Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Unit type

  • Unit Number

  • Unit Number

  • Unit Number

  • Unit Number

  • Unit Number

  • Unit serial number: (example J11-TDM050P-03625)

  • District

  • PJRA been completed and all appropriate controls in place.

  • When verifying the unit's cleanliness ensure the following areas are inspected: Underside of centrifuge, Grating/Skid, Coffin and Coffin lid, Belts area ,Gear box area and Feed Zone.

  • The unit is clean

  • Service tech's initals

Check List

  • 1. Type of Centrifuge

DE-1000 Inspection

2. Rotating Assembly Inspection

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/DE-1000+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 2.1. Take pictures of the following high wear areas:

  • 2.1.a. Plows and saddles

  • 2.1.b. Conical section

  • 2.1.c. Bowl ends

  • 2.1.d. Wear plate

  • 2.1.e. Feed tube

  • 2.2. Plows in good condition and properly fastened with blue locktite and torqued to spec [Torque spec sheet coming soon]

  • 2.2.a. Does the bowl show gouging or signs of washing due to damaged plows?

  • 2.2.a.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tare down

  • 2.2.a.b. Supervisor: Does unit require tear down?

  • 2.2.a.c. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.2.a.d. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.2.a.e. The system will send notification to Ryan Keough

  • 2.2.a.f. Supervisor sign off

  • 2.2.b. New plows installed with blue locktite and torqued to spec

  • 2.2.c. Pictures of new plows installed

  • 2.2.c. Service Tech initial

  • 2.3. Saddles in good condition an there is no visible signs of gouging on the saddle or the bowl end

  • 2.3.a. Does the bowl show gouging or signs of washing due to or around damaged saddles?

  • 2.3.a.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tare down

  • 2.3.a.b. Supervisor: Does unit require tear down?

  • 2.3.a.c. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.3.a.d. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.3.a.e. Supervisor sign off

  • 2.3.b. New saddles installed using proper adhesive. [proper adhesive come soon]

  • 2.3.b. New saddles installed using proper adhesive. [proper adhesive come soon]

  • 2.3.c. Pictures of new saddles installed

  • 2.3.c. Service Tech initial

  • 2.4. Is wear ring in good condition?

  • 2.4.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.4.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 2.4.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.4.b.b.. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.4.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 2.4.d. Service Tech initial

  • 2.5. Is bowl head flange is free of wear?

  • 2.5.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.5.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 2.5.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.5.b.b.. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.5.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 2.5.d. Service Tech initial

3. Greasing

  • 3i. Purge conveyor bearings through the pressure relief fitting until clean Chevron SRI-2 grease comes through the pressure relief fitting (per SOP BOS-016 Equipment Greasing Guide Section 6.2) Purge pillow block bearings with two pumps of clean Chevron SRI-2 grease. Note: Roll conveyor while greasing.

  • 3.1. Purged grease from solids end bearing free of water, is not discolored, smell burnt or runny

  • 3.1.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 3.1.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 3.1.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 3.1.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 3.1.d. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 3.1.e. Service Tech initial

  • 3.2. Purged grease from liquids end bearing free of water, is not discolored, smell burnt or runny

  • 3.2.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 3.2.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 3.2.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 3.2.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 3.2.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 3.2.d. Service Tech initial

4. Gearbox

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/DE-1000+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 4.1. Sunshaft free of any signs of oil leaking

  • 4.1.a. Seal or shaft replaced, new oil added

  • 4.1.b. Service Tech initial

  • 4.2. Gear oil level at the 10 o'clock position as per SOP BOS-016 SERVICE CENTRIFUGE

  • 4.2.a. Service Tech initial

  • 4.3. Oil free of metal shavings

  • 4.3.a. Have Supervisor confirm.

  • 4.3.b. Supervisor: Does gearbox needs to be torn down?

  • 4.3.c. Supervisor's verification signature

  • 4.3.d. Gearbox is in proper working condition

  • 4.3.e. Service Tech initial

  • 4.4. Oil quality is good (not smell burnt, discolored or dirty)

  • 4.4.a. Have Supervisor confirm.

  • 4.4.b. Supervisor: Does gearbox needs to be torn down?

  • 4.4.c. Supervisor's verification signature

  • 4.4.d. Gearbox is in proper working condition

  • 4.4.e. Service Tech initial

  • 4.5. Gearbox flange face bolts torqued to specs

5. Feed Tube

  • 5.1. Correct feed tube fittings for DE set up, with all fittings functioning correctly.

  • 5.2. Feed tube free of excessive damage or wear, straight and is proper length [Dimensions coming soon]

  • 5.2.a. Feed tube replaced.

  • 5.2.b. Take picture of replacement feed tube

  • 5.2.c. Tech initial

6. Scope

  • 6i. Scope unit following SOP 104 - Scope BOS 40 Centrifuge. Take pictures of the following:

  • 6.1. Diffuser

  • 6.2. Target

  • 6.3. Baffle

  • 6.4. Nozzles

  • 6.5. Overflow area of feed zone

  • 6ii. Review pictures with supervisor.

  • 6.7. Supervisor: Does the centrifuge need to be torn down?

  • 6.7.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 6.7.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 6.7.c. Supervisor signature

  • 6.8. Feed tube installed.

  • 6.8.a. Tech initial

7. Electrical

  • 7.1. Power cords free of tears, gouges, kinks, pinches or twisting

  • 7.1.a. Power cord replaced.

  • 7.1.b. Tech initial

  • 7i. Take apart cord end, verify all parts are present and in proper working order, no water or corrosion present, ensure rubber grommet fits correctly around cord and re-wire ensuring wires are securely and properly installed.

  • 7.2. Cord end is inspected, reassembled and in proper functioning order.

  • 7.2.a. Cord End replaced or repaired

  • 7.2.b. Tech's initial

  • 7.3. Power cord tag present with unit number, and voltage near cord end

  • 7.3.a. Tech's initial

  • 7.4. Motor junction boxes are properly mounted and free of cracks or damage

  • 7.4.a. Junction box repaired/replaced

  • 7.4.b. Tech's initial

  • 7ii. Open junction box, look for signs of water/corrosion, look for signs of burning. Remove rubber tape/boots over leads, verify leads are securely and properly connected and re-tape/boot leads.

  • 7.5. Motor wiring inspected and cord secured in strain relief.

  • 7.5.a. Tech's initial

  • 7iii. When inspecting the junction box, if the motor is NON Explosion proof, then, replace the gasket. If it is an Explosion proof, DO NOT seal the junction box cover. This metal to metal surface contact is direct from the factory, and designed to allow the gases created by the motor to safely escape.

  • 7.6. Junction box cover remounted with proper gasket, silicone or set up in place.

  • 7.6.a. Tech's initial

  • 7iv. The C-85 contactor is located in the bolted/intrinsically safe box on the back of the cabinet

  • 7.7. Verify the proper operation of the 2 main contacter blocks

  • 7.4.b. Tech's initial

8. Function test

  • 8.1. Touchscreen powers up without errors and functions properly

  • 8.1.a. Touch screen repaired/replaced

  • 8.1.b. Tech's initial

  • 8.2. Lid switch functions correctly and is correctly registering on the control panel.

  • 8.2.a. Lid switch repaired/replaced

  • 8.2.b. Tech's initial

  • 8.3. Vibration sensor is adjusted correctly and functions properly

  • 8.3.a. Vibration trip adjusted or replaced and functions correctly

  • 8.3.b. Tech's initial

  • 8.i. Run the centrifuge at the following settings: Main Drive 500, Back Drive 35

  • 8.4. Verify Rotation, Main Drive spinning clockwise and Back Drive motor fans spinning couter clockwise

  • 8.5. Unit is free of any unusual noises (grinding, rubbing, high pitch squealing)

  • 8.5.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 8.5.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 8.5.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 8.5.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 8.5.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 8.5.d. Tech's initial

9. Main Drive Motor

  • 9.1. Motor feet free of damage or cracks

  • 9.1.a. Motor feet repair or motor replaced

  • 9.1.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.2. Vibration mounts in good condition and free of signs of wear

  • 9.2.a. Vibration mount replaced and bolts fastened with lock nuts or lock tight.

  • 9.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.3. Motor fan and fan guard free of any damage or cracks

  • 9.3.a. Guard or fan replaced/repaired

  • 9.3.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.4. Motor sheave positioned correctly, belts alignment straight

  • 9.5. Belts are in good condition without signs of cracking, tears, or damage

  • 9.6. Belts have proper tension

  • 9.7. Motor adjustment bolts are in proper working order

  • 9.7.a. Adjustment bolt set-up replaced

  • 9.7.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.8. Motor base mounting bolts torqued to spec

  • 9.8.a. Servicing Tech's initial

10. Back Drive Motor

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/DE-1000+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 10.1. Motor is 20hp/480v / 1770 rpm motor

  • 10.1.a. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.2. Motor feet free damage or cracks

  • 10.2.a Motor feet repair or motor replaced

  • 10.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.3. Motor fan and fan guard free of any damage or cracks

  • 10.3.a. Guard or fan replaced/repaired

  • 10.3.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.4. Lovejoy free of damage and reinstalled with blue lock tight and torqued to spec

  • 10.4.a. Lovejoy has been repaired/replaced

  • 10.4.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.5. Ensure back drive motor coupler is aligned on the vertical and horizontal axis to within .005 inch.

  • 10.6. Mounting bolts tightened

  • 10.6.a. Servicing Tech's initial

11. Body/Skid

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/DE-1000+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 11.1. Coffin mounting bolts are torqued to spec

  • 11.2. Pillow block bearings bolts are torqued to spec

  • 11.2.a. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.3. Guards free of cracks or other damage

  • 11.3.a. Damage to guard has been repaired and guards repainted

  • 11.3.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.4. Skid upgrade completed (full side square tubing and grating) has alignment key-stock by pinning location and is free of damage

  • 11.4.a. Damage repaired/upgrades completed

  • 11.4.b Add picture of grating fully installed

  • 11.4.c Add close up picture of grating verifying proper welding, placement and supporting angle iron.

  • 11.4.d. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.5. Vibration mounts in good condition and free of signs of damage or wear

  • 11.5.a. Vibration mounts repaired/replaced

  • 11.5.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.6. Vibration mount bolts are Grade 8 bolts and torqued to spec

  • 11.7. Solids discharge drop box is in in good condition

  • 11.7.a. Drop box damage repaired/replaced

  • 11.7.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.8. Solids discharge skirt is in good condition and free of tears or holes

  • 11.8.a. Skirt replaced

  • 11.8.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.9. Skirt mounted so the long end faces towards main motor

  • 11.10. 6" effluent male camlock fitting is in good condition and free of pitting or gouges around facing

  • 11.10.a. Camlock replaced using pipe dope on threads

  • 11.10.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.11. Bolts on effluent flange tighten

  • 11.12. Lid bolts present and in proper working order

  • 11.12.a. Lid Bolts have been replaced

  • 11.12.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.13. Hinges in proper working order, all components present.

  • 11.13.a. Hinges fixed and in proper working order.

  • 11.13.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.14. Urethane wear protector in the coffin lid and sides present and in good condition

  • 11.14.a. New urethane insert installed

  • 11.14.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.15. Coffin free of any noticeable holes or cracks

  • 11.15.a. Note damage:

  • 11.15.b. Coffin repaired

  • 11.15.c. Service Tech initial

  • 11.16. Pond plate dialed to 0

  • 11.17. Lid gasket is in good condition, free of tears or cracks, and is correctly fitted on the coffin.

  • 11.17.a. Lid gasket replaced.

  • 11.17.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.18. Control panel casing free of any indents, holes or other damage

  • 11.18.a. Panel casing repaired

  • 11.18.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.19. Control panel door free of any indents, holes or other damage and latches correctly

  • 11.19.a. Panel door and/or latches repaired

  • 11.19.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.20. Control screen cover free of any deforms, holes or other damage and transparent

  • 11.20.a. Control screen cover repaired/replaced

  • 11.20.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.21. Inside of control panel cleaned, all components properly fastened and in place

  • 11.22. Control panel air filter removed and cleaned or replaced

  • 11.22.a. Service Tech initial

12. Running and Filtercake Unit

  • 12i. Verify all guard and covers are in place and secured as designed prior to proceeding. If for any reason any guards need to be removed BOS SOP OP.000.SOP.018 Lock Out Tag Out must be followed.

  • 12ii. Click "Open Link" to get access to BOS SOPs

12.1. Set main drive motor speed to 1000 RPMs and back drive to 35. Run unit for 30 minutes. After running for 30 minutes record the following:

  • 12.1.a. Vibration reading on solids end bearing (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.b. Vibration reading on liquids end bearing (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.e. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.1.e.a. Inform supervisor.

  • 12.1.e.b. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.1.e.c. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.1.f. Bearing are good

  • 12.1.g. Servicing Tech's initial

12.2. Set main drive motor speed to 2000 RPMs and back drive to 35. Run unit for 30 minutes.

  • 13iii. Increase back drive to max speed for full vibration analysis. Record the following:

  • 12iii. Increase back drive to max speed for full vibration analysis. Record the following:

12.2.a. On the center of motor record:

  • 12.2.a.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.a.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.a.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.b. On the center of solids end bearing record:

  • 12.2.b.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.b.b Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.b.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.c. On the center of centrifuge body:

  • 12.2.c.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.c.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.c.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.d. On the center of liquids end bearing:

  • 12.2.d.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.d.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.d.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.e. On the center of back drive motor:

  • 12.2.e.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.e.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.e.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.f. Temperature readings of bearings [Verify if F or C]

  • 12.2.f.a. Temperature reading on main drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.b. Temperature reading on main drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.f. Temperature reading on back drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.2.g.a. Inform supervisor.

  • 12.2.g.b. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.g.c. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.g.d. Bearing are good

  • 12.2.g.e. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 12v. From operating control panel record the following:

  • 12.2.h. Main drive amps

  • 12.2.j. Back drive amps

  • 12vi. Increase main drive motor speed to optimal range and change back drive to 35

  • 12vii. Verify pump rotation then turn pump to 900 RPM

  • 12.3. Run fluid through centrifuge for 2 hours to build filter cake and test unit.

  • 12.4. No liquids coming out of solids discharge

  • 12.4.a. Servicing Tech's initial

12.5. Shut off pump. Set main drive motor speed to 2000 RPMs and back drive to max.

12.5.a. On the center of motor record:

  • 12.5.a.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.a.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.a.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.b. On the center of solids end bearing record:

  • 12.5.b.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.b.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.b.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.c. On the center of centrifuge body:

  • 12.5.c.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.c.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.c.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.d. On the center of liquids end bearing:

  • 12.5.d.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.d.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.d.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.e. On the center of back drive motor:

  • 12.5.e.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.e.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.e.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.f. Temperature reading of bearings

  • 12.5.f.a. Temperature reading on main drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.b. Temperature reading on main drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.e. Temperature reading on back drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.f. Temperature reading on back drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.5.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.5.g.a. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.5.g.b. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.5.g.c. Bearings are good

  • 12.5.g.d. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 12.6. Unit dry spun (Back drive reduced to 35 and unit ran for 1 hour)

13. Touch ups

  • 13.1. Paint is in good condition and meets BOS Standards

  • 13.1.a. Unit repainted

  • 13.1.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 13.2. Decals are in good condition and meets BOS Standards

  • 13.2.a. Decal(s) replaced

  • 13.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 13.3. Power cables are wrapped up and secured for transport

  • 13.4. Unit has green tag identifying work completed including date and service tech

AL418 Inspection

2. Rotating Assembly Inspection

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/ALFA+LAVAL+418+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 2.1. Take pictures of the following high wear areas:

  • 2.1.a. Discharge Ports and holders

  • 2.1.b. Conical section

  • 2.1.c. Bowl ends

  • 2.1.d. Feed tube

  • 2.2. Discharge ports and holders in good condition and properly fastened

  • 2.2.a. Does the bowl show gouging or signs of washing due to damaged ports?

  • 2.2.a.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tare down

  • 2.2.a.b. Supervisor: Does unit require tear down?

  • 2.2.a.c. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.2.a.d. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.2.a.e. The system will send notification to Ryan Keough

  • 2.2.a.f. Supervisor sign off

  • 2.2.b. New ports and holders installed

  • 2.2.c. Pictures of new ports and holders installed

  • 2.2.c. Service Tech initial

  • 2.3. Bowl head flange is free of wear

  • 2.3.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.3.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 2.3.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.3.b.b.. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.3.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 2.3.d. Service Tech initial

  • 2.5.d. Service Tech initial

3. Greasing

  • 3i. Purge conveyor bearings through the pressure relief fitting until clean Chevron SRI-2 grease comes through the pressure relief fitting (per SOP BOS-016 Equipment Greasing Guide Section 6.2) Purge pillow block bearings with two pumps of clean Chevron SRI-2 grease. Note: Roll conveyor while greasing.

  • 3.1. Purged grease from solids end bearing free of water, is not discolored, smell burnt or runny

  • 3.1.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 3.1.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 3.1.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 3.1.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 3.1.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 3.1.d. Service Tech initial

  • 3.2. Purged grease from liquids end bearing free of water, is not discolored, smell burnt or runny

  • 3.2.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 3.2.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 3.2.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 3.2.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 3.2.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 3.2.d. Service Tech initial

4. Gearbox

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/ALFA+LAVAL+418+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 4.1. Sunshaft free of any signs of oil leaking

  • 4.1.a. Seal or shaft replaced, new oil added

  • 4.1.b. Service Tech initial

  • 4.2. Gear oil level at the 10 o'clock position as per SOP BOS-016 SERVICE CENTRIFUGE

  • 4.2.a. Service Tech initial

  • 4.3. Oil free of metal shavings

  • 4.3.a. Have Supervisor confirm.

  • 4.3.b. Supervisor: Does gearbox needs to be torn down?

  • 4.3.c. Supervisor's verification signature

  • 4.3.d. Gearbox is in proper working condition

  • 4.3.e. Service Tech initial

  • 4.4. Oil quality is good (not smell burnt, discolored or dirty)

  • 4.4.a. Have Supervisor confirm.

  • 4.4.b. Supervisor: Does gearbox needs to be torn down?

  • 4.4.c. Supervisor's verification signature

  • 4.4.d. Gearbox is in proper working condition

  • 4.4.e. Service Tech initial

  • 4.5. Gearbox flange face bolts torqued to specs

5. Feed Tube

  • 5.1. Correct feed tube fittings for AL418 set up, with all fittings functioning correctly.

  • 5.2. Feed tube free of excessive damage or wear, straight and is proper length [Dimensions coming soon]

  • 5.2.a. Feed tube replaced.

  • 5.2.b. Take picture of replacement feed tube

  • 5.2.c. Tech initial

6. Scope

  • 6i. Scope unit following SOP 104 - Scope BOS 40 Centrifuge. Take pictures of the following:

  • 6.1. Left discharge zone

  • 6.2. Right liner discharge zone

  • 6.3. Liner entry point

  • 6.4. Liner back face

  • 6.5. Left overflow area of feed zone

  • 6.5. Left overflow area of feed zone

  • 6.ii. Review pictures with supervisor.

  • 6.7. Supervisor: Does the centrifuge need to be torn down?

  • 6.7.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 6.7.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 6iii. System will notify Ryan Keough once saved.

  • 6.7.c. Supervisor signature

  • 6.8. Feed tube installed.

  • 6.8.a. Tech initial

7. Electrical

  • 7.1. Power cords free of tears, gouges, kinks, pinches or twisting

  • 7.1.a. Power cord replaced.

  • 7.1.b. Tech initial

  • 7i. Take apart cord end, verify all parts are present and in proper working order, no water or corrosion present, ensure rubber grommet fits correctly around cord and re-wire ensuring wires are securely and properly installed.

  • 7.2. Cord end is inspected, reassembled and in proper functioning order.

  • 7.2.a. Cord End replaced or repaired

  • 7.2.b. Tech's initial

  • 7.3. Power cord tag present with unit number, and voltage near cord end

  • 7.3.a. Tech's initial

  • 7.4. Motor junction are properly mounted and free of cracks or damage

  • 7.4.a. Junction box repaired/replaced

  • 7.4.b. Tech's initial

  • 7.ii. Open junction box, look for signs of water/corrosion, look for signs of burning. Remove rubber tape/boots over leads, verify leads are securely and properly connected and re-tape/boot leads.

  • 7.5. Motor wiring inspected and cord secured in strain relief.

  • 7.5.a. Tech's initial

  • 7iii. When inspecting the junction box, if the motor is NON Explosion proof, then, replace the gasket. If it is an Explosion proof, DO NOT seal the junction box cover. This metal to metal surface contact is direct from the factory, and designed to allow the gases created by the motor to safely escape.

  • 7.6. Junction box cover remounted with proper gasket or silicone in place.

  • 7.6.a. Tech's initial

8. Function test

  • 8.1. Touchscreen powers up without errors and functions properly

  • 8.1.a. Touch screen repaired/replaced

  • 8.1.b. Tech's initial

  • 8.2. Lid switch functions correctly and is correctly registering on the control panel.

  • 8.2.a. Lid switch repaired/replaced

  • 8.2.b. Tech's initial

  • 8.3. Vibration sensor is adjusted correctly and functions properly

  • 8.3.a. Vibration trip adjusted or replaced and functions correctly

  • 8.3.b. Tech's initial

  • 8.i. Run the centrifuge at the following settings: Main Drive 500, Back Drive 35

  • 8.4. Verify Rotation, Main Drive spinning clockwise and Back Drive motor fans spinning couter clockwise

  • 8.5. Unit is free of any unusual noises (grinding, rubbing, high pitch squealing)

  • 8.5.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 8.5.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 8.5.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 8.5.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 8.5.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 8.5.d. Tech's initial

9. Main Drive Motor

  • 9.1. Motor feet free of damage or cracks

  • 9.1.a. Motor feet repair or motor replaced

  • 9.1.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.2. Vibration mounts in good condition and free of signs of wear

  • 9.2.a. Vibration mount replaced and bolts fastened with lock nuts or lock tight.

  • 9.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.3. Motor fan and fan guard free of any damage or cracks

  • 9.3.a. Guard or fan replaced/repaired

  • 9.3.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.4. Motor sheave positioned correctly, belts alignment straight

  • 9.5. Belts are in good condition without signs of cracking, tears, or damage

  • 9.6. Belts have proper tension

  • 9.7. Motor adjustment bolts are in proper working order

  • 9.7.a. Adjustment bolt set-up replaced

  • 9.7.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.8. Motor base mounting bolts torqued to spec

  • 9.8.a. Servicing Tech's initial

10. Back Drive Motor

  • 10.1. Motor is 15hp/480v / 1770 rpm motor

  • 10.1.a. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.2. Motor feet free damage or cracks

  • 10.2.a Motor feet repair or motor replaced

  • 10.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.3. Motor fan and fan guard free of any damage or cracks

  • 10.3.a. Guard or fan replaced/repaired

  • 10.3.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10i. GS Coupler needs to be checked with torque wrench to disengage at 62.5ft lbs (about 11 to 14 Spring Washers)

  • 10.4.a Verify GS Coupler disengages at 62.5 ft lbs torque

  • 10.5. GS Coupler free of damage

  • 10.5.a. GS Coupler has been repaired/replaced

  • 10.5.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.6. Ensure back drive motor coupler is aligned on the vertical and horizontal axis to within .005 inch.

  • 10.7. Mounting bolts tightened

  • 10.7.a. Servicing Tech's initial

11. Body/Skid

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/ALFA+LAVAL+418+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 11.1. Coffin mounting bolts are torqued to spec

  • 11.2. Pillow block bearings bolts are torqued to spec

  • 11.2.a. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.3. Guards free of cracks or other damage

  • 11.3.a. Damage to guard has been repaired and guards repainted

  • 11.3.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.4. Skid upgrade completed (full side square tubing and grating) has alignment key-stock by pinning location and is free of damage

  • 11.4.a. Damage repaired/upgrades completed

  • 11.4.b Add picture of grating fully installed

  • 11.4.c Add close up picture of grating verifying proper welding, placement and supporting angle iron.

  • 11.4.d. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.5. Vibration mounts in good condition and free of signs of damage or wear

  • 11.5.a. Vibration mounts repaired/replaced

  • 11.5.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.6. Vibration mount bolts are Grade 8 bolts and torqued to spec

  • 11.7. Solids discharge drop box is in in good condition

  • 11.7.a. Drop box damage repaired/replaced

  • 11.7.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.8. Solids discharge skirt is in good condition and free of tears or holes

  • 11.8.a. Skirt replaced

  • 11.8.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.9. Skirt mounted so the long end faces towards main motor

  • 11.10. 6" effluent male camlock fitting is in good condition and free of pitting or gouges around facing

  • 11.10.a. Camlock replaced using pipe dope on threads

  • 11.10.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.11. Bolts on effluent flange tighten

  • 11.12. Lid bolts present and in proper working order

  • 11.12.a. Lid Bolts have been replaced

  • 12.12.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.13. Hinges in proper working order, all components present.

  • 11.13.a. Hinges fixed and in proper working order.

  • 11.13.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.14. Urethane wear protector in the coffin lid and sides present and in good condition

  • 11.14.a. New urethane insert installed

  • 11.14.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.15. Coffin free of any noticeable holes or cracks

  • 11.15.a. Note damage:

  • 11.15.b. Coffin repaired

  • 11.15.c. Service Tech initial

  • 11.16. 115 pond plates installed

  • 11.17. Lid gasket is in good condition, free of tears or cracks, and is correctly fitted on the coffin.

  • 11.17.a. Lid gasket replaced.

  • 11.17.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.18. Control panel casing free of any indents, holes or other damage

  • 11.18.a. Panel casing repaired

  • 11.18.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.19. Control panel door free of any indents, holes or other damage and latches correctly

  • 11.19.a. Panel door and/or latches repaired

  • 11.19.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.20. Control screen cover free of any deforms, holes or other damage, latches correctly and clear acrylic window transparent

  • 11.20.a. Control screen cover repaired/replaced

  • 11.20.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.21. Inside of control panel cleaned, all components properly fastened and in place

  • 11.22. Contorl panel air filter removed and cleaned or replaced

  • 11.22.a. Service Tech initial

12. Running and Filtercake Unit

  • 12i. Verify all guard and covers are in place and secured as designed prior to proceeding. If for any reason any guards need to be removed BOS SOP OP.000.SOP.018 Lock Out Tag Out must be followed.

  • 12ii. Click "Open Link" to get access to BOS SOPs

12.1. Set main drive motor speed to 1000 RPMs and back drive to 35. Run unit for 30 minutes. After running for 30 minutes record the following:

  • 12.1.a. Vibration reading on solids end bearing (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.b. Vibration reading on liquids end bearing (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.e. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.1.e.a. Inform supervisor.

  • 12.1.e.b. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.1.e.c. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.1.f. Bearing are good

  • 12.1.g. Servicing Tech's initial

12.2. Set main drive motor speed to 2000 RPMs and back drive to 35. Run unit for 30 minutes.

  • 13iii. Increase back drive to max speed for full vibration analysis. Record the following:

  • 12iii. Increase back drive to max speed for full vibration analysis. Record the following:

12.2.a. On the center of motor record:

  • 12.2.a.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.a.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.a.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.b. On the center of solids end bearing record:

  • 12.2.b.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.b.b Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.b.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.c. On the center of centrifuge body:

  • 12.2.c.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.c.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.c.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.d. On the center of liquids end bearing:

  • 12.2.d.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.d.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.d.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.e. On the center of back drive motor:

  • 12.2.e.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.e.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.e.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.f. Temperature readings of bearings [Verify if F or C]

  • 12.2.f.a. Temperature reading on main drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.b. Temperature reading on main drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.f. Temperature reading on back drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.2.g.a. Inform supervisor.

  • 12.2.g.b. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.g.c. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.g.d. Bearing are good

  • 12.2.g.e. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 12v. From operating control panel record the following:

  • 12.2.h. Main drive amps

  • 12.2.j. Back drive amps

  • 12vi. Increase main drive motor speed to optimal range and change back drive to 35

  • 12vii. Verify pump rotation then turn pump to 900 RPM

  • 12.3. Run fluid through centrifuge for 2 hours to build filter cake and test unit.

  • 12.4. No liquids coming out of solids discharge

  • 12.4.a. Servicing Tech's initial

12.5. Shut off pump. Set main drive motor speed to 2000 RPMs and back drive to max.

12.5.a. On the center of motor record:

  • 12.5.a.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.a.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.a.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.b. On the center of solids end bearing record:

  • 12.5.b.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.b.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.b.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.c. On the center of centrifuge body:

  • 12.5.c.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.c.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.c.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.d. On the center of liquids end bearing:

  • 12.5.d.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.d.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.d.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.e. On the center of back drive motor:

  • 12.5.e.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.e.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.e.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.f. Temperature reading of bearings

  • 12.5.f.a. Temperature reading on main drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.b. Temperature reading on main drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.e. Temperature reading on back drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.f. Temperature reading on back drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.5.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.5.g.a. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.5.g.b. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.5.g.c. Bearings are good

  • 12.5.g.d. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 12.6. Unit dry spun (Back drive reduced to 35 and unit ran for 1 hour)

13. Touch ups

  • 13.1. Paint is in good condition and meets BOS Standards

  • 13.1.a. Unit repainted

  • 13.1.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 13.2. Decals are in good condition and meets BOS Standards

  • 13.2.a. Decal(s) replaced

  • 13.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 13.3. Power cables are wrapped up and secured for transport

  • 13.4. Unit has green tag identifying work completed including date and service tech

LYNX40 Inspection

2. Rotating Assembly Inspection

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/LYNX+40+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 2.1. Take pictures of the following high wear areas:

  • 2.1.a. Plows and saddles

  • 2.1.b. Conical section

  • 2.1.c. Bowl ends

  • 2.1.d. Wear plate

  • 2.1.e. Feed tube

  • 2.2. Plows in good condition and properly fastened with blue locktite and torqued to spec <br>(Does not exceed maximum allowance [maximum allowance coming soon] of wear in front face, no gouging near bowl face, proper plows as per BOS standards)

  • 2.2.a. Does the bowl show gouging or signs of washing due to damaged plows?

  • 2.2.a.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.2.a.b. Supervisor: Does unit require tear down?

  • 2.2.a.c. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.2.a.d. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.2.a.e Supervisor sign off

  • 2.2.b. New plows installed and torqued to spec

  • 2.2.b. Pictures of new plows installed

  • 2.2.c. Service Tech initial

  • 2.3. Saddles in good condition an there is no visible signs of gouging on the saddle or the bowl end

  • 2.3.a. Does the bowl show gouging or signs of washing due to or around damaged saddles?

  • 2.3.a.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.3.a.b. Supervisor: Does unit require tear down?

  • 2.3.a.c. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.3.a.d. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.3.a.e Supervisor sign off

  • 2.3.b. New saddles installed using proper adhesive. [proper adhesive come soon]

  • 2.3.c. Pictures of new saddles installed

  • 2.3.d. Service Tech initial

  • 2.4. Wear ring in good condition

  • 2.4.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.4.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 2.4.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.4.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.4.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 2.4.e. Service Tech initial

  • 2.5. Bowl head flange is free of wear

  • 2.5.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.5.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 2.5.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.5.b.b.. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.5.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 2.5.e. Service Tech initial

3. Greasing

  • 3i. Purge conveyor bearings through the pressure relief fitting until clean Chevron SRI-2 grease comes through the pressure relief fitting (per SOP BOS-016 Equipment Greasing Guide Section 6.2) Purge pillow block bearings with two pumps of clean Chevron SRI-2 grease. Note: Roll conveyor while greasing.

  • 3.1. Purged grease from solids end bearing free of water, is not discolored, smell burnt or runny

  • 3.1.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 3.1.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 3.1.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 3.1.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 3.1.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 3.1.d. Service Tech initial

  • 3.2. Purged grease from liquids end bearing free of water, is not discolored, smell burnt or runny

  • 3.2.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 3.2.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 3.2.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 3.2.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 3.2.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 3.2.d. Service Tech initial

4. Gearbox

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/LYNX+40+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 4.1. Sunshaft free of any signs of oil leaking<br>

  • 4.1.a. Seal or shaft replaced, new oil added

  • 4.1.b. Service Tech initial

  • 4.2. Gear oil level at the 10 o'clock position as per SOP BOS-016 SERVICE CENTRIFUGE

  • 4.2.a. Service Tech initial

  • 4.3. Oil free of metal shavings

  • 4.3.a. Have Supervisor confirm.

  • 4.3.b. Supervisor: Does gearbox needs to be torn down?

  • 4.3.c. Supervisor's verification signature

  • 4.3.d. Gearbox is in proper working condition

  • 4.3.e. Service Tech initial

  • 4.4. Oil quality is good (not smell burnt, discolored or dirty)

  • 4.4.a. Have Supervisor confirm.

  • 4.4.b. Supervisor: Does gearbox needs to be torn down?

  • 4.4.c. Supervisor's verification signature

  • 4.4.d. Gearbox is in proper working condition

  • 4.4.e. Service Tech initial

  • 4.5. Gearbox flange face bolts torqued to specs

5. Feed Tube

  • 5.1. Correct feed tube fittings for LYNX set up, with all fittings functioning correctly.

  • 5.2. Feed tube free of excessive damage or wear, straight and is proper length [Dimensions coming soon]

  • 5.2.a. Feed tube replaced.

  • 5.2.b. Take picture of replacement feed tube

  • 5.2.c. Tech initial

6. Scope

  • 6i. Scope unit following SOP 104 - Scope BOS 40 Centrifuge.
    Take pictures of the following:

  • 6.1. Left discharge zone

  • 6.2. Right liner discharge zone

  • 6.3. Liner entry point

  • 6.4. Liner back face

  • 6.5. Left overflow area of feed zone

  • 6.6. Right overflow area of feed zone

  • 6ii. Review pictures with supervisor.

  • 6.7. Supervisor: Does the centrifuge need to be torn down?

  • 6.7.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 6.7.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 6.7.c. Supervisor signature

  • 6.8. Feed tube installed.

  • 6.8.a. Tech initial

7. Electrical

  • 7.1. Power cords free of tears, gouges, kinks, pinches or twisting

  • 7.1.a. Power cord replaced.

  • 7.1.b. Tech initial

  • 7i. Take apart cord end, verify all parts are present and in proper working order, no water or corrosion present, ensure rubber grommet fits correctly around cord and re-wire ensuring wires are securely and properly installed.

  • 7.2. Cord end is inspected, reassembled and in proper functioning order.

  • 7.2.a. Cord End replaced or repaired

  • 7.2.b. Tech's initial

  • 7.3. Power cord tag present with unit number, and voltage near cord end

  • 7.3.a. Tech's initial

  • 7.4. Motor junction are properly mounted and free of cracks or damage

  • 7.4.a. Junction box repaired/replaced

  • 7.4.b. Tech's initial

  • 7ii. Open junction box, look for signs of water/corrosion, look for signs of burning. Remove rubber tape/boots over leads, verify leads are securely and properly connected and re-tape/boot leads.

  • 7.5. Motor wiring inspected and cord secured in strain relief.

  • 7.5.a. Tech's initial

  • 7iii. When inspecting the junction box, if the motor is NON Explosion proof, then, replace the gasket. If it is an Explosion proof, DO NOT seal the junction box cover. This metal to metal surface contact is direct from the factory, and designed to allow the gases created by the motor to safely escape.

  • 7.6. Junction box cover remounted with proper gasket or silicone in place.

  • 7.6.a. Tech's initial

8. Function test

  • 8.1. Control cable free of damage (cord, pins) and has end cover.

  • 8.1.a. Control cable repaired/replaced

  • 8.1.b. Tech's initial

  • 8.2. Panel used for testing is set to LYNX in control settings.

  • 8.3. Lid switch functions correctly and is correctly registering on the control panel.

  • 8.3.a. Lid switch repaired/replaced

  • 8.3.b. Tech's initial

  • 8.4. Vibration sensor is adjusted correctly and functions properly

  • 8.4.a. Vibration sensor replaced or repaired and functions correctly

  • 8.4.b. Tech's initial

  • 8i. Run the centrifuge at the following settings: Main Drive 500, Back Drive 35

  • 8.5. Verify Main Drive and Back Drive motor fans spinning clockwise

  • 8.6. Unit is free of any unusual noises (grinding, rubbing, high pitch squealing)

  • 8.6.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 8.6.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 8.6.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 8.6.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 8.6.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 8.6.d. Tech's initial

9. Main Drive Motor

  • 9.1. Motor feet free of damage or cracks

  • 9.1.a. Motor feet repair or motor replaced

  • 9.1.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.2. Motor base vibration mount upgrade complete

  • 9.2.a. Motor base vibration mount upgrade completed.

  • 9.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.3.a. Vibration mount replaced and bolts fastened with lock nuts or lock tight.

  • 9.3.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.4. Motor fan and fan guard free of any damage or cracks

  • 9.4.a. Guard or fan replaced/repaired

  • 9.4.a. Guard or fan replaced/repaired

  • 9.4.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.5. Motor sheave positioned correctly, belts alignment straight

  • 9.6. Belts are in good condition without signs of cracking, tears, or damage

  • 9.7. Belts have proper tension

  • 9.8. Motor adjustment bolts are in proper working order

  • 9.8.a. Adjustment bolt set-up replaced

  • 9.8.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.9. Motor base mounting bolts torqued to spec

  • 9.9.a. Servicing Tech's initial

10. Back Drive Motor

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/LYNX+40+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 10.1. Motor is 20hp/480v / 3600 rpm motor

  • 10.1.a. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.2. Motor feet free damage or cracks

  • 10.2.a Motor feet repair or motor replaced

  • 10.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.3. Motor fan and fan guard free of any damage or cracks

  • 10.3.a. Guard or fan replaced/repaired

  • 10.3.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.4. Lovejoy free of damage and reinstalled with blue lock tight and torqued to spec

  • 10.4.a. Lovejoy has been repaired/replaced

  • 10.4.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.5. Ensure back drive motor coupler is aligned on the vertical and horizontal axis to within .005 inch.

  • 10.6. Mounting bolts tightened

  • 10.6.a. Servicing Tech's initial

11. Body/Skid

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/LYNX+40+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 11.1. Coffin mounting bolts are torqued to spec

  • 11.2. Pillow block bearings bolts are torqued to spec

  • 11.2.a. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.3. Guards free of cracks or other damage

  • 11.3.a. Damage to guard has been repaired and guards repainted

  • 11.3.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.4. Skid upgrade completed (full side square tubing and grating) has alignment key-stock by pinning location and is free of damage

  • 11.4.a. Damage repaired/upgrades completed

  • 11.4.b Add picture of grating fully installed

  • 11.4.c Add close up picture of grating verifying proper welding, placement and supporting angle iron.

  • 11.4.d. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.5. Vibration mounts in good condition and free of signs of damage or wear

  • 11.5.a. Vibration mounts repaired/replaced

  • 11.5.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.6. Vibration mount bolts are Grade 8 bolts and torqued to spec

  • 11.7. Solids discharge drop box is in in good condition

  • 11.7.a. Drop box damage repaired/replaced

  • 11.7.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.8. Solids discharge skirt is in good condition and free of tears or holes

  • 11.8.a. Skirt replaced

  • 11.8.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.9. Skirt mounted so the long end faces towards main motor

  • 11.10. 8" effluent male camlock fitting is in good condition and free of pitting or gouges around facing

  • 11.10.a. Camlock replaced using pipe dope on threads

  • 11.10.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.11. Bolts on effluent flange tighten

  • 11.12. Lid bolts present and in proper working order

  • 11.12.a. Lid Bolts have been replaced

  • 11.12.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.13. Hinges in proper working order, all components present.

  • 11.13.a. Hinges fixed and in proper working order.

  • 11.13.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.14. Stainless steel wear protector bolted to coffin above solid discharge in good condition.

  • 11.14.a. Stainless steel protector repaired/replaced

  • 11.14.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.15. Coffin free of any noticeable holes or cracks

  • 11.15.a. Note damage:

  • 11.15.b. Coffin repaired

  • 11.15.c. Service Tech initial

  • 11.16. 140 pond plates installed

  • 11.17. Lid gasket is in good condition, free of tears or cracks, and is correctly fitted on the coffin.

  • 11.18.a. Lid gasket replaced.

  • 11.18.b. Service Tech initial

12. Running and Filtercake Unit

  • 12i. Verify all guard and covers are in place and secured as designed prior to proceeding. If for any reason any guards need to be removed BOS SOP OP.000.SOP.018 Lock Out Tag Out must be followed.

  • 12ii. Click "Open Link" to get access to BOS SOPs

12.1. Set main drive motor speed to 1000 RPMs and back drive to 35. Run unit for 30 minutes. After running for 30 minutes record the following:

  • 12.1.a. Vibration reading on solids end bearing (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.b. Vibration reading on liquids end bearing (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.e. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.1.e.a. Inform supervisor.

  • 12.1.e.b. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.1.e.c. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.1.f. Bearing are good

  • 12.1.g. Servicing Tech's initial

12.2. Set main drive motor speed to 2000 RPMs and back drive to 35. Run unit for 30 minutes.

  • 13iii. Increase back drive to max speed for full vibration analysis. Record the following:

  • 12iii. Increase back drive to max speed for full vibration analysis. Record the following:

12.2.a. On the center of motor record:

  • 12.2.a.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.a.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.a.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.b. On the center of solids end bearing record:

  • 12.2.b.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.b.b Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.b.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.c. On the center of centrifuge body:

  • 12.2.c.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.c.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.c.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.d. On the center of liquids end bearing:

  • 12.2.d.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.d.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.d.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.e. On the center of back drive motor:

  • 12.2.e.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.e.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.e.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.f. Temperature readings of bearings [Verify if F or C]

  • 12.2.f.a. Temperature reading on main drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.b. Temperature reading on main drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.f. Temperature reading on back drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.2.g.a. Inform supervisor.

  • 12.2.g.b. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.g.c. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.g.d. Bearing are good

  • 12.2.g.e. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 12v. From operating control panel record the following:

  • 12.2.h. Main drive amps

  • 12.2.j. Back drive amps

  • 12vi. Increase main drive motor speed to optimal range and change back drive to 35

  • 12vii. Verify pump rotation then turn pump to 900 RPM

  • 12.3. Run fluid through centrifuge for 2 hours to build filter cake and test unit.

  • 12.4. No liquids coming out of solids discharge

  • 12.4.a. Servicing Tech's initial

12.5. Shut off pump. Set main drive motor speed to 2000 RPMs and back drive to max.

12.5.a. On the center of motor record:

  • 12.5.a.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.a.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.a.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.b. On the center of solids end bearing record:

  • 12.5.b.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.b.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.b.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.c. On the center of centrifuge body:

  • 12.5.c.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.c.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.c.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.d. On the center of liquids end bearing:

  • 12.5.d.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.d.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.d.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.e. On the center of back drive motor:

  • 12.5.e.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.e.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.e.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.f. Temperature reading of bearings

  • 12.5.f.a. Temperature reading on main drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.b. Temperature reading on main drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.e. Temperature reading on back drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.f. Temperature reading on back drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.5.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.5.g.a. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.5.g.b. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.5.g.c. Bearings are good

  • 12.5.g.d. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 12.6. Unit dry spun (Back drive reduced to 35 and unit ran for 1 hour)

13. Touch ups

  • 13.1. Paint is in good condition and meets BOS Standards

  • 13.1.a. Unit repainted

  • 13.1.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 13.2. Decals are in good condition and meets BOS Standards

  • 13.2.a. Decal(s) replaced

  • 13.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 13.3. Power cables are wrapped up and secured for transport

  • 13.4. Unit has green tag identifying work completed including date and service tech

NX944 (The GENERAL) Inspection

2. Rotating Assembly Inspection

  • 2.1. Take pictures of the following high wear areas:

  • 2.1.a. Plows and saddles

  • 2.1.b. Conical section

  • 2.1.c. Bowl ends

  • 2.1.d. Wear plate

  • 2.1.e. Feed tube

  • 2.2. Plows in good condition and properly fastened with blue locktite and torqued to spec [See torque spec sheet]<br>(Does not exceed maximum allowance [maximum allowance coming soon] of wear in front face, no gouging near bowl face, proper plows as per BOS standards)

  • 2.2.a. Does the bowl show gouging or signs of washing due to damaged plows?

  • 2.2.a.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.2.a.b. Supervisor: Does unit require tear down?

  • 2.2.a.c. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.2.a.d. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.2.a.e Supervisor sign off

  • 2.2.b. New plows installed with blue locktite and torqued to spec [See spec chart]

  • 2.2.c. Pictures of new plows installed

  • 2.2.d. Service Tech initial

  • 2.3. Saddles in good condition an there is no visible signs of gouging on the saddle or the bowl end

  • 2.3.a. Does the bowl show gouging or signs of washing due to or around damaged saddles?

  • 2.3.a.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.3.a.b. Supervisor: Does unit require tear down?

  • 2.3.a.c. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.3.a.d. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.3.a.e Supervisor sign off

  • 2.3.b. New saddles installed using proper adhesive. [proper adhesive come soon]

  • 2.3.c. Pictures of new saddles installed

  • 2.3.d. Service Tech initial

  • 2.4. Wear ring in good condition

  • 2.4.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.4.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 2.4.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.4.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.4.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 2.4.d. Service Tech initial

  • 2.5. Bowl head flange is free of wear

  • 2.5.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.5.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 2.5.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.5.b.b.. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.5.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 2.5.d. Service Tech initial

3. Greasing

  • 3i. Purge conveyor bearings through the pressure relief fitting until clean Chevron SRI-2 grease comes through the pressure relief fitting (per SOP BOS-016 Equipment Greasing Guide Section 6.2) Purge pillow block bearings with two pumps of clean Chevron SRI-2 grease. Note: Roll conveyor while greasing.

  • 3.1. Purged grease from solids end bearing free of water, is not discolored, smell burnt or runny

  • 3.1.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 3.1.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 3.1.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 3.1.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 3.1.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 3.1.d. Service Tech initial

  • 3.2. Purged grease from liquids end bearing free of water, is not discolored, smell burnt or runny

  • 3.2.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 3.2.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 3.2.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 3.2.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 3.2.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 3.2.d. Service Tech initial

4. Gearbox

  • 4.1. Sunshaft free of any signs of oil leaking<br>

  • 4.1.a. Seal or shaft replaced, new oil added

  • 4.1.b. Service Tech initial

  • 4.2. Gear oil level at the 10 o'clock position as per SOP BOS-016 SERVICE CENTRIFUGE

  • 4.2.a. Service Tech initial

  • 4.3. Oil free of metal shavings

  • 4.3.a. Have Supervisor confirm.

  • 4.3.b. Supervisor: Does gearbox needs to be torn down?

  • 4.3.c. Supervisor's verification signature

  • 4.3.d. Gearbox is in proper working condition

  • 4.3.e. Service Tech initial

  • 4.4. Oil quality is good (not smell burnt, discolored or dirty)

  • 4.4.a. Have Supervisor confirm.

  • 4.4.b. Supervisor: Does gearbox needs to be torn down?

  • 4.4.c. Supervisor's verification signature

  • 4.4.d. Gearbox is in proper working condition

  • 4.4.e. Service Tech initial

  • 4.5. Gearbox flange face bolts torqued to specs [torque specs coming soon]

5. Feed Tube

  • 5.1. Correct feed tube fittings for The GENERAL set up, with all fittings functioning correctly.

  • 5.2. Feed tube free of excessive damage or wear, straight and is proper length [Dimensions coming soon]

  • 5.2.a. Feed tube replaced.

  • 5.2.b. Take picture of replacement feed tube

  • 5.2.c. Tech initial

6. Scope

  • 6i. Scope unit following SOP 104 - Scope BOS 40 Centrifuge.
    Take pictures of the following:

  • 6.1. Left discharge zone

  • 6.2. Right liner discharge zone

  • 6.3. Liner entry point

  • 6.4. Liner back face

  • 6.5. Left overflow area of feed zone

  • 6.6. Right overflow area of feed zone

  • 6ii. Review pictures with supervisor.

  • 6.7. Supervisor: Does the centrifuge need to be torn down?

  • 6.7.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 6.7.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 6.7.c. Supervisor signature

  • 6.8. Feed tube installed.

  • 6.8.a. Tech initial

7. Electrical

  • 7.1. Power cords free of tears, gouges, kinks, pinches or twisting

  • 7.1.a. Power cord replaced.

  • 7.1.b. Tech initial

  • 7i. Take apart cord end, verify all parts are present and in proper working order, no water or corrosion present, ensure rubber grommet fits correctly around cord and re-wire ensuring wires are securely and properly installed.

  • 7.2. Cord end is inspected, reassembled and in proper functioning order.

  • 7.2.a. Cord End replaced or repaired

  • 7.2.b. Tech's initial

  • 7.3. Power cord tag present with unit number, and voltage near cord end

  • 7.3.a. Tech's initial

  • 7.4. Motor junction are properly mounted and free of cracks or damage

  • 7.4.a. Junction box repaired/replaced

  • 7.4.b. Tech's initial

  • 7ii. Open junction box, look for signs of water/corrosion, look for signs of burning. Remove rubber tape/boots over leads, verify leads are securely and properly connected and re-tape/boot leads.

  • 7.5. Motor wiring inspected and cord secured in strain relief.

  • 7.5.a. Tech's initial

  • 7iii. When inspecting the junction box, if the motor is NON Explosion proof, then, replace the gasket. If it is an Explosion proof, DO NOT seal the junction box cover. This metal to metal surface contact is direct from the factory, and designed to allow the gases created by the motor to safely escape.

  • 7.6. Junction box cover remounted with proper gasket or silicone in place.

  • 7.6.a. Tech's initial

8. Function test

  • 8.1. Control cable free of damage (cord, pins) and has end cover.

  • 8.1.a. Control cable repaired/replaced

  • 8.1.b. Tech's initial

  • 8.2. Lid switch functions correctly and is correctly registering on the control panel.

  • 8.2.a. Lid switch repaired/replaced

  • 8.2.b. Tech's initial

  • 8.3. Vibration sensor is adjusted correctly and functions properly

  • 8.3.a. Vibration trip adjusted or replaced and functions correctly

  • 8.3.b. Tech's initial

  • 8i. Run the centrifuge at the following settings: Main Drive 500, Back Drive 35

  • 8.4. Verify Main Drive motor fans spinning clockwise and Back Drive motor fans spinning counter clockwise

  • 8.5. Unit is free of any unusual noises (grinding, rubbing, high pitch squealing)

  • 8.5.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 8.5.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 8.5.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 8.5.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 8.5.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 8.5.d. Tech's initial

9. Main Drive Motor

  • 9.1. Motor feet free of damage or cracks

  • 9.1.a. Motor feet repair or motor replaced

  • 9.1.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.2. Vibration mounts in good condition and free of signs of wear

  • 9.2.a. Vibration mount replaced and bolts fastened with lock nuts or lock tight.

  • 9.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.3. Motor fan and fan guard free of any damage or cracks

  • 9.3.a. Guard or fan replaced/repaired

  • 9.3.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.4. Motor sheave positioned correctly, belts alignment straight

  • 9.5. Belts are in good condition without signs of cracking, tears, or damage

  • 9.6. Belts have proper tension

  • 9.7. Motor adjustment bolts are in proper working order

  • 9.7.a. Adjustment bolt set-up replaced

  • 9.7.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.8. Motor base mounting bolts torqued to spec

  • 9.8.a. Servicing Tech's initial

10. Back Drive Motor

  • 10.1. Motor is 30hp/480v / 1780 rpm motor

  • 10.1.a. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.2. Motor feet free damage or cracks

  • 10.2.a Motor feet repair or motor replaced

  • 10.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.3. Motor fan and fan guard free of any damage or cracks

  • 10.3.a. Guard or fan replaced/repaired

  • 10.3.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.4. Lovejoy free of damage and reinstalled with blue lock tight and torqued to spec

  • 10.4.a. Lovejoy has been repaired/replaced

  • 10.4.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.5. Ensure back drive motor coupler is aligned on the vertical and horizontal axis to within .005 inch.

  • 10.6. Mounting bolts tightened

  • 10.6.a. Servicing Tech's initial

11. Body/Skid

  • 11.1. Coffin mounting bolts are torqued to spec

  • 11.2. Pillow block bearings bolts are torqued to spec

  • 11.2.a. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.3. Guards free of cracks or other damage

  • 11.3.a. Damage to guard has been repaired and guards repainted

  • 11.3.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.4. Skid upgrade completed (full side square tubing and grating) has alignment key-stock by pinning location and is free of damage

  • 11.4.a. Damage repaired/upgrades completed

  • 11.4.b Add picture of grating fully installed

  • 11.4.c Add close up picture of grating verifying proper welding, placement and supporting angle iron.

  • 11.4.d. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.5. Vibration mounts in good condition and free of signs of damage or wear

  • 11.5.a. Vibration mounts repaired/replaced

  • 11.5.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.6. Vibration mount bolts are Grade 8 bolts and torqued to spec

  • 11.7. Solids discharge drop box is in in good condition

  • 11.7.a. Drop box damage repaired/replaced

  • 11.7.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.8. Solids discharge skirt is in good condition and free of tears or holes

  • 11.8.a. Skirt replaced

  • 11.8.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.9. Skirt mounted so the long end faces towards main motor

  • 11.10. 8" effluent male camlock fitting is in good condition and free of pitting or gouges around facing

  • 10.11.a. Camlock replaced using pipe dope on threads

  • 11.10.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.11. Bolts on effluent flange tighten

  • 11.12. Lid bolts present and in proper working order

  • 11.12.a. Lid Bolts have been replaced

  • 11.12.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.13. Hinges in proper working order, all components present.

  • 11.13.a. Hinges fixed and in proper working order.

  • 11.13.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.14. Stainless steel wear protector bolted to coffin above solid discharge in good condition.

  • 11.14.a. Stainless steel protector, repaired/replaced

  • 11.14.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.15. Coffin free of any noticeable holes or cracks

  • 11.15.a. Note damage:

  • 11.15.b. Coffin repaired

  • 11.16.c. Service Tech initial

  • 11.16. 180 pond plates installed

  • 11.17. Lid gasket is in good condition, free of tears or cracks, and is correctly fitted on the coffin.

  • 11.17.a. Lid gasket replaced.

  • 11.17.b. Service Tech initial

12. Running and Filtercake Unit

  • 12i. Verify all guard and covers are in place and secured as designed prior to proceeding. If for any reason any guards need to be removed BOS SOP OP.000.SOP.018 Lock Out Tag Out must be followed.

  • 12ii. Click "Open Link" to get access to BOS SOPs

12.1. Set main drive motor speed to 1000 RPMs and back drive to 35. Run unit for 30 minutes. After running for 30 minutes record the following:

  • 12.1.a. Vibration reading on solids end bearing (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.b. Vibration reading on liquids end bearing (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.e. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.1.e.a. Inform supervisor.

  • 12.1.e.b. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.1.e.c. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.1.f. Bearing are good

  • 12.1.g. Servicing Tech's initial

12.2. Set main drive motor speed to 2000 RPMs and back drive to 35. Run unit for 30 minutes.

  • 13iii. Increase back drive to max speed for full vibration analysis. Record the following:

  • 12iii. Increase back drive to max speed for full vibration analysis. Record the following:

12.2.a. On the center of motor record:

  • 12.2.a.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.a.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.a.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.b. On the center of solids end bearing record:

  • 12.2.b.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.b.b Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.b.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.c. On the center of centrifuge body:

  • 12.2.c.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.c.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.c.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.d. On the center of liquids end bearing:

  • 12.2.d.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.d.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.d.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.e. On the center of back drive motor:

  • 12.2.e.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.e.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.e.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.f. Temperature readings of bearings [Verify if F or C]

  • 12.2.f.a. Temperature reading on main drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.b. Temperature reading on main drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.f. Temperature reading on back drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.2.g.a. Inform supervisor.

  • 12.2.g.b. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.g.c. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.g.d. Bearing are good

  • 12.2.g.e. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 12v. From operating control panel record the following:

  • 12.2.h. Main drive amps

  • 12.2.j. Back drive amps

  • 12vi. Increase main drive motor speed to optimal range and change back drive to 35

12.5. Run unit for 2 hours. Set main drive motor speed to 2000 RPMs and back drive to max.

12.5.a. On the center of motor record:

  • 12.5.a.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.a.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.a.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.b. On the center of solids end bearing record:

  • 12.5.b.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.b.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.b.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.c. On the center of centrifuge body:

  • 12.5.c.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.c.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.c.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.d. On the center of liquids end bearing:

  • 12.5.d.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.d.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.d.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.e. On the center of back drive motor:

  • 12.5.e.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.e.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.e.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.f. Temperature reading of bearings

  • 12.5.f.a. Temperature reading on main drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.b. Temperature reading on main drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.e. Temperature reading on back drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.f. Temperature reading on back drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.5.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.5.g.a. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.5.g.b. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.5.g.c. Bearings are good

  • 12.5.g.d. Servicing Tech's initial

13. Touch ups

  • 13.1. Paint is in good condition and meets BOS Standards

  • 13.1.a. Unit repainted

  • 13.1.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 13.2. Decals are in good condition and meets BOS Standards

  • 13.2.a. Decal(s) replaced

  • 13.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 13.3. Power cables are wrapped up and secured for transport

  • 13.4. Unit has green tag identifying work completed including date and service tech

TDM50 Inspection

2. Rotating Assembly Inspection

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/TDM+50+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 2.1. Take pictures of the following high wear areas:

  • 2.1.a. Plows and saddles

  • 2.1.b. Conical section

  • 2.1.c. Bowl ends

  • 2.1.d. Wear plate

  • 2.1.e. Feed tube

  • 2.2. Plows in good condition and properly fastened with blue locktite and torqued to spec <br>(Does not exceed maximum allowance [maximum allowance coming soon] of wear in front face, no gouging near bowl face, proper plows as per BOS standards)

  • 2.2.a. Does the bowl show gouging or signs of washing due to damaged plows?

  • 2.2.a.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.2.a.b. Supervisor: Does unit require tear down?

  • 2.2.a.c. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.2.a.d. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.2.a.e. The system will send notification to Ryan Keough upon saving.

  • 2.2.a.f Supervisor sign off

  • 2.2.b. New plows installed torqued to spec

  • 2.2.c. Pictures of new plows installed

  • 2.2.d. Service Tech initial

  • 2.3. Saddles in good condition an there is no visible signs of gouging on the saddle or the bowl end

  • 2.3.a. Does the bowl show gouging or signs of washing due to or around damaged saddles?

  • 2.3.a.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.3.a.b. Supervisor: Does unit require tear down?

  • 2.3.a.c. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.3.a.d. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.3.a.e. The system will send notification to Ryan Keough upon saving.

  • 2.3.a.f Supervisor sign off

  • 2.3.b. New saddles installed using proper adhesive. [proper adhesive come soon]

  • 2.3.c. Pictures of new saddles installed

  • 2.3.d. Service Tech initial

  • 2.4. Wear ring in good condition

  • 2.4.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.4.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 2.4.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.4.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.4.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 2.4.d. Service Tech initial

  • 2.5. Bowl head flange is free of wear

  • 2.5.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 2.5.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 2.5.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 2.5.b.b.. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 2.5.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 2.5.d. Service Tech initial

3. Greasing

  • 3.1. Purge plugs replaced

  • 3.1.a. Service Tech initial

  • 3i. Purge conveyor bearings through the pressure relief fitting until clean Chevron SRI-2 grease comes through the pressure relief fitting (per SOP BOS-016 Equipment Greasing Guide Section 6.2) Purge pillow block bearings with two pumps of clean Chevron SRI-2 grease. Note: Roll conveyor while greasing.

  • 3.2. Purged grease from solids end bearing free of water, is not discolored, smell burnt or runny

  • 3.2.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 3.2.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 3.2.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 3.2.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 3.2.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 3.2.d. Service Tech initial

  • 3.3. Purged grease from liquids end bearing free of water, is not discolored, smell burnt or runny

  • 3.3.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 3.3.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 3.3.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 3.3.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 3.2.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 3.3.d. Service Tech initial

4. Gearbox

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/TDM+50+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 4.1. Sunshaft free of any signs of oil leaking<br>

  • 4.1.a. Seal or shaft replaced, new oil added

  • 4.1.b. Service Tech initial

  • 4.2. Gear oil level at the 10 o'clock position as per SOP BOS-016 SERVICE CENTRIFUGE

  • 4.2.a. Service Tech initial

  • 4.3. Oil free of metal shavings

  • 4.3.a. Have Supervisor confirm.

  • 4.3.b. Supervisor: Does gearbox needs to be torn down?

  • 4.3.c. Supervisor's verification signature

  • 4.3.d. Gearbox is in proper working condition

  • 4.3.e. Service Tech initial

  • 4.4. Oil quality is good (not smell burnt, discolored or dirty)

  • 4.4.a. Have Supervisor confirm.

  • 4.4.b. Supervisor: Does gearbox needs to be torn down?

  • 4.4.c. Supervisor's verification signature

  • 4.4.d. Gearbox is in proper working condition

  • 4.4.e. Service Tech initial

  • 4.5. Gearbox flange face bolts torqued to specs

  • 4.7. Service Tech initial

5. Feed Tube

  • 5.1. Correct feed tube fittings for TDM set up, with all fittings functioning correctly.

  • 5.2. Feed tube free of excessive damage or wear, straight and is proper length [Dimensions coming soon]

  • 5.2.a. Feed tube replaced.

  • 5.2.b. Take picture of replacement feed tube

  • 5.2.c. Tech initial

6. Scope

  • 6i. Scope unit following SOP 104 - Scope BOS 40 Centrifuge.
    Take pictures of the following:

  • 6.1. Left discharge zone

  • 6.2. Right liner discharge zone

  • 6.3. Liner entry point

  • 6.4. Liner back face

  • 6.5. Left overflow area of feed zone

  • 6.6. Right overflow area of feed zone

  • 6ii. Review pictures with supervisor.

  • 6.7. Supervisor: Does the centrifuge need to be torn down?

  • 6.7.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 6.7.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 6.7.c. Supervisor signature

  • 6.8. Feed tube installed.

  • 6.8.a. Tech initial

7. Electrical

  • 7.1. Power cords free of tears, gouges, kinks, pinches or twisting

  • 7.1.a. Power cord replaced.

  • 7.1.b. Tech initial

  • 7i. Take apart cord end, verify all parts are present and in proper working order, no water or corrosion present, ensure rubber grommet fits correctly around cord and re-wire ensuring wires are securely and properly installed.

  • 7.2. Cord end is inspected, reassembled and in proper functioning order.

  • 7.2.a. Cord End replaced or repaired

  • 7.2.b. Tech's initial

  • 7.3. Power cord tag present with unit number, and voltage near cord end, as per BOS Standards

  • 7.3.a. Tech's initial

  • 7.4. Motor junction are properly mounted and free of cracks or damage

  • 7.4.a. Junction box repaired/replaced

  • 7.4.b. Tech's initial

  • 7ii. Open junction box, look for signs of water/corrosion, look for signs of burning. Remove rubber tape/boots over leads, verify leads are securely and properly connected and re-tape/boot leads.

  • 7.5. Motor wiring inspected and cord secured in strain relief.

  • 7.5.a. Tech's initial

  • 7iii. When inspecting the junction box, if the motor is NON Explosion proof, then, replace the gasket. If it is an Explosion proof, DO NOT seal the junction box cover. This metal to metal surface contact is direct from the factory, and designed to allow the gases created by the motor to safely escape.

  • 7.6. Junction box cover remounted with proper gasket or silicone in place.

  • 7.6.a. Tech's initial

8. Function test

  • 8.1. Control cable free of damage (cord, pins) and has end cover.

  • 8.1.a. Control cable repaired/replaced

  • 8.1.b. Tech's initial

  • 8.2. Panel used for testing is set to TDM50 in control settings.

  • 8.3. Lid switch functions correctly and is correctly registering on the control panel.

  • 8.3.a. Lid switch repaired/replaced

  • 8.3.b. Tech's initial

  • 8.4. Vibration sensor is adjusted correctly and functions properly

  • 8.4.a. Vibration sensor replaced or repaired and functions correctly

  • 8.4.b. Tech's initial

  • 8i. Run the centrifuge at the following settings: Main Drive 500, Back Drive 35

  • 8.5. Verify Main Drive and Back Drive motor fans spinning clockwise

  • 8.6. Unit is free of any unusual noises (grinding, rubbing, high pitch squealing)

  • 8.6.a. Have supervisor verify if unit requires tear down

  • 8.6.b. Supervisor: Does unit need torn down?

  • 8.6.b.a. Where is the RA being removed from unit?

  • 8.6.b.b. Where is RA being torn down?

  • 8.6.c. Manager signature to confirm.

  • 8.6.d. Tech's initial

9. Main Drive Motor

  • 9.1. Motor feet free of damage or cracks

  • 9.1.a. Motor feet repair or motor replaced

  • 9.1.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.2. Motor base vibration mount upgrade complete

  • 9.2.a. Motor base vibration mount upgrade completed.

  • 9.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.3. Vibration mounts in good condition and free of signs of wear

  • 9.3.a. Vibration mount replaced and bolts fastened with lock nuts or lock tight.

  • 9.3.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.4. Motor fan and fan guard free of any damage or cracks

  • 9.4.a. Guard or fan replaced/repaired

  • 9.4.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.5. Motor sheave positioned correctly, belts alignment straight

  • 9.6. Belts are in good condition without signs of cracking, tears, or damage

  • 9.7. Belts have proper tension

  • 9.7.a. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.8. Motor adjustment bolts are in proper working order

  • 9.8.a. Adjustment bolt set-up replaced

  • 9.8.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 9.9. Motor base mounting bolts torqued to spec

  • 9.9.a. Servicing Tech's initial

10. Back Drive Motor

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/TDM+50+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 10.1. Motor is 20hp/480v / 3600 rpm motor

  • 10.1.a. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.2. Motor feet free damage or cracks

  • 10.2.a Motor feet repair or motor replaced

  • 10.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.3. Motor fan and fan guard free of any damage or cracks

  • 10.3.a. Guard or fan replaced/repaired

  • 10.3.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.4. Lovejoy free of damage and reinstalled with blue lock tight and torqued to spec

  • 10.4.a. Lovejoy has been repaired/replaced

  • 10.4.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 10.5. Ensure back drive motor coupler is aligned on the vertical and horizontal axis to within .005 inch.

  • 10.6. Mounting bolts tightened

  • 10.6.a. Servicing Tech's initial

11. Body/Skid

  • https://intranet.bos-solutions.com/display/SQ/TDM+50+FASTENER+SPECS

  • 11.1. Unit has the bolt on coffin mounting bracket upgrade completed

  • 11.2. Coffin mounting bolts are torqued to spec

  • 11.3. Pillow block bearings bolts are torqued to spec

  • 11.3.a. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.4. Guards free of cracks or other damage

  • 11.4.a. Damage to guard has been repaired and guards repainted

  • 11.4.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.5. Skid upgrade completed (full side square tubing and grating) has alignment key-stock by pinning location and is free of damage

  • 11.5.a. Damage repaired/upgrades completed

  • 11.5.b Add picture of grating fully installed

  • 11.5.c Add close up picture of grating verifying proper welding, placement and supporting angle iron.

  • 11.5.d. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.6. Vibration mounts in good condition and free of signs of damage or wear

  • 11.6.a. Vibration mounts repaired/replaced

  • 11.6.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.7. Vibration mount bolts are Grade 8 bolts and torqued to spec

  • 11.7.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.8. Solids discharge drop box is in in good condition

  • 11.8.a. Drop box damage repaired/replaced

  • 11.8.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.9. Solids discharge skirt is in good condition and free of tears or holes

  • 11.9.a. Skirt replaced

  • 11.9.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.10. Skirt mounted so the long end faces towards main motor

  • 11.10.a. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.11. 8" effluent male camlock fitting is in good condition and free of pitting or gouges around facing

  • 11.11.a. Camlock replaced using pipe dope on threads

  • 11.11.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 11.12. Bolts on effluent flange tighten

  • 11.13. Lid bolts present and in proper working order

  • 11.13.a. Broken lid bolts replaced

  • 11.13.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.14. Hinges in proper working order, all components present.

  • 11.14.a. Hinges fixed and in proper working order.

  • 11.14.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.15. Urethane wear protector in the coffin lid and sides are present and in good condition

  • 11.15.a. New urethane insert installed

  • 11.15.b. Service Tech initial

  • 11.16. Is the 2nd baffle installed?

  • 11.17. Coffin free of any noticeable holes or cracks

  • 11.17.a. Note damage:

  • 11.17.b. Coffin repaired

  • 11.17.c. Service Tech initial

  • 11.18. 156.5 pond plates installed

  • 11.19. Lid gasket is in good condition, free of tears or cracks, and is correctly fitted on the coffin.

  • 1119.a. Lid gasket replaced.

  • 11.19.b. Service Tech initial

12. Running and Filtercake Unit

  • 12i. Verify all guard and covers are in place and secured as designed prior to proceeding. If for any reason any guards need to be removed BOS SOP OP.000.SOP.018 Lock Out Tag Out must be followed.

  • 12ii. Click "Open Link" to get access to BOS SOPs

12.1. Set main drive motor speed to 1000 RPMs and back drive to 35. Run unit for 30 minutes. After running for 30 minutes record the following:

  • 12.1.a. Vibration reading on solids end bearing (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.b. Vibration reading on liquids end bearing (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.1.e. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.1.e.a. Inform supervisor.

  • 12.1.e.b. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.1.e.c. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.1.f. Bearing are good

  • 12.1.g. Servicing Tech's initial

12.2. Set main drive motor speed to 2000 RPMs and back drive to 35. Run unit for 30 minutes.

  • 12iii. Increase back drive to max speed for full vibration analysis. Record the following:

12.2.a. On the center of motor record:

  • 12.2.a.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.a.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.a.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.b. On the center of solids end bearing record:

  • 12.2.b.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.b.b Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.b.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.c. On the center of centrifuge body:

  • 12.2.c.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.c.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.c.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.d. On the center of liquids end bearing:

  • 12.2.d.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.d.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.d.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.e. On the center of back drive motor:

  • 12.2.e.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.e.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.e.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.2.f. Temperature readings of bearings [Verify if F or C]

  • 12.2.f.a. Temperature reading on main drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.b. Temperature reading on main drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.f.f. Temperature reading on back drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.2.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.2.g.a. Inform supervisor.

  • 12.2.g.b. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.g.c. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.g.d. Bearing are good

  • 12.2.g.e. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 12v. From operating control panel record the following:

  • 12.2.h. Main drive amps

  • 12.2.j. Back drive amps

  • 12vi. Increase main drive motor speed to optimal range and change back drive to 35

  • 12vii. Verify pump rotation then turn pump to 900 RPM

  • 12.3. Run fluid through centrifuge for 2 hours to build filter cake and test unit.

  • 12.4. No liquids coming out of solids discharge

  • 12.4.a. Servicing Tech's initial

12.5. Shut off pump. Set main drive motor speed to 2000 RPMs and back drive to max.

12.5.a. On the center of motor record:

  • 12.5.a.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.a.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.a.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.b. On the center of solids end bearing record:

  • 12.5.b.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.b.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.b.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.c. On the center of centrifuge body:

  • 12.5.c.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.c.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.c.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.d. On the center of liquids end bearing:

  • 12.5.d.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.d.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.d.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.e. On the center of back drive motor:

  • 12.5.e.a. Displacement readings (DISP) reading [um (P-P)] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.e.b. Velocity readings (VEL) reading [mm/s] (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.e.c. Acceleration readings (ACCEL) reading [Gs] (See acceptable range on chart)

12.5.f. Temperature reading of bearings

  • 12.5.f.a. Temperature reading on main drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.b. Temperature reading on main drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.c. Temperature reading on solids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.d. Temperature reading on liquids end bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.e. Temperature reading on back drive motor inner bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.f.f. Temperature reading on back drive motor outer bearing, include if it is C or F (See acceptable range on chart)

  • 12.5.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.5.g. Are all measurements within acceptable range?

  • 12.5.g.a. Supervisor: Does unit need to be torn down or re-bearing?

  • 12.5.g.b. Supervisors Signature

  • 12.5.g.c. Bearings are good

  • 12.5.g.d. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 12.6. Unit dry spun (Back drive reduced to 35 and unit ran for 1 hour)

13. Touch ups

  • 13.1. Paint is in good condition and meets BOS Standards

  • 13.1.a. Unit repainted

  • 13.1.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 13.2. Decals are in good condition and meets BOS Standards

  • 13.2.a. Decal(s) replaced

  • 13.2.b. Servicing Tech's initial

  • 13.3. Power cables are wrapped up and secured for transport

  • 13.4. Unit has green tag identifying work completed including date and service tech

  • 13.4.a. Servicing Tech's initial

14. Supervisor Final Inspection

  • 14.1. Have supervisor complete below listed final inspection and sign off.

  • 14.2. Unit is clean

  • 14.3. Decals and paint meet BOS standards

  • 14.4. All fittings are present and in operable condition

  • 14.5. All power cords have correct cable tags

  • 14.6. All guards are present and properly secured

  • 14.7. Unit is ready to ship to field

  • 14.8. Take pictures of ready unit's sides showing decals, covers, and serial number plate.

  • 14.9. Supervisors signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.