • Have the purchase orders been raised against an approved source?

  • Were the suppliers approved at the time of purchase?

  • Is there a procedure to control Purchasing?

  • Did the purchase orders contain the minimum requirements?

  • Were the product/process details on the purchase order correct?

  • Were the customer release conditions correct?

  • Are documents and records retained and controlled?<br>Has the organisation communicated the requirements for the control of documents and records retained by the supplier?

Supplier Controls

  • Is there evidence of Supplier performance? What KPI's are in place?

  • Is there a process for supplier de-selection?

  • Are suppliers reviewed as part of the annual Management Review?


  • Auditor

  • Name of Auditee

  • Any NCRs have been accepted as a true reflection of any findings

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