General information
State audit area and month conducted in format MMM-YY
Conducted on
This audit checklist is based on Engineering procedure HS-A1-WI.3.APPENDIX1 Issue 01.<br>Before using it confirm this is the latest version.
Name of manager or nominated person conducting the inspection.
Is GM/SM in attendance (only required every third month as per schedule)?
Walkround inspection checklist based on HS-A1-WI.3 APPENDIX1 hangar and base apron checklist.
Record if each question is satisfactory - Yes, No or N/A.
To record observations tap on the question box to open a text field. -
1. Are safety signs correctly displayed and in good condition ? (Emergency evacuation,fire points PPE,warnings etc)<br> Ref HS-A17.
2. Are floors,stairs,fire doors, walkways and evacuation routes free from obstruction and trip hazards?<br>Ref HS-A1
3. Review the H&S establishment document. Are staff current with the required training?<br>Ref HS-A1-WI.5
4. Are break glass alarm points and fire fighting equipment easily accessible and free from obstruction?<br>Ref HS-A1-WI.6
5. Are door vision panels clear and door closing mechanisms functioning correctly?<br>
6. Are flammable substances capped and stored in dedicated flammable cupboards (unless in use), with the quantity not exceeding 50 litres? <br>Ref HS-A13.
7. Are kitchen areas clean and tidy?
8. Are toilet and wash facilities clean and in good condition?<br>Ref HS-A4.
9. Are all areas adequately lit, including provisions for emergency lighting?<br>
10. Sample 10 portable electrical appliances. Do they have a valid test date? (complete details of area inspected)<br>Ref HS-A3.
11. Are electrical wall sockets, plugs and cables free of damage?<br>Ref HS-A3 and HS-A15
12. Are machine guards in place and in good condition?<br>Ref HS-A3
13. Sample 5 staff. Is appropriate PPE available for the task being performed and the staff members compliant with its use?(Record name/ staff number/task being carried out/PPE worn. (Tap question to enter details) <br>Ref HS-A7
Tap to add samples
14. Are the contents of first aid boxes complete?<br>Ref HS-A11<br>
15. Are the names and contact numbers of first aiders current and displayed?<br>Ref HS-A11
16. Are eye wash stations fully stocked and bottles within expiry date?<br>Ref HS-A11
17. Are current H&S minutes available to staff?<br>Ref HS-A10
18. Has the previous monthly H&S workplace inspections been conducted, actions completed and signed off?<br>Ref HS-A1-WI.3
19. Are computer workstations set up correctly and DSE assessments completed for each user?<br>Ref HS-A6
20. Are disabled facilities , alarm, lights, grab rails etc in good condition?<br>Ref HS-A4
21. Are company vehicles in a roadworthy condition and in a good housekeeping condition?
22. Is the apron area clear of FOD?
23. Are bowser valve/taps free from leaks with serviceable caps/lids closed unless in use?
24. Are bowsers/chemicals stored away from drains?
25. Where oil bowsers/drums with over 200L capacity are stored outside the hangar, are they in a serviceable bunded facility or similarly contained?
26. Are all waste oil/skydrol drip trays containers empty?
27. Are all chemical storage areas/containers free from corrosion and leakages?<br>Ref EN-ENV-EV-S8-P3
28. Are all hazardous materials stored with the appropriate signage & time expired materials removed?<br>
29. Are all waste containers labelled and waste appropriately segregated?<br>Ref EN-ENV-EV-S8-P4.
30. Are spill kits adequately stocked and locked? Is the spill response plan displayed and up to date?<br>Ref EN-ENV-EV-S8-P3.
31. Are mobile and deluge showers operational and in good condition?<br>Ref EN-ENV-HH-S7-P22-WI.2
32. Are local COSHH assessments available and up to date?<br>EN-ENV-HH-S6-P1
Additional comments
Completion signoff
Signature of manager/nominee confirming inspection checklist is completed.
Signature of GM or SM if in attendance ( every third month)
Send completed checklist to area team manager for review and to ensure findings are addressed and copy yourself.
You will receive a copy of the PDF inspection report. Save this in the appropriate inspection area folder on the management drive in 09 - Audits