Title Page

  • Job No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Date

  • Checked by

  • Location
  • File Info

  • Job No

  • Client details & address

  • House type & facade

Site info

  • Site Info

  • Property info & asset info noted on drawings

  • Easement details (eg, pipe size, depth & offset)

  • Stormwater drains shown & legal point of discharge noted

  • Down pipes indicated

  • North point

  • Title boundary dimensions & bearings (as per plan of subdivision)

  • Lot no & street name

  • Contours

  • Dimensions clear & accurate (setback & minimum noted)

  • Check setbacks for North facing windows

  • Crossover (not obstructed by services)

  • Make sure all service pits or tapping points are shown

  • Site coverage - may vary for estates (i.e. Recode 60% MAX , & Waterways 45% MAX.)

  • Check private open space is either 80sqm OR 20% of allotment area.

  • Check adjoining structures if building proposed garage on the boundaries.


  • Notes

  • 'Build over easement' note (if required)

  • Septic if required by council

  • Existing trees to be removed (obstructing driveway or access)

  • Subdivision complete?

  • Extension or relocation of crossing required?

  • Riser pipe to front of garage if required

  • Town planning required ?

  • Flood prone (required A.H.D. Levels)

  • Bush fire zone?

  • Sleeper/Brick retaining walls - correct height noted

  • Base brickwork wall height

  • Deep edge beam required ?

  • Deepened rebate required?

  • Slab freeboard & step down of slab for garage noted

  • Cut & fill R.L. Or scrape noted

  • Area of cut/fill shown (m2)

  • Termite note shown (std on all jobs)

  • Tree root barrier required?

  • Add fences and driveways as required

  • Note : refer to 'site template' for all relevant site plan notes


  • Structure :

  • Extension / Reductions shown (Foot Print of house to be correct & to include fireplace if applicable)

  • Roof plan works (check portico)

  • Garage wall heights on boundary (average 3000mm)

  • 1:6 access gradient to garage F.F.L.

  • Building height 9m MAX. (Double storey 1800mm MIN. Side setback preferred)

  • Side setback minimums achieved (incl. Alfresco setbacks)

  • Check angle of repose issues

  • 1m MIN. Light court clearance between gutter & boundary (habitable & kitchen windows only)

  • Steps & landings if required (consider internal access from garage & portico)


  • Excavations :

  • Scrape only when fall across building area is less than 300mm

  • Cut & fill batters indicated

  • Retaining walls shown if required - offset from house 1250 MIN. (MIN. 150mm off boundary to back of rails)

  • 2m clearance for batters (if achievable)

  • 1:2 MIN. Gradient for fill

  • AG Drains to base of batters if over 300mm (show silt pits at change of directions & end of runs)

Overlooking & overshadowing

  • Overlooking & Overshadowing :

  • Check overlooking of private open space to neighbours

  • Check overshadowing of private open space to neighbours

  • Note any fence extensions to prevent overlooking & direct line of sight


  • Guidelines :

  • Front setback complies with minimum & maximum requirements of reg's, covenants & developer guidelines (taken from the front wall NOT portico)

  • Side & rear setbacks comply with reg's , covenants & developer guidlines

  • Covenants checked

  • Developer guidelines checked & complied with roof pitch, facades, setbacks, building envelopes, corner facade treatment

  • Car parking provisions

  • For rescued issues use 'siting compliance report'

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.