- ARKLATEX - Little Rock
- ARKLATEX - Shreveport
- ARKLATEX - New Orleans
- BOR - El Paso
- BOR - McAllen, Del Rio, Laredo
- DFW - Dallas
- DFW - Fort Worth
- NMOK - New Mexico
- NMOK - Oklahoma
- SCT - Austin
- SCT - Houston
- SCT - San Antonio
Conducted on
Prepared by
Building Number / Name
Please describe how this review is being conducted.
Tenant Interview
Are service calls responded to and resolved promptly?
Does GSA communicate building information effectively?
Do you have specific space-related needs that have not been addressed?
Are you aware of GSA Sustainability and Energy goals? (water and energy reduction)
Are project schedules provided and updated regularly?
Are project estimates accurate?
Are projects delivered on time and within budget?
What can we do to improve?
Program Compliance
Program Reviewer
Tenant Agency Representative