
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

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Project Management

  • Does the project have a safety and quality plan?

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  • Does the project have an environmental management plan?

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  • Does the project have a human resource management plan (if applicable)?

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  • Ensure project plans reflect the terms and conditions of contract

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Safe Method's of Work (S-IMS 004 – Hazards and Risk)

  • Are JSA'S developed and reviewed by employees/contractors?

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  • Are Take-5's being used to control hazards?

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  • Are standard operating procedures used and reviewed by employees?

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  • In the absence of a standard operating procedure are JSA's used to develop a safe method of work?

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  • Ensure there is a safety method of work in place for all activities.

Personnel Protective Equipment

  • Does available PPE meet the Australian standard?

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  • Are sun protection items and sun screen available?

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  • Does the site comply with the SRG Australia clothing standard?

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  • Does the site have a supply of PPE for ready use by employees?

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  • Are items of PPE kept In a hygienic state?

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Risk Management (S-IMS 004 – Hazards and Risk)

  • Are risks being controlled using the hierarchy of controls

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  • Are hazards outside our direct control being reviewed and assessed

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  • Does the site have a process for ensuring hazard controls are in place and working?

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  • Is there a risk register or risk assessment for the job/project

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  • Is the approved risk matrix being used to assess risk

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Legislative Compliance

  • Is there a copy of the relevant legislation available for review

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Emergency Preparedness (S-IMS 012 Incidents and Emergencies)

  • Are Emergency phone numbers displayed?

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  • Is there an emergency alarm and muster point?

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  • Has an emergency drill been conducted?

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  • Do employees/contractors know what to do in an emergency?

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  • Is there a means of escape in an emergency?

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  • Is there a qualified senior first aid person on site?

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  • Are fire extinguishers available and accessible? (S-OHS 032)

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  • Have employees been trained in the use of fire fighting appliances?

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  • Are first aid boxes available and stocked and is there a process for regular inspection and re-stocking?

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  • Does the site/project have any emergency management procedures?

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  • Are employees aware of emergency procedures? (S-IMS 012)

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Induction, Education and Training (S-IMS017 – Training and Competency)

  • Have employees and contractors been trained and assessed in their job function/equipment?

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  • Have contractors been through a SRG induction? (S-IMS 017)

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  • Does the site supervisor/manager have access to QEST and can they access standard operating procedures?

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  • Are contractors aware of SRG procedures and have they reviewed them?

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  • Have employees reviewed all standard operating procedures?

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  • Have all employees been through a SRG induction?

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Communication, Engagement and Consultation (S-IMS006 - Communication)

  • Are Toolbox meetings held at least once per month? (S-IMS 004)

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  • Are per-start meetings held to discuss daily SQE issues?

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  • Is there a staff notice board with SQE information on display?

  • Add media

  • Have any community and environmental complaints been recorded?

  • Add media

Project Documentation

  • Is project documentation easily accessible?

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Confined Space Entry

  • Does the site have any confined spaces?

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  • Does the site have an approved process for confined space entry?

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Workplace Inspections (S-IMS009 – Documentation and Document Control)

  • Has a monthly site inspection been conducted?

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  • Has the site completed a six monthly inspection?

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  • Have actions been noted and completed?

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  • Are action times realistic?

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  • Is there a good level of housekeeping evident?

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  • Are areas being kept free of litter and wind blown waste?

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  • Is equipment checked and being maintained in good condition?

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  • Have slings and lifting gear been checked and stored correctly? (S-OHS 046)

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  • Has contractor equipment been managed as per SRG standards?

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Working at Height (S-IMS 004 – Hazards and Risk)

  • Are equipment and tools tied off to protect people working in the area?

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  • Fall arrest/restraint equipment used and inspected?

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  • Ladders in use meet the Australian standard and are regularly inspected?

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  • Ladders are tied off when in use?

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  • If people are working at height are controls in place to manage the risk of falling?

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On-boarding and Medicals

  • Have pre-employment medicals and functional assessments been conducted on all employees?

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  • Does the site/project have a new employee orientation process and is it routinely used?

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Incident Reporting (S-IMS 012 Incidents and Emergencies)

  • Are incident reports and actions closed in a timely manner?

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  • Does the site/project have access to report incidents in QEST?

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  • Has incident root cause been identified?

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Reporting (S-IMS016 - Records)

  • Have daily work sheets been completed and signed off by the supervisor/client?

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  • Have site reporting obligations been met?

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  • ITP's completed where required?

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Hazardous Materials (S-IMS131 – Hazardous Materials)

  • Is there a hazardous materials register in place for the site/project?

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  • Is there signage for the storage of chemicals?

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  • Are MSDS's available and in date? (S-OHS 031)

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  • Are contractor MSDS's available and in date?

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  • Are manufacturers labels clearly marked on containers?

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  • Are gas bottles stored correctly - used/unused and chained?

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  • Are chemicals stored correctly according to their class?

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Equipment Isolation (S-OHS035 - Isolation)

  • Are out of service, danger and information tags easily accessible?

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  • Are tags/locks used for isolating plant and equipment during maintenance or pre-start? (S-OHS 036)

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Electrical (S-OHS037 Electrical Safety)

  • Are residual current devices RCD's in place at the site/project?

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  • Has electrical equipment been checked and tagged? (S-OHS 037)

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  • Electrical leads used where appropriate?

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  • Are approved stands used to raise electrical leads off the floor?

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  • Is fixed equipment earthed where appropriate?

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  • Are overhead power lines given safe work limits and signage? (S-OHS 039)

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Permits (S-OHS039 – Work Permits)

  • Are hot work permits used?

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  • Have excavations been given a permit to dig?

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  • Are work permits kept on a register?

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Radiation (S-OHS040 – Radiation Safety)

  • Are sources of radiation monitored and is training provided for the safety of employees?

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Manual Handling (S-OHS040 – Manual Handling and Ergonomics)

  • Are correct manual handling techniques used? (S-OHS 041)

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  • Are mechanical lifting devices available?

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  • Are bulk materials ordered in manageable weights?

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Guarding (S-OHS042 – Machine Guarding)

  • Is guarding in place on all plant and machinery? (S-OHS 042)

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  • Does guarding prevent entry “over, under, around or through the guard?

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  • Is there adequate lighting in place in work areas?

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Pedestrian & Vehicle Interaction

  • Are vehicles moving at a safe speed? (S-OHS 045)

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  • Is vehicle movement on site controlled?

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  • Is there a pedestrian walkway in place?

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Vehicle Pre-start

  • Are documented vehicle pre- starts conducted?

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  • Are defects from inspections repaired in a timely manner?

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  • Are vehicles in good order?

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  • Are records for calibration available?

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  • Is there evidence that equipment is being routinely calibrated?

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SOAP Form's

  • SOAP form received and in the job file? (QA S-IMS 016)

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Purchasing (S-IMS007 - Purchasing)

  • Does the site have a process for goods inward and outward? (S-IMS 011)

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  • Is there a quarantine area and is it maintained for good order?

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  • Are purchase orders completed as per procedure? (S-IMS 007)

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Environmental (EMS-001 – Environmental Management System Manual)

  • Is there a process in place for recycling?

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  • Are landfill bins free from contaminated waste?

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  • Are weeds in the area controlled?

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  • Are erosion and sediment controls well maintained?

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  • Are there any avoidance sites adjacent to the work area - are these sites clearly delineated?

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  • Is there adequate dust control in place?

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  • Is there adequate control over wash down activities in the work area?

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  • Are waste, recycling, water and energy receipts filed and reported?

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  • Are all batteries stored in bunds?

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  • Are all hydrocarbons stored in bunds?

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  • Is contaminated earth being disposed of correctly?

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  • Are all controlled waste records available and being reported?

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  • Are all containers and drums carrying hydrocarbons labeled?

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  • Have all hydrocarbon spills been cleaned-up?

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  • Is there a process for cleaning up spills?

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  • Are drip trays used underneath plant and equipment?

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  • Are spill kits available?

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  • Are spill kits fully stocked?

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  • Are wastes being collected?

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  • Is there an approved method for waste disposal?

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General Observations or Additional Comments


  • Auditor

  • Auditee

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.