
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Risk Register

  • Is the statement of intent in place and in date?

  • Have the club been recording EHO?

  • Date of last EHO visit

  • Is the H&S register information in place and up to date?

  • Has the H&S register been read and signed off by all Managers?

  • Have the club been recording Fire Officers visits?

  • When was the last date the Fire Officer was on site

  • Are the premises details up to date?

  • Are the club using the daily inspection checklists?

  • When hazards have been identified have they been recorded and completed?

  • Are the club checking to ensure the fire escapes are clean and clear

  • Are there up to date and easy to use fire evacuation procedures in place?

  • Have ALL the staff been trained in fire evacuation procedures?

  • Have the staff been trained to use the fire extinguishers?

  • Are there up to date records of the fire alarm system?

  • Are the weekly fire alarm testing records in place and completed?

  • Is the fire alarm linked to a monitoring station?

  • Is there an up to date list of fire doors in place and are the doors inspected and recorded on a monthly basis?

  • Are the removal of the fire exit chains and Clarke bars records completed and up to date?

  • Are there up to date fire alarm servicing records in place and have all outstanding issues raised been completed?

  • Date of last fire alarm service

  • Are the fire extinguishers listed, checked and recorded on a monthly basis

  • Have all the fire extinguishers been serviced and maintained

  • Date of Fire Extinguisher service

  • Is there a list or a plan of all the location of all the emergency lights?

  • Are the emergency lights tested and recorded monthly

  • Are there up to date servicing records for the emergency lights and have all the outstanding issues been resolved?

  • Date of last emergency light service

  • Is there a detailed and up to date fire risk assessment in place and have all actions raised been completed and signed off by the GM?

  • Date of last FRA?

  • Are the toilet checks in place and recorded?

  • Have all the GM quarterly audits been completed and any issues raised resolved?

  • Is there a current electrical inspection in place for the club?

  • Date of last electrical inspection

  • Was the inspection satisfactory or unsatisfactory?

  • Have all the category 1's and 2's that were raised been completed or are they still outstanding?

  • Is there a current PAT test in place?

  • Date of last PAT test

  • Has all failed equipment been removed from site, repaired or replaced?

  • Is there a generator on site and if so has it been inspected and serviced?

  • Has the gas boiler been serviced and any issues raised resolved?No evidence on site GM to action and record

  • Date of last boiler service?

  • Has the kitchen equipment been serviced, maintained and any outstanding issues resolved?

  • Has the kitchen extract been cleaned and recorded on an annual basis?

  • Date of last kitchen extract clean

  • Have the kitchen filters been changed?

  • Date of last kitchen filter change?

  • Is there a current 5 yearly structural survey in place?

  • Date of last inspection

  • Have all issues raised in the report been resolved?

  • Is there an asbestos report in place?

  • Date of last asbestos report?

  • Has all the asbestos been clearly identified and labelled?

  • Have all the issues raised in the report been completed?

  • Have staff received any asbestos awareness training?

  • Do contractors when they come to site receive information on the location of the asbestos?

  • Is there a legionella risk assessment in place?

  • Date of last legionella assessment

  • Have all outstanding issues raised from the report been actioned?

  • Has there been any major changes to the water system since the last assessment?

  • Are there up to date records of regular flushing and temperature checking?

  • Are there monthly records in place for Guardian Water to complete monthly testing?

  • Are there records of legionella sampling?

  • Ate of last legionella sample

  • Have staff received training in regards to their roles and responsibilities?

  • Are there up to date servicing records for the ventilation system

  • Date of last service?

  • Has the lifts been fully maintained and serviced?

  • Date of service of the lifts

  • In the event that the lift gets stuck are there procedures in place to ensure safe extraction?

  • Is there a list in place of all equipment that requires a statutory inspection?

  • Coffee machines

  • Lifts

  • Expansion vessels

  • Boilers

  • Lifting gear

  • Ladders

  • Are all statutory inspections up to date and outstanding actions completed?

  • Are monthly PPE checks in place and recorded?

  • Is there an up to date tool list and is it inspected on a monthly basis?

  • Are all ladders/scaffold towers checked and recorded on an monthly basis?

  • Is there a Mansafe system in place?

  • If there is a Man Safe system in place has it been inspected and serviced?

  • If there is a Man Safe system in place are there any harnesses/lanyards in place?

  • Are waste transfer notes in place for general waste, cooking oil and feminine hygiene

  • Is there any evidence of ladder or scaffold tower training?

  • Is there a First Aider on shift at all times?

  • Are the First Aid supply's checked and recorded monthly?

  • Have all staff received a H&S training induction?

  • Have all staff received manual handling training?

  • Have all staff received chemical training?

  • Have all the kitchen staff received food hygiene training?

  • Are the kitchen and bar food hygiene diaries being completed and recorded?

  • Are there up to date MSDS sheets and COSHH assessments in place?

  • Are cleaning contractors employed on site?

  • Are contractors controlled and managed on site?

  • Are there hot works permits in place and have staff received training in there use?

  • If cleaning contractors are employed do the club have up to date chemical training records, public and employees insurances, up to date MSDS/COSHH assessments and have the staff been inducted/fire trained?

  • Are all risk assessments in place up to date and staff trained in the control measures?

  • Are lone working risk assessments in place and adhered to?

  • Have DSE assessments been completed and actioned?

  • Are tables checked and recorded?

  • Are car jockeys employed? If yes are risk assessments in place, training and the cars regularly serviced and maintained?

  • Is H&S discussed, reviewed and documented at monthly Management meetings

  • Has the external marketing sign received its annual inspection?

Club Safety Tour

  • Is the car park in a good State of repair?

  • Is the entrance to the club in a good state of repair?

  • Is the reception clean, tidy and in a good state of repair?

  • Are the offices clean, tidy and in a good state of repair?

  • Is the battle box in place and fully stocked?

  • Is the main gaming floor clean and clear of any problems?

  • Is the Poker Gaming floor clean and clear of any problems?

  • Is the slots area in a good state of repair?

  • Is the restaurant in a good state of repair?

  • Are the public toilets clean and in a good state of repair?

  • Is the kitchen clean and tidy and in a good state of repair?

  • Is the bar area clean and clear and in a good state of repair?

  • Is the cellar clean clear and in a good state of repair?

  • Are all fire escapes clean, clear and accessible for all users?

  • Are all fire doors in a good state of repair and kept closed?

  • Are there any areas that are compromised by fire compartment ideation issues?

  • Are all cleaners areas clean and tidy?

  • Are all storage areas clean and tidy?

  • Are all floors walls and ceilings in a good state of repair?

  • Are all electrical distribution cupboards clear of all combustible material?

  • Is the IT room clear of all combustible material an in a good state of repair?

  • Is the boiler house clean, clear and in a good state of repair?

  • Are the ventilation plant areas clear of all combustible material?

  • Are staff rooms clean tidy and in a good state of repair?

  • Is the roof and upper levels safe to access?

  • Are the toilets and changing rooms clean tidy and in a good state of repair?

  • Are the external bin areas clean and tidy?

  • Auditors signaturexx

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.