Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Key 1: Fatal Risk: Trailer Pulls
Do they have a trailer pull procedure/laminated posted?
At least 3 points of protection?
Are the physical points of contact functioning (I.e. lights)?
Are there communications between the yard and the warehouse?
Do they have "Near Miss" or "Incident Investigation" on this F/R?
Proof of prior fatal risk audits?
Interview at least one member of management and one associate:
Manager Comments:
Associate Comments:
Key 1: Fatal Risk: Working on Heights
Walk through the entire procedure (site specific plan) key points to look for:
Cage is cabled/chained to the lift at two points secured with a lock (no exceptions)? Tyne lock checked?
Does facility have shock absorbent lanyards only-must be attached closest to body.
Equipment in good condition? (i.e. full body harness, lanyard, load straps, cage-inside is clean of debris, and storage area)
All certifications for lift and fall are current? (Check at least one)
List of all qualified members/interview two of them? (Check records)
Interview at least One Member of Management and One Associate on the F/R:
Management Comments:
Associate Comments:
Key 1: Fatal Risk- Lock Out/ Tag Out
Walk through the entire procedure (site specific plan). Key points to look for:
All energy is controlled by each associate working on the equipment?
Associates working on the job have their own lock on the equipment ? Only one per lock?
Check for certifications and re-certifications.
Tag devices used and verify documents from prior lockouts?
Interview at least one member of management and one associate on F/R:
Management Comments
Associates Comments:
Key 2: Total Communication
Do they have Pre-shift meetings? Are Pre-shift meetings being held on the production floor? (At least two weeks). If yes use comment area to answer if they are effective and how many per week- ask two associates
Has a demonstration during a pre-shift meeting been done in the last 2 weeks?
Does facility have proof of contractors agreements signed for that year.
Are Pre-shift meetings being held at recent incident/ accident locations?
Are they involved in a safety committee? (Check minutes for quality and quantity of meetings)
Do they have a yard safety committee and are the performing audits?
Are there internal operations meetings? If so, are safety observations discussed?
Is management invisible on the floor during your walk through? Check 100 or 10% random observation cards for 50% using that seven criteria. Also 50% of observation done interior of facility.
Are safety alerts and proactive alerts generated by the facility and are they used during the preshift meetings? (Ask 3 EE's).
Is the Take Five with SLAM process understood? Ask two Associates and one supervisor for an example. (Remember the five questions)
Is ALARP understood by the facility? (Key things: housekeeping, spills, pallets sticking out, putaways, etc.)
Key 3: Security
Is facility using visitors sign in log and asking to see picture ID?
Are the management teams using the Facility Closedown Checklist? If so check documentation if not speak with manager and record remarks in the comment section.
Are unused lockers secured with zip ties?
Are unused seals and BOL's stored in a locked cabinet?
Are background checks done on employees, new hires and management members?
Does facility have a lock box for powered equipment keys on off hrs?
If facility is fenced, is the fenced checked for holes, trees penetrating and fence sway?
Does the facility have a designated area for none conformance product and or hight dollar product, is there a process for access?
Check door seals and ensure numbers/seals have not been tampered with.
Is the managing incidents involving theft security breaches posted?
The facility using the process of Damaged Product Verification and Disposal Form? If so verify documentation and pictures. If not speak with manager and record remarks in comment section.
Are porter bins and dumpsters being checked for recorded damage product? If so, verify by checking Safe Operation Cards for documented checks. If not, speak with manager and record remarks in comment section
Our inventory spot checks being performed by GM/FM monthly? Check procedure to ensure that one pick-slot is being verified a month.
Are fraud posters visible and clean?
Facility using clear trash bags and clear trashcan liners?
Do they have a powered equipment lock box, is process being used?
Is dumpster secured locked? (camera pointed on Dumpster?)
Are CSR/Security guards using the drivers sign in picture ID verification log?
Is there a policy for signing in/out scan guns and used, show proof?
Key 4: Compliance (Training)
Do they have documentation for blood-borne and HAZCOM training of all affected associates? (Check files randomly)
Are PPE checklists laminated and posted at applicable areas?
Are sanitation wipes available?
Is there a new hire-training program?
Does facility have new hire/re-training videos available?
Is Spanish training material available at the facility?
Is new safety compliance check sheet being completed and filed for record keeping?
Do they have documented powered equipment training? (Check 2 EE)
Are steel toe shoes used? Have they introduced the new boot program? (Randomly check at least five associates)
Do they have an emergency evacuation plan for site-specific emergencies with documented drills? (note the date of the last drill in the comments area)
Do a associates know where the evacuation meeting areas are? (Both floor in office personnel). Are evacuation areas labeled?
Are horns being used?
Are they using the coaster correct?
Are they utilizing seatbelts?
Do they have four points of protection?
Do associates know where the data plate on equipment is?
Observe at least four associates on powered equipment.
What was the last product that was received that required an MSDS? Does the facility have a copy of the MSDS in there MSDS book?
Does the facility have copies of their OSHA 300a? (Check for the last three years)
Does the facility have blood-borne kits available?
Are up-to-date insurance postings posted?
Key 5: Incident Investigation (Assurance, no Reassurance)
Do they have a copy of the Incident Investigation Protocol laminated posted?
Do they follow the incident investigation protocol? (Interview two prior associates)
Our investigations thorough? (Randomly select 2 prior incidents and walk through the incidence with the team.)
Was the root cause found and understood? (Use the two randomly selected investigations)
Are corrective actions assigned?
Are corrective actions followed up on and documented?
Does the facility broadly communicate incidents?
Walk Through Warehouse Inspection:
Is there a sanitation book available and are policies and procedures up-to-date?
Conditions of Racks (Bent, damaged, debris hanging, etc.)
Condition of Reserve/Putaways product (all products secured)
Conduct inspection of propane/battery/cut resistant PPE and take a picture of the area.
Exterior of door is clear of cigarette butts, rocks, etc.
Are PRICE signs posted kit readily available?
Condition of floors (clean, expansion joints, holes, etc.)
Check all bathrooms for latches on the stalls and latches are working properly. Ensure that each bathroom is clear before entering by knocking and announcing your presents.
Condition of fire extinguishers/P.M. up to date?
Condition of the overhead lights?
Dock lights working? *Note: all fixtures must have a lightbulb in them
Condition of the overhead doors?
Condition of pallet area? (at the end of aisles: max 15 height)
Pallets to be used by employees are ranged in the green area?
Exit lights working and in good condition?
Exit doors clear?
Condition of rook top, any safety/sanitation issues found?
Condition of the maintenance shop?
Condition of eyewash stations/P.M.ed?
Condition of the dock plates? Ask if any plates require a hook to open or close please note
Do they have a dock plate inspection program and document?<br>
Condition of ammonia room?
Are electrical boxes and panels labeled with the proper labels? I.e. power, PPE
Do E stops have documented checks to ensure they are functioning properly to be completed monthly?
Condition of the outside perimeter of the building? (Check exterior lights)
Do evacuation areas have permanent labels?
Is a spill kit available-2 or more bags of floor dry. Area should be labeled.