Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Store #
Scheduled Start Date.
Scheduled Go Live Date.
# of patio stalls
# of inbound stalls
# of outbound stalls
# of popsicle stalls
Is there a hop/drive through?
Does the drive thru speaker and mic work properly?
Do the buttons work properly? If not note what stall numbers.
Do the Inbound speakers work properly? If not note what stall numbers.
Do the outbound speakers work properly? If not note what stall numbers.
Is the store full or half duplex?
Is the store HME or Ordermatic?
If HME is the system digital or analog?
If HME does the controller work properly?
If HME how many consoles and are they working properly?
If HME how many base stations and do they work properly?
If HME how many communicators and are they working properly?
If HME are the routers working properly?
If HME is there a remote display and is it working properly?<br>
If HME is there a ceiling speaker and is it working properly?
Is there a place for the base stations to be installed 6ft apart?
Is their grounded power supplies (orange outlet preferred) for the new base stations, routers and bridge? Make sure that if routers are away from the base stations that they have a power supply.
What is the size and condition of the current conduit?
Does conduit need to be installed or replaced? 1 1/4 inch EMT conduit preferred if install is needed.