Title Page

  • Work Order Number

  • Job Start Time

  • Location
  • Customer

  • Service Person

  • Machine

  • Serial Number

Workplace Inspection

  • Inspect work area for Slips, Trips and Fall Hazards

  • Has the Hazard been fixed?

  • Contact your Supervisor for further instruction.

  • Inspect Area for Traffic Hazards

  • Has the Hazard been fixed?

  • Contact your Supervisor for further instruction.

  • Inspect For Electrical Hazards

  • Has the Hazard been fixed?

  • Contact your Supervisor for further instruction.

  • Inspect Unit for Hot Surfaces

  • Has the Hazard been fixed?

  • Contact your Supervisor for further instruction.

Preliminary Machine Inspection

  • Check Earth Continuity

  • Has this Been Rectified?

  • Do not Proceed until this has been rectified.

  • Check Cable and Plug for Wear or Damage

  • Do not Proceed until this has been rectified.

  • Check Heater and Gas Line for Gas Leaks (LPG Models Only)

  • Run Space Heater Up to Establish Condition.

  • Any Apparent Faults Observed?

  • What Were They?

Heater Service

  • Service Requested?

  • Heater Type

  • Service Instructions for LPG Heaters

  • Clean Exterior of Heater

  • Why wasn't the Exterior Cleaned?

  • Inspect Switches for Operation

  • Check Electrical Connections

  • Clean Motor & Fan

  • Clean Burner & Combustion Chamber

  • Service Manual for DC17, DC30 & DC50

  • Clean Exterior of Heater

  • Why wasn't the Exterior Cleaned?

  • Inspect Switches for Operation

  • Check Electrical Connections

  • Inspect & Clean Air Intake Filter

  • Inspect & Clean Air Outlet Filter

  • Clean Motor & Fan

  • Clean Burner & Combustion Chamber

  • Inspect & Clean Fuel Nozzle

  • Clean and Regap Electrodes

  • Inspect & Clean Photocell

  • Clean Fuel Filter

  • Check Compressor Fuel Pump Pressure & Adjust if Necessary

  • Fuel Pump Pressure

  • Service Manual for DP65 & DP105

  • Service Manual for IP32

  • Clean Exterior of Heater

  • Why wasn't the Exterior Cleaned?

  • Inspect Switches for Operation

  • Check Electrical Connections

  • Inspect & Clean Air Intake Filter

  • Clean Motor & Fan

  • Clean Burner & Combustion Chamber

  • Inspect & Clean Fuel Nozzle

  • Clean and Regap Electrodes

  • Inspect & Clean Photocell

  • Clean Fuel Filter

  • Check Fuel Pump Pressure & Adjust if Necessary

  • Fuel Pump Pressure

  • Check Air Opening & Adjust if Necessary

  • Service Manual for DI16

  • Service Manual for DI27

  • Clean Exterior of Heater

  • Why wasn't the Exterior Cleaned?

  • Inspect Switches for Operation

  • Check Electrical Connections

  • Clean Motor & Fan

  • Clean Burner & Combustion Chamber

  • Inspect & Clean Fuel Nozzle

  • Clean and Regap Electrodes

  • Inspect & Clean Photocell

  • Clean Fuel Filter

  • Clean Exterior of Heater

  • Why wasn't the Exterior Cleaned?

  • Inspect Switches for Operation

  • Check Electrical Connections

  • Clean Motor & Fan

  • AMP Draw

Heater Repair

  • Repair Requested?

  • What is the Reported Fault(s) with this Space Heater?

  • What is the Action(s) taken to rectify this problem?

  • AMP Draw

Final Inspection

  • Is the Space Heater in Good Working Order?

  • Is the Space Heater in a Clean Condition?

  • Picture of Heater


  • Part Numbers used

  • Picture(s) of Old Parts

  • Picture(s) of New Parts used

  • Labour

  • Warranty Work?

Customer Sign Off

  • Customer Signature (Onsite Only)

  • Stop Time

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.