Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title :

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel conducting the audit:


  • 1.1 Are all access readers functional?

  • 1.2 Is the Anti pass back/ interlocking function operational?

  • 1.3 Are all high risk areas equipped with readers?

  • 1.4 Are all Access Control Systems connected to UPS?

  • 1.5 Are servers of all security equipment housed in secure area and adequately ventilated?

  • 1.6 Are all access control doors and emergency exits monitored by means of door contacts?

  • 1.7 Are all access doors fitted with emergency override devices?

  • 1.8 Are password controls in place?

  • 1.9 Are access levels properly programmed and regularly reviewed?

  • 1.10 Are keys properly controlled?

2. Staff/CIT Access

  • 2.1 Is visitor/ staff access strictly controlled?

  • 2.2 Are CIT vehicle access to the centre strictly controlled?

  • 2.3 Are all staff and visitors searched when entering and exiting the critical areas

  • 2.4 Unauthorized access can not be gained via the emergency exit door?

  • 2.5 KABA locks are installed on Vault doors and operational?

3. Firearms

  • 3.1 Is proper fire arm control in place at all the centers?

  • 3.2 Are fire arm lockers provided at all centers?

4. Armed response

  • 4.1 Do they have armed response?

  • 4.2 Alarm signal monitored by external company?

5. Perimeter Protection

  • 5.1 Is perimeter protection adequate.

  • 5.2 CCTV Cameras installed?

  • 5.3 Electric Fence installed?

  • 5.4 Brick wall/ Palisades

  • 5.5 Vehicle/ pedestrian entrance?

  • 5.6 No other services on premises?

  • 5.7 Staff parking on premises?

  • 5.8 Adequate perimeter lights?

9. Surveillance Systems

  • 9.1 CCTV Cameras installed

  • 9.2 Is the minimum speed at least 12 frames per second?

  • 9.3 Are Closed Circuit Television systems connected to a UPS?

  • 9.4 Are all Closed Circuit Television (Servers/ DVR's) properly secured and adequately ventilated?

  • 9.5 Are cameras properly sited to ensure optimal quality and coverage?

  • 9.6 CCTV footage kept for at least 90 days

  • 9.7 Is access controlled to the server room?

Alarm Systems

  • 10. Is the Alarm system adequate?

  • 10.1 Are all Fire, Panic and hold up alarms monitored externally by an armed response company?

  • 10.2 Are internal doors, burglar alarms, sprinkler alarms, maintenance alarms and emergency exits linked to the Access Control System and monitored 24 hours per day?

  • 10.3 Are all alarm systems installed within tamper proof panels?


  • 11.1 Are all roller shutter doors interlocking?

  • 11.2 Are all air-conditioning ducts adequately secured?

  • 11.3 Are all main entrance doors of the AK47 resistant type?

  • 11.4 If the wall does not extend to the concrete slab above the ceiling, has 16mm round bar been installed?

  • 11.5 Are all cash transfer chutes fully operational and utilized correctly?

  • 11.6 Vault addequete

12. Security Control Rooms

  • 12.1 Are all control rooms fitted with a access control?

  • 12.2 Are all control rooms windows fitted with Bullet Resistant Glass?

  • 12.3 Access to Control room restricted

13. Power/Electricity.

  • 13.1 Are all security systems connected to a Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)?

  • 13.2 Is lighting adequate and the ability to see outside clear?

  • 13.3 Is a Generators installed?

  • 13.4 Is the generator regular tested?

  • 13.4 Is the generator locked?


  • 14.1 Are minimum standards in place and reviewed on a regular basis?

  • 14.2 Are minimum standards applied (MSP)?

  • 14.3 Do security management visit the site regularry

15. Housekeeping/Maintenance

  • 15.1 Are all electrical fittings in proper working condition?

  • 15.2 Are all the lights working? (No broken hanging light fittings).

  • 15.3 No loose electrical wires and cables

  • 15.4 Were the carpets steams cleaned and the windows washed?

  • 15.5 No rust allowed. Were rust on palisades, burglar bars, windows treated and paint?

  • 15.6 No broken bricks especially where vehicles damaged bricks near loading bays.

  • 15.7 No dust and dirt allowed

  • 15.8 Are all Health and Safety signage in place as well as evacuation routes mapped and laminated?

  • 15.9 No boxes and loose paper stacks in offices and CMC?

  • 15.10 All chipped corners were repainted?

  • 15.11 All black ceiling marks at light fitting as well as aircon outlets were painted?

  • 15.12 Remove old notices and dirty paper from notice boards?

  • 15.13 Demarcated Cash Centre areas with laminated signs?

  • 15.14No cigarette butts on premises.

  • 15.16 Demarcate toilet gender, male and female.

  • 15.17 All broken chairs were replaced?

  • 15.18 All clocks in branch and CMC are set right.

  • 15.19 No overloading on plugs allowed.

  • 15.19 Fix and paint all chipped plaster on walls.

  • 15.20 Tidy up garden and remove weeds.

  • 15.21 Paint all ceiling boards.

  • 15.22 Fix and paint all cracks.

  • 15.23 Are all maglocks and access control devices clean?

  • 15.24 No damp bubbles in walls.

  • 15.25 No broken window panes.

  • 15.26 No cracked tiles.

  • 15.27 Check Deposita areas (stores and offices) thoroughly. Are offices spick and span, no boxes and stuff lying around or stacked?

  • 15.28 Make sure all fire equipment is in a service cycle and your fire extinguishers and hoses are adequate for the building size. CMC fire prevention equipment to be clearly indicated.

  • 15.29 No broken shelves.

  • 15.30 There is air freshener in all toilets and no broken toilet seats or handles.

  • 15.31 Are all vehicle stops in loading bays fixed and painted yellow?

  • 15.32 Are caution signs displayed near all possible places where vehicles may collide with pedestrians? (Port Shepstone yellow barrier partially round second vehicle gate please).

  • 15.33 Are all cages painted? ( Mthatha please note in CMC and Cash Centre).

  • 15.34 No loose building material, bricks, steel pieces, old tyres.

  • 15.35 All broken and sunken paving areas were fixed.

  • 15.36 Check all aircons for leaks and ensure working properly.

  • 15.37 Roof leaks and ceiling damage are fixed.

  • 15.38 All cupboards are in a good conditions

  • 15.39 You have cups without chips to serve refreshments as well as trays.

  • 15.40Are lockers neatly painted?

  • 15.41 No broken equipment in CMC and offices.

  • 15.42 Paint plugs standing out on floors yellow to avoid a tripping hazard.

  • 15.43 Paint all CMC teller cubicles tops to cover up chips.

  • 15.44 Paint Box room chutes.

  • 15.45 Paint all aircon covers outside.

  • 15.46 Do you have at least three disclaimer signs in your yard? One at entrance a must.

  • 15.47 Emergency exits must have yellow and black stripes painted.

  • 15.48 Noticeboards are neat.

  • 15.49 Make sure all first aid boxes are stocked, have a register and are clearly indicated.

  • 15.50 Removed paper from cages that has been glued or sticked to it.

  • 15.51 Ensure all Health and Safety hazards are clearly marked…steps ..vault door finger caution etc.

  • 15.52 Demarcate smoking zones and clearly indicate rest of building as a no smoking zone.

  • 15.53 Paint parking bays.

  • 15.54 Paint one back wall at reception red.

  • 15.55 Flag poles painted and flags displayed.

  • 15.56 Number teller stations.

  • 15.57 Remove oil stains.

  • Audit done by:

  • Add signature

  • Branch Manager :

  • Add signature

  • Select date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.