Project Details (Completion of all of the following fields is mandatory. Forms submitted without all fields completed will not be assessed.)
Project Description / Customer Name
Customer Site Address / Location / State
Nearest Exchange Code & ESA Code (from MITS)
Project Manager
Team Manager
Design Pack ECB Link ID (eg. ABC-1234)
CP / WP No
WO No / Authority No
Installer Name
Installation Date
Section 1
a. Correct Rack installed as per design/TM
b. Rack installed as per design location.
c. The top of the rack should appear level and installed at the same height as any existing racks in the suite
d. Rack must be aligned at the front with the rest of the suite.
e. Rack is correctly secured with insulated brackets.
f. No visible rack damage.
g. Rack rails are set in correct locations
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Looking to ensure Rack is installed level and straight. Must be at the same height as the adjacent racks and stabilised by Baying kits if required. Ensure appropriate anchorage to floor and that rack is utilising isolation kits.
Section 2
a. For Rittal racks the Earth bar must be fitted to the rear of the rack near Earth lead cable entry. For Type 92 racks, an Earth tree is used instead of the Earthbar.
b. Earth lead to be terminated to green/yellow SPC distribution cables via IPC.
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Ensure evidence of correct earthing practices for rack. Looking for a single point of connection between the SPC and the Earth bar installed at the rear of the rack. Equipment earths terminating onto the Earth bar should also be shown.
Section 3
a. APDP is installed in correct location as per design.
b. Red and blue power cables correctly terminated in APDP
c. Alarm wiring is correctly terminated
d. All Circuit breakers have a shroud around the orange trip switch.
e. APDP is dual fed via 2 (32 Amp) CB’s from dual power planes unless specified in design.
f. All power cables are secure and not run over sharp or rough edges.
g. Cable ties are cut off flush.
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Looking to see that the APDP is installed correctly, the power cables are the correct size and terminated neatly and the earthing is correct. Ensure all CB’s are as specified, alarm wiring is done and all power cabling is neat and secure.
Section 4
a. Switch/Router is installed in correct location as per the Design.
b. Switch/Router is correctly oriented in rack i.e. ports facing front
c. Correct mounting kit or tray is used
d. No part of the subrack or associated cabling protrudes beyond the boundaries of the rack
e. Power Cables are connected correctly.
f. Earth cables are connected correctly
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Looking to see that subracks and Patch panels are adequately supported and correctly located within the rack. Ensure power is terminated correctly and separate earth is attached to the router.
Section 5
a. Cabling is neat and secure – with Velcro tabs or cable ties.
b. MBR of cables is observed.
c. No cabling is outside the boundaries of the rack.
d. Cabling does not restrict airflow around Switch or Router
e. Cable ties do not appear to crush cable and are cut flush.
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Looking to see that cabling is neat and secure. Ensuring all OOB cabling is RED.
Section 6
a. Ensure all labelling is applied and show an example of each:-<br>• Rack<br>• APDP<br>• Router/Switch<br>• Data Cabling
b. Labelling should be printed
c. Labelling should be correctly formatted.
d. Labelling should be secured in label pockets or using Brady labels (wrapped not flagged) or machine labels where allowed.
Several Photos may be required to demonstrate compliance. Suggest close ups for each characteristic. Ensure that all cables and subracks are labelled. Close ups should be used so printing can be read on labels.
General Comments
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