
  • Document No.

  • Shrinkage and Security Quarterly Healthcheck

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel

Shrinkage & Security Meeting

  • <br><br>Current next steps should be produced and available to view.

  • 2. Is the Weekly Shrinkage report on Store Reports discussed at the meeting and action plans recorded in relation to the stock losses?<br><br>The most recent week's report has been discussed and next steps are evident to support this.

  • 3. Are all next steps being completed fully and on time?<br><br>There are no next steps that are constantly being carried over from one week to the next and evidence that next steps have been completed.

  • 4. Has the Daily Stock Record Movement tracker that is displayed in a prominent place been completed?<br><br>Daily tracker board has the latest figures displayed

  • 5. Has the Weekly Shrinkage tracker that is displayed in a prominent place been completed?<br><br>Weekly tracker board has the latest figures taken from the Weekly Shrinkage Store Report displayed

Back Areas

  • 6. Are the back gates closed and locked when not being used to accept deliveries? Spot check throughout the review.<br><br>Gates are closed between deliveries. Only one delivery at a time allowed in yard.

  • 7. Are the seals (electronic/manual) on Tesco vehicles checked against the Retail Delivery Record and then changed / broken by the Backdoor person and is the Unit Of Delivery (pallets / cages / dollies) checked for your store and are they correct?<br><br>Seals checked by store personnel and must not be broken by the driver. Any exceptions reported to Distribution Centre Duty Manager and Store Manager prior to unloading. Check that the destination label on each UOD is for your store. Check the total number UODs against the RDR.

  • 8. Are all direct deliveries issued with a Tesco Receipt Note and carrier deliveries entered onto Backdoor Carrier Log? Are these deliveries checked by Tesco staff line by line? Observe and check after a delivery has been accepted and signed.<br><br>All direct deliveries checked thoroughly by Backdoor checker or relevant department staff member. Backdoor carrier log has a TRN listed for all carrier deliveries.

  • 9. Are compactor or wheelie bin controls in place? Compactor access should be locked both internally and externally and regular checks made on what is placed in the bins.<br><br>Only authorised staff have access to compactor keys which should be signed out daily. Keys should be accounted for at all times. Wheelie bins locked and access tightly controlled. Any products in bins will match waste prints.

  • 10. Are High Value deliveries containing high risk products taken immediately to a secure location?<br><br>High Value deliveries are never left unattended at the Backdoor / warehouse. Any evidence of tampering is confirmed with the driver, recorded on the RDR and taken immediately to the secure location.

  • 11. Are there any management checks on Direct Deliveries?<br><br>Notes in Backdoor Carrier Log in the Comments column

  • 12. Is there any evidence of grazing in the warehouse and chillers?<br><br>All areas under racking and behind cupboards should be clear.

  • 13. Is there a PDA in the back area for the Electronic Delivery Note process?<br><br>PDA is available to use at the back door.

  • 14. All stock in the warehouse is accessible / grouped together for easy decking, counting, gap scanning procedures and all products are labelled appropriately.<br><br>Review back areas to check that all cages are marshalled to allow gap scan routines, ensuring all stock is grouped together under clearly defined labelling to facilitate product identification and not dual located around the warehouse.

  • 15. Are any outside storage containers kept locked when not in use and check that no products are mixed with rubbish cages or left outside?<br><br>All outside storage containers can be locked if not in use and not manned. Check Backdoor area for any stray cages of stock near rubbish cages or that have been left outside.


  • 16.Are staff working on high risk product areas of the shop floor, acting as a deterrent?<br><br>Staff should be scheduled so that all high risk areas such as Wines & Spirits have a member of staff working in the area.

  • 17. Are all fire exits sealed around the handles and checked twice daily? Check that fire doors are not damaged and are fitted with alarms.<br><br>Seal checks completed twice daily. Evidence of regular management review. Manually check doors for evidence that they are sealed, ensure back/warehouse doors are checked. Fire door exit alarms checked as part of seal check routine and signed daily.

  • 18. Is the Electronic Article Surveillance Guide available for reference and is there an alarm test completed day?<br><br>Electronic Article Surveillance Guide available instore. Gates should be tested with tags daily. Any issues should be recorded in the problem log.

  • 19. Are checkouts operational near high risk product areas and near exits?<br><br>View checkouts and exits near high risk product areas to see if manned.

  • 20. Is there any evidence of products being set aside for staff to purchase at a later time or date?<br><br>Staff are aware of shopping policy and can clearly describe. Products only stored in relevant areas. No stock to be held in offices, chillers or staff areas.

  • 21. Have all staff been trained on customer theft awareness and viewed the Eyes Wide Open DVD?<br><br>Staff have completed module 8 of Bronze Know Your Stuff for Everyone and watched the DVD.

  • 22. Are all removals of stock to the Tobacco Kiosk carried out by two members of staff?<br><br>Access to stock tightly controlled. Authorised list of staff maintained. Stock transferred to kiosk by two people. Stock not transferred at busy periods.

  • 23. Is the Visitors Book completed and badges issued to external visitors?<br><br>All visitors sign in and out and display badges. All Visitor badges accounted for at the end of the week.

  • 24. Is the store Product Protection Healthcheck being completed daily and next steps being fed back via Team5.<br><br>Healthcheck completed daily, department managers aware of any issues.

  • 25. Are all incident and arrest forms completed fully and submitted?<br><br>All forms submitted as soon as possible after incident.

  • 26. Is Civil Debt Recovery actioned where the incident and offender meet the civil recovery criteria?<br><br>Civil recovery policy is applied in all appropriate situations.

  • 27. Do merchandisers/visitors have bags on the sales floor or in the back room?<br><br>Personal belongings not allowed in back areas or on the sales floor.

  • 28. Are security staff carrying out their agreed duties and/or Agency guards following correct assignment instructions?<br><br>Security staff are conducting security duties as per job description. Agency guards are carrying out duties as per assignment.

  • 29. Is the staff search book completed adequately with the policy observed? Are staff searches carried out at varying times of the day and carried out on a wide variety of staff? eg GAs, management, Dot Com staff, visitors, cleaners, PFS staff, etc.<br><br>Staff search book completed correctly, issues recorded and followed up. Searches to have taken place at varying times including early mornings and late nights.

  • 30. Is access to the back of Staff Reception and the key cabinet restricted?<br><br>List of authorised personnel posted in area. Access tightly controlled.

  • 31. Are all external doors to reception controlled by a locking device that is operated by the receptionist?<br><br>No one can enter the building by reception without the receptionist letting them in.

  • 32. Is the key cabinet locked and secure with the keys under the Duty Manager's control? Are all keys clearly labelled with a corresponding index available?<br><br>Access to the key cupboard is strictly controlled. Keys held by Duty Manager if/when Reception is unmanned. Receptionist / Duty Managers use authorised key holders list when signing out keys. All keys are clearly indexed.

  • 33. Is there a weekly key audit to reconcile keys on Staff Reception against RP32? What measures are taken when they do not correspond?<br><br>Key audit carried out weekly. Any issues investigated and resolved. Evidence of check and actions taken.

  • 34. Is the Loss Prevention and Security POS displayed on the shop floor and in the staff areas as per the Product Protection guide?<br><br>All Loss Prevention and Security POS displayed and visible.

  • 35. Is an Agency Guard performance report completed each period?<br><br>Agency Guard performance report completed in correct timescales. Issues are highlighted and monitored.

  • 36. Is the store's Keyholder List up to date?<br><br>Keyholder list is up to date and any changes sent to Security Support. Store Keyholder pager is in good working order.

  • 37. Is the CCTV system in good working and are all high risk areas covered by CCTV? Have the Cash Office, PFS, and ATM machines got CCTV coverage?<br><br>All CCTV cameras in good working order and all areas listed have coverage.

  • 38. Is the Lost Property process being followed as per the Lost Property procedure in the Store Operating Manual?<br><br>Lost Property is being kept and recorded as per procedure.

Sales Areas

  • 39. Review high risk products featured in the foyer / entrance area and ensure they are protected.<br><br>Every product is tagged / Security Protected sticker is attached. Security personnel presence in area.

  • 40. Are Wines & Spirits over £10 bottle tagged correctly as per Product Protection guide?<br><br>All bottles of Wines & Spirits checked over £10 have a bottle tag. Prices before promotions / discounts are used to identify products to be tagged.

  • 41. Are detaggers secured, in good working order and under control at the checkouts?<br><br>Detaggers are locked when not in use. Keys are accounted for.

  • 42. Are all high risk Hardware products tagged?<br><br>Products tagged as per Product Protection Guide.

  • 43. Is clothing over £10 tagged?<br><br>All clothing over £10 is tagged and staff are aware of the policy.

  • 44. Do all the fitting rooms have access controls?<br><br>Fitting rooms are locked when not in use. Garments are managed inane out of the room.

  • 45. Have "Security Protected" labels been placed on high value / high risk products?<br><br>Security labels used in store. Problem lines identified from Stock Record Movement and added to "Security Protected" list.

  • 46. Are cosmetic stand drawers locked securely and key control in evidence and bags available?<br><br>Drawers locked at all times. Keys controlled and accounted for at all times. Bags available and replenished where necessary.

Petrol Filling Station

  • 47. Have all Drive Offs been recorded and reported using the correct procedure, and been signed by the Duty Manager and monitored by the Petrol Station Manager?<br><br>Drive Offs are recorded and signed by the Duty Manager. Confirm manual record to value on Checkout Back Office daily.

  • 48. Has the Non-Payment book (RP539) been completed correctly and any payments outstanding for more than seven days been sent to Cardiff? How frequently is this operation reviewed by Store Management?<br><br>Reviewed weekly by management.

  • 49. Have all transfers to the Petrol Filling Station been checked by a manager? What evidence is there to support this?<br><br>All transfers checked by a manager. Managers to sign transfer download reports to verify check has been completed. Signed reports are filed.

  • 50. Is stock always physically transferred from the main store accompanied by two people?

  • 51. Is tobacco stock in a lockable unit if kept in store room with other stock?

  • 52. Is non-fuel waste recorded in RP126 and downloaded to Store Ordering System weekly via waste adjustment screen?

Stock Record Accuracy

  • 53. Are all counts being completed as per count schedule on Ambient areas?<br><br>Review count compliance reports, also review count schedule and ensure all counts including 142 lines have been counted.

  • 54. Are all Non Food counts being completed as per the Non Food count schedule?<br><br>Review count compliance reports, also review count schedule and ensure all counts including 142 lines have been counted.

  • 55. Are all Fresh Food counts being completed as per the Fresh Food count schedule?<br><br>Review count compliance reports, also review count schedule and ensure all counts including 142 lines have been counted.

  • 56. Are all gap scan routines being carried out correctly?<br><br>Gap scan report is reviewed and all instore lines are out out for sale.

  • 57. Is there evidence that Daily Stock Movement reports are reviewed in detail for all areas on a daily basis to ensure lines are counted accurately?<br><br>Reports should be reviewed with commentary, recounts completed on product profile, and filed for four weeks.

  • 58. Is the Weekly Shrink report on Store Reports being reviewed each week and Stock Movement exceptions for departments that are red printed and reviewed?<br><br>Weekly Shrinkage by Department reports by department should be reviewed for any red areas and filed for four weeks,

  • 59. Are Fridge Breakdowns only being downloaded for genuine fridge breakdowns? Can all returns to DC be matched to an authorised Z-note number.

  • 60. Have products that are dual located been included in any stock counts and are the Stock Records of all dual located products accurate?<br><br>Spot check 5 products

  • 61. Has the Stocktake Cutover been used to prepare for the most recent non SBO stocktake?

  • 62. Has the Store Variation Report been completed and signed by the Duty Manager, with all Reduced To Clear lines highlighted and reductions still valid and waste recorded?<br><br>Store Variation report is signed, timed and dated by Duty Manager. All reductions reason coded with correct abbreviation. Checks carried out on length of time reduction has been in force and waste recorded on Store Ordering System.

  • 63. Are all internal transfers completed correctly? For example, check products that have been transferred to counters, Pharmacy, or Cafe.<br><br>Check that all internal transfers have been completed. Review products used daily against what has been recorded as a transfer.

  • 64. Are there any Withdraw & Hold transactions being used and if so are they being used for the correct valid reason (EPW awaiting further instructions)

  • 65. Are Direct Deliveries being confirmed in the Store Ordering System correctly?<br><br>Review 162 screen check that deliveries are being confirmed when deliveries arrive in the store.

  • 66. Is there evidence of Direct Deliveries being amended on the Store Ordering System?<br><br>Review 162 screen for cases ordered versus cases delivered.

  • 67. Are wastage download reports checked and signed by management?<br><br>Reports should be filed, with managers' signatures evident on filed reports.

  • 68. Is wastage being processed on the correct day (Out of Code) and in a secure manner?<br><br>Review option 541, select today's date and browse. Review amount of Out of Code already recorded as there should be none.

  • 69. Have all Tesco Receipt Notes been accounted for and all deliveries via a carrier been issued with a Tesco Receipt Note.<br><br>Review the Delivery Carrier Log to ensure that all deliveries have been issued with a Tesco Receipt Note.

  • 70. In addition, have all newspaper and magazine weekly invoices been receipted and entered on the Delivery Summary System?<br><br>Review the DSS Weekly Ins reports to ensure newspaper and magazines have been booked in each week.

  • 71. Are all external transfers completed and scanned via a handheld computer?<br><br>Review transfer details on the Store Ordering System.

  • 72. Is the DSS Weekly Ins and Outs reports filed in the Goods Charging Folder and reviewed by Store Manager or nominated Manager?<br><br>Review filed reports for evidence of management signatures.

Reverse Logistics

  • 73. Are all hardline returns stored in a secure location? Are returns prepared for uplift in four sided cages which are sealed, green shrink wrapped and clearly labelled with store number?<br><br>Check the storage location for returns, check that any cages awaiting uplift are on four sided cages and wrapped in green shrink wrap.

  • 74. Do all hardline returns have a corresponding licence plate attached?

  • 75. Are all mobile phones stored in electrical lock up with limited access and returned to Saltley in sealed blue trays?

  • 76. Has the Direct Delivery Carrier Log - Returns section been completed correctly?

  • 77. Has the Backdoor area got a copy of the step by step returns process on display and are all Backdoor staff aware of the Process for scanning the boxes out to carrier?

  • 78. Are the entertainment returns locked in a high value cage ready for uplift, accessible to the warehouse staff?

  • 79. Are all Direct Delivery returns issued with an RP388 Tesco Return To Supplier note?

  • 80. Is any refused credit for newspaper and magazines recorded as waste?

  • 81. Is access to green shrink-wrapped restricted and are adequate supplies available of Hardlines security consumables?

Dot Com

  • 82. Are products which have been refunded by the store been scanned on to the Stock Records, or wasted and the details recorded?<br><br>All products refunded by store using Reach or OneTill, will be back on the stock record. Products should be put back on the shelf or given to the relevant area to waste and record if damaged or out of cold chain.

  • 83. Are spot checks of customer orders carried out before loading van?

  • 84. Are all returned products checked and refunded in line with REACH procedures?<br><br>Products returned are checked against REACH data and the Refund Screen on the PCS, and are approved or rejected on screen. One refund slip should be sent to the customer and the other to the Cash Office. All refunds are actioned.

  • 85. Is secure product process carried out?<br><br>Secure Product Report printed and issued to the Service Desk each morning. Personal shoppers sign the report when items are collected. Secure products are packed into carrier bags with other ambient products and not separated.

  • 86. Have any high levels of missing items on previous weeks' complaints report been investigated?

  • 87. Are two customer orders checked daily via tray checks and are van search checks done daily?

Customer Areas

  • 88. Are all Front End staff trained on product recognition, especially Produce?<br><br>Review TRCs and ask staff when they were last coached on Product Recognition.

  • 89. Confirm the process used to train cashiers on the law and company policy regarding restricted sales<br><br>Restricted sales training completed 6 monthly and all TRCs updated.

  • 90. Are all detaggers locked when not in use?

  • 91. Are all checkouts signed off when not in use?

  • 92. Are checkout belts / gates being used to restrict any undetected exit?

  • 93. Are all Customer Service Desk staff and areas with panic buttons aware of their location and when or when not to use them.<br><br>Staff are trained and validated on use of panic buttons and can clearly describe procedures.

  • 94. Are customer left-behinds collected and returned to the sales floor on a regular basis? What process is in place to log these?

  • 95. Observe there are no personal belongings kept behind Service Desks.

Managing Shrinkage

  • 96. The store has action plans in place following the Q2 Managing Shrinkage launch?<br><br>Visible Action Plans are in place and next steps

  • 97. All training has been completed as per Q2 Managing Shrinkage launch?<br><br>All departments that were red for shrinkage have attended the departmental supporting shrinkage meeting.

  • 98. All Rapid Action Team sessions have been completed and actions from these teams are visible.<br><br>Detailed plans from action team activities.

  • 99. Managing Shrinkage file is available as a reference guide if shrinkage and security is an issue within the store.<br><br>Review location of guide

  • 100. All next steps from the previous Shrinkage and Security health check have been actioned.<br><br>Review of previous health check next steps to see if all actions have been completed.

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