
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Roof and plant room areas

  • Are all access ladders and stairways in sound condition?

  • Is roof access secure and the door/s corrected marked 'no access' or similar?

  • Are the Height Safety systems (anchors, BMU, fall arrest etc) up to date and compliant?

  • Is the roofing material secure and gutters clear?

  • Are all loose materials removed from the roof or firmly secured?

  • Are confined spaces identified and labelled?

  • Are refrigerant gas alarms (if installed) functioning and calibrated correctly?

  • Is all plant and equipment operating as expected?

  • Is the operation of heating and cooling in line with outside weather conditions?

  • Is the plant room free of any water leaks?

  • Is the plant room clean and tidy?

  • Are all chemicals correctly stored and MSDS present?

  • Are spill kits present and stocked accordingly?

Facilities Management Systems

  • Is the Contractor induction box/book secured and correctly filled out?

  • Is a First Aid kit present and up to date?

  • Are the high risk hazards identified in the PRA addressed?

  • Is the Hazardous Materials report up to date?

Common areas

  • Are all floors and surfaces in good condition?

  • Are all egress paths and stairs clear from obstructions?

  • Are the emergency evacuation plans clearly displayed and up to date?

  • Is the lighting adequate and working correctly?

  • Are the light diffusers free of dirt, cobwebs, insects?

  • Are vacant Tenant spaces clean and presentable?

  • Are all restricted access areas secured?

Fire Services

  • Have the fire extinguishers, hydrants and hose reels been tagged in the last 6 months?

  • Are the fire hose reel cupboards free of stored materials and clutter?

  • Are the fire pumps regularly maintained and operational?

  • is a spill kit present and stocked accordingly?

  • Is the diesel fuel stored correctly?

  • Are the emergency exit signs illuminated?

  • Is the AESMR on track for 100% compliance by the due date?

Bathrooms (All Levels)

  • Have the bathroom basins and mirrors been cleaned to an acceptable standard, free from streaks and soap residue?

  • Have the bathroom toilet pans and urinals been cleaned to acceptable standard, free from staining and soil?

  • Are the bathroom walls and floors clean and free from marks and stains?

  • Have the waste bins been emptied and relined?

  • Are the bathrooms free from damage?

  • Is the floor free from slip or trip hazards?

  • Are the toilets in working order? i.e. no blockages, no running cisterns?

  • Are the toilet requisites being stocked and maintained?

  • Is the bathroom equipment in place and working? i.e. Soap dispensers and sanitary bins?

End of Trip Facilities

  • Are the showers clean and free from dirt/mould and damage?

  • Is the room in a general clean condition and free from damage and objects?

  • Is the area free from water leaks and slip hazards?

  • Is the locker area neat and tidy?

Main Entrance internal common area

  • Do the auto doors operate properly ?

  • Is the entry mat clean and securely fixed?

  • Is the public/common area clean and free of damage?

  • Are the lights working properly?

  • Are the light diffusers free of dirt, cobwebs, insects?

  • Is the Directory Board up to date?

  • Is all signage authorised and installed to a high standard?

  • Are the lifts operating correctly and walls, floor and door tracks clean?

Building External

  • Is the forecourt/entry area free from damage, slip and trip hazards?

  • Are all fire doors and hydrant cupboards secure?

  • Are the external walls/surfaces clean and free from damage?

  • Does the Façade appear clean and free from damage?

  • Are stair nosings/tactiles secure and free from slip/trip/obstacle hazards?

  • Is the External lighting free from damage?

  • Are the external light fittings clean and free of cobwebs/insects?

  • Is the Bin area secured and neat/tidy?

  • Are the rubbish bins clean and appear to be emptied regularly?

  • Are the landscaped areas free from rubbish?

  • Is the landscaping neat and tidy? i.e. - free from weeds, trees properly secured and planters filled to pavement level

Car park areas/BOH

  • Does the Car park ventilation system appear to be working correctly?

  • Is the car park lighting free from damage?<br>

  • Are grease traps serviced as per regulations?

  • Are sump pumps operational and regularly serviced?

  • Is the car park free from trip/slip/fire hazards? i.e. loose building materials, incorrectly stored archives etc

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.