Title Page
Conducted on
Conducted by
Area inspected:
- Production
- Raw Materials
- Shipping
- Maintenance
- Offices
- Labs
- 201 Building
- Training Center / Resisto Warehouse
Please list any safety improvements since last assessment.
Are all emergency exits lights clearly visible, functioning correctly, properly lit up, and clear of obstructions?<br>
Are emergency exits free of obstacles?<br>
Are all fire extinguishers accessible, clearly visible, and recently inspected?<br>
Are all 1st Aid Kits accessible and properly stocked?<br>
Are eye wash stations capped and working properly when tested? Are emergency showers clean and accessible?<br><br>
Are tornado areas identified, accessible, and clear of obstacles?<br>
Are spill kits available and properly stocked?<br>
Are all employees wearing required PPE? (This includes ANSI rated eyewear in the plant and yard, and hearing protection in the winder area)<br>
General housecleaning: Is the area clean and in good order?<br>
Are all walkways, floors, and stairs clear of objects, obstructions, spills, and slip/trip hazards?<br>
Are wastes properly segregated?<br>
Are all secondary containers properly labeled?<br>
Are water heaters and furnaces clear of obstructions (3' min) and any flammable/combustible objects? (also check customer service storage closet)<br>
Are all equipment and machine guards in place and in good condition?<br>
Are all manufacturing and warehouse doors, gates, and chains in good condition and properly closed, secured, or latched? (include especially upper level closures)<br>
Are floors, outdoor areas, equipment, and other surfaces clear of any excessive dust, dirt, rust, or loose materials? <br>
Are propane valves locked in the off position?<br>
There are no unusually strong odors or decrease in air quality today.<br>
There are no visible emissions coming from the plant or any associated building or tank.<br>
Are all electrical panels properly closed, secured, and labeled/tagged (LOTO, if applicable)?<br>
Are all areas in front of electrical enclosures (36") clear of obstructions?<br>
Are all electrical cords safe and in good condition (not frayed,exposed, or damaged, and not creating a trip hazard)?<br>
Are lights off in unoccupied areas and unused equipment powered down?<br>
Are all racks and shelving units secure, safe, and properly loaded?<br>
Are all hazardous materials and haz mat wastes labeled and stored in proper areas/containers?<br>
Are all liquid/gas cylinders in good condition and properly secured and capped? Are they properly segregated?<br>
Are all tanks and waste barrels under retention? Are they showing any sign of leaking or damage?<br>
Are all materials safely stored, not stacked too high, and not posing a fall over risk?<br>
Are flam cabinets neat, organized, free of spills and rusty parts or containers? Are the tops clear of all items?<br>
Are flam cabinets grounded, below rated capacities, and have an updated inventory list posted?<br>
Vehicles and Pedestrians
Are pedestrian lanes clearly marked, unfaded, free of objects, obstacles, and debris?<br>
Are traffic lanes and storm drains in good condition, free of obstacles and debris including ice or water?<br>
Are lift drivers operating at an appropriate speed, honoring stop signs and slowing/honking at intersections or when reversing?<br>
Are external truck operators driving at an appropriate speed, wearing reflective clothing, and using proper load/unload safety measures? (Orange barrel and airline lock for full truck load. Wheel chocks and orange barrel for LTL)<br>
Specific Checks
Shipping Inspector: Are the silo access areas (ladders, etc) secured? Are shut off valves near silos in good condition? Look for cracks, breaks and corrosion.<br>
Shipping Inspector: Are the silos, asphalt pump house, and retention pond areas tidy and free of leaks, debris, and emissions?<br>
Production, Resisto Warehouse Inspectors: Emergency sprinkler system locked in on position?<br>
Maintenance Inspector: Are grinder wheels the required distance from grinder tables?<br>
Additional observations:
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