Job Information

  • Job No.

  • Certificate No.

  • Customer

  • Customer

  • Customer Order No.

  • Vehicle

  • Conducted on

  • Place of Test

Testing Details

Testing Details

  • Material Specification or Type

  • Australian Standard AS1171:1998

  • Test Procedure Used

  • Technique

  • Method

  • Background Lacquer Batch No.

  • Black Ink Batch No.

  • Fluro Batch No.

  • Test a Equipment No.

  • Surface Condition

  • Please indicate if any coating is present and the thickness and uniformity of the coating.

  • Surface Preparation Method

  • Lighting Level (lux)

  • Is the lighting level acceptable?

  • (Min 1000Lux - Black/White Contrast)
    (Max 20Lux - Fluorescent Method)

  • Artificial Light?

  • Demagnetisation

Item Details

Item Details

  • Description

  • Identification No.

  • Date of Test

  • Result

  • Discontinuity Type

  • Photo showing positions of discontinuities detected.

  • Can the item be repaired on site?

  • Date of Retest

  • Retest Result

  • Photo showing tested repairs

  • Has the item been tagged out of service?

  • Photo showing out of service tag

  • Site contact informed that item has been tagged out and needs to be returned to our workshop for repairs

  • If the item requires further repair it must be tagged out of service. Ensure the item is tagged out of service and the site contact is informed before leaving site.

    no label
  • Has the item been tagged out of service?

  • Photo showing out of service tag

  • Site contact informed that item has been tagged out and needs to be returned to our workshop for repairs

  • If the item requires repair then it must be tagged out of service. Ensure the item is tagged out of service and the site contact is informed before leaving site.

    no label
  • WLL

  • Photo of ID

  • Gauge Check

  • Details of non compliant gauge check

  • Have you tagged the item out of service?

  • Photo of out if service tag

  • Site contact informed of issue with out of service item

  • If item does not comply to the gauge check then it must be tagged out of service. Ensure the item is tagged out of service and the site contact is informed before leaving site.

    no label
  • Photo of Item

Other Information & Tester Sign Off

Parts Used

  • Did you require any spare parts for this job?

  • Which spare parts did you use?

  • How many Oval Pins did you use?

  • What were the ID numbers of the Oval Pins?

  • How many Coupling Bolts did you use?

  • What were the ID numbers of the Coupling Bolts?

  • How many Safety Pins & Chains did you use?

  • What were the ID numbers of the Safety Pins & Chains?

  • How many Springs did you use?

  • What were the ID numbers of the Springs?

  • How many Lugs did you use?

  • What were the ID numbers of the Lugs?

  • How many Thrust Blocks did you use?

  • What were the ID numbers of the Thrust Blocks?


  • Comments

Testing Officer Sign off

  • Testing Officer

  • Level

  • AINDT No.

Certificate Information

Reliance Hexham Information

  • Reliance Hexham Pty Limited
    ABN 53 003 911 402
    100 Old Maitland Rd HEXHAM NSW 2322 Australia
    PO BOX 489 MAYFIELD NSW 2304 Australia
    Tel: +61 2 49648500 Fax +61 2 49648152

Inspection Statement

  • The items in this report have been inspected by a responsible and competent person.
    All items listed have passed all test carried out as required by the standard and comply with the requirements of the non-destructive test (unless otherwise stated).

Conformance Statement

  • This report may only be reproduced with the express permission of Reliance Hexham Pty Limited.
    This certifies that items listed meet all requirements of the standard and codes as stated.
    All items are traceable as per our NATA and quality requirements.
    NATA Accredited Laboratory - NATA Accreditation No. 903

  • no label

Approved Signatory

  • Date of Issue

  • Approved Signatory

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.