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  • Conducted on (Date and Time)

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1.) School Emergency and Crisis Preparedness Planning

  • 1. Is there a School Safety and Threat Assessment Team in place?

  • 2. How many staff within the school are members of the team?

  • 3. Please provide contact information for each team member and their official title within the school.

  • 4. Is there an Emergency Plan in place for your facility that contains procedures to be followed in case of fire, severe weather, earthquake, and if a building lockdown is required?

  • 5. How many first responder agencies have a copy of the Emergency Plan along with a diagram of the facility?

  • 6. At the end of the last school year was the Emergency Plan reviewed by the school council, the principal, and available for first responders?

  • 7. Have primary and secondary evacuation routes for all rooms located within the school been established?

  • 8. Are these routes posted in each room by any doorway used for evacuation?

  • 9. Have the best available severe weather safe zones been identified?

  • 10. Are the locations of these safe zones posted in each room of the school?

2.) Security, Crime, and Violence Prevention Policies and Procedures

  • 1. Does your facility require ALL visitors to report to the front office of the building?

  • 2. Does your facility require ALL visitors to provide valid identification upon reporting?

  • 3. Does your facility require ALL visitors to state the purpose of their visit?

  • 4. Does your facility require a "visitor's badge" to be visibly displayed on the visitors' outer garment?

  • 5. Does your facility require appointments from visitors?

  • 6. Has your school adopted a trauma-informed approach to education in order to better recognize, understand, and address the learning needs of students, including those who have been traumatized, can be safe, successful, and known by at least one adult within the school setting?

  • 7. Does your trauma informed plan include at a minimum, strategies for: enhancing trauma awareness throughout the school community, conducting an assessment of the school climate, including but not limited to inclusiveness and diversity, developing trauma-informed discipline policies, collaborating with the Department of Kentucky State Police, the local Sheriff, and the Chief of Police, to create procedures for notification of student involved trauma and provide services and programs designed to reduce the negative impact of trauma, support critical learning, and foster a positive and safe school environment for every student?

  • 8. Beginning July 21, 2021 or as funds and qualified personnel become available, each school district and each public charter school shall employ at least (1) school counselor in each school with the goal of having (1) school counselor for every (250) students and the school counselor spending (60%) or more of his or her time in direct service to students. Does your school have a school counselor at this time and do they meet the requirements of this Act?

  • 9. How do you or how will you document the percentage of time the school counselor will spend in direct service to students?

  • 10. Do you currently have a trauma-informed team to identify and assist students whose learning, behavior, and relationships have been impacted by trauma?

  • 11. Does your school counselor or mental health services provider conduct training, provide guidance and assistance to other administrators, teachers and staff?

  • 12. Are you aware of the anonymous reporting tool maintained by the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security?

  • 13. Have you, the principal, provided written notice to all students, parents, and guardians of students within (10) days of the first instructional day of each year of the provisions of KRS 508.078 and potential penalties under KRS 532.060 and 534.030 upon conviction?

  • 14. Are you aware of the program "Handle With Care?"

3.) Physical Security Measures

  • 1. Has your school developed and does it currently adhere to practices to control access to each school building?

  • 2. Is your facility controlling outside access to exterior doors during the day?

  • 3. Is your facility controlling the main entrance of the school with electronically locking doors, a camera, and an intercom system?

  • 4. Is your facility controlling access to individual classrooms?

  • 5. Does your facility require classroom doors to be equipped with hardware the allows the door to be locked from the outside but opened from the inside?

  • 6. Does your facility require classroom doors to remain closed and locked during instructional time?

  • 7. Does your facility require classroom doors with windows to be equipped with material to quickly cover the window during a building lockdown?

  • 8. What, if any other, physical security measures are in place at this facility?

  • 9. Does your facility allow students access while carrying backpacks that have not been searched or scanned?

  • 10. Does your facility allow for separation of personally owned vehicles and school buses during drop off and pick up times?

  • 11. Does your facility have access to crosswalks at main roads that could possibly be used for access by students?

4.) Professional Development Training Needs

  • 1. Has the principal discussed the emergency plan with all school staff prior to the first instructional day of each school year and has this been documented?

  • 2. Who is the professional development coordinator for your facility?

  • 3. Has your school provided suicide prevention awareness information in person, by live streaming, or via video recording to all students?

  • 4. Are staff members that are hired throughout the year provided suicide prevention materials for review?

  • 5. Have all employees that have job duties requiring direct contact with students in grades 6-12 attended a minimum of (1) hour of high quality suicide prevention training, including signs and symptoms?

  • 6. Have all your school district employees, with job duties requiring direct contact with students, attended training on how to respond to an active shooter situation that was at least (1) hour in length?

  • 7. Are staff members that are hired throughout the year provided materials on how to respond to an active shooter situation?

  • 8. What is your policy on training substitute teachers on suicide prevention, active shooter, and emergency plan familiarization, etc.?

5.) Support Service Roles in School Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness Planning

  • 1. Have you, the principal, received training on procedures for completion of the school security risk assessment?

  • 2. Does your facility have policies and procedures for an all hazards approach including conducting emergency response drills for hostage, active shooter, and building lockdown situations?

  • 3. Were the aforementioned policies and procedures formulated in consultation with appropriate public safety agencies to include but not limited to fire, police and emergency medical services for review and adoption as part of the emergency plan?

  • 4. Were any students involved in the development of the emergency plan?

  • 5. Has your school campus been toured at least once this year, in consultation and coordination with appropriate public safety agencies to review policies and procedures and provide recommendations related to school safety and security?

6.) School Resource Officer Staffing, Operational Practices, and Related Services

  • 1. Does your school currently have an SRO program?

  • 2. Have your SROs successfully completed all required phases of KLEC approved training?

  • 3. Have your SROs completed their (40) hours of mandated in-service training this year?

  • 4. Are the SROs in your facility armed?

7.) School and Community Collaboration on School Security

  • 1. Is the statewide child abuse (24) hour hotline number prominently displayed in your facility?

  • 2. Is the National Human Trafficking Reporting hotline number prominently displayed in your facility?

  • 3. Is the anonymous reporting tool available at your facility through telephone call, electronic mail, and a mobile device application?

  • 4. Are you aware that the General Assembly has encouraged the organizing of foundations to receive private financial and philanthropic support from the community?

  • 5. Is any member of your staff dedicated to establishing a foundation for this cause?

  • 6. Are you aware a local board of education may directly accept gifts or donations that are restricted by the grantor to be used in furtherance of lawful school safety, security, and student health purposes to the extent allowed by applicable laws and shall use any accepted gift or donation for the purpose for which it was granted?

8.) An Analysis of the Cost Effectiveness of Recommended Physical Security Controls

  • 1. Do you have a cost analysis of any recommended physical security controls?

  • 2. Do you plan on implementing any new security controls that would require a cost analysis?


  • Recommendations

  • Full Name and Signature of the Inspector

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