Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Executive Summary
Has the site got a current and in date BWOF displayed on site?
Have actions that have been identified as part of the BWOF been closed out or is there a plan in place to close them out?
Are hazards and risks documented for the site? Check risk register
Are there all additional control measures been implemented?
Does the tenant have a safety policy?
Are incidents managed well, recorded and investigated where appropriate? Check incident records and incident management procedure.
Are incidents reported to Stride?
Is storage adequate and safe. Consider clutter, unsafe stacking (i.e. pallets).
Is there adequate lighting? Consider security black-spots, areas with highlighted trip hazards and evacuation routes.
Is the condition of the building adequate? Comment on cracks and areas that may require further inspection due to visible defects
Are there procedures in place to deal with emergency situations?
Have actions from previous inspections been closed out?
Provide a summary of findings in this section
Has an asbestos assessment been carried out on site?
Has an asbestos management plan been implemented?
Has the plan been communicated and is there a process to inform any contractor on site?
Is asbestos material identified on site?
Provide a summary of the findings in this section
Working at Height
Is there safe roof access to the property? Consider access, location of serviceable equipment, working methods etc..
Where working at height is required for maintenance of fittings and fixtures, is it managed safely? Check control of contractors and examples of safe working methods where WAH is required (i.e. for replacing light bulbs)
Provide a summary of the findings in this section
Access / Egress
Are Fire Evacuations Routes clear?
Are Fire exits clearly marked and free from obstruction?
Are Stairwells safely maintained and clear from clutter?
Is fire fighting equipment present and maintained appropriately?
Is access and egress to the site safe, clear and unobstructed?
Is there access and egress that is suitable for people with disabilities?
Are walking routes free of obstructions and trip hazards or are fixed trip hazards clearly marked? i.e. pot holes.
Provide a summary of the findings in this section
Electrical Safety
Are electrical cupboards safely maintained and secure? consider exposed terminals, signs of damage and security.
Detail the methods used to protect staff from electrical hazards. Consider RCD's, maintenance of electrical equipment by a competent person, electrical testing and tagging in accordance with AS/NZS3760
Are Electrical fittings secure and in good condition?
Provide a summary of the findings in this section
Hazardous Substances
Is the storage of gas bottles (i.e. LPG) safe? Consider the separation of incompatible materials.
Are any hazardous substances managed and stored safely? Consider bunding, MSDS's, Hazardous substance registers and procedures for dealing with spills and handling substances
Is spillage protection for substances? consider spill response procedures and kits, drain covers and location / use of materials in relation to drain. Also consider interceptors where fuels are stored and used.
Provide a summary of the findings in this section
Fixed plant and equipment
Are lifts and escalators maintained and inspected in accordance with relevant standards?
Are air conditioning units and associated equipment maintained, safe and in good condition? Check competence of the maintenance contractor and comment on the condition of the equipment.Mobile
Are all other fixed plant and equipment safe, secure, maintained and operated in a safe manner? Comment on condition, operating procedures and competence for use.
Are roller shutter doors and barriers in good condition, operated safely and maintained by a competent person? Check operational processes and maintenance records.
Provide a summary of the findings in this section
Mobile Plant
Where mobile plant is used, is it maintained, operated and supervised in a safe manner? Check competence of operators and maintainers, operational procedures and risk assessments.
Provide a summary of the findings in this section
Are loading docks safe and operated in accordance with operating instructions? Consider training of those operating, operational procedures and access / security
List Medium and High Risk Activities
Are there operational procedures for high and medium risk activities?
Are sub-contractors controlled safely? Consider procedures and view examples of Safety plans and risk assessments
Is traffic managed safely? consider routes, compliance, parking, loading and unloading etc...
Provide a summary of the findings in this section
Site condition
Provide a site description - Include the general condition of the site, including housekeeping, flooring, wall and ceiling conditions etc...
Is the general condition of the property acceptable?
Is the property free form significant cosmetic damage?
Is the property free from any visible structural damage?
What overall indicative Risk Rating would you give this site?
- Low
- Moderate-low
- Medium
- High
- Critical
Was there a close out meeting?
List of attendees of close out meeting
Date of close out meeting
Audit feedback
Close out actions
Please add all identified close out actions, ensuring that the actions that manage the highest risk issues are detailed first and lowest risk last.
Is there an action?
1st Action
1st Close out action
Responsible person
Proposed date of action
Actual date of action
Is this action closed out
Is there a second action?
2nd Action
2nd Close out action
Responsible person
Proposed date of action
Actual date of action
Is this action closed out
Is there a 3rd action?
3rd Action
3rd Close out action
Responsible person
Proposed date of action
Actual date of action
Is this action closed out
Is there a 4th action?
4th Action
4th Close out action
Responsible person
Proposed date of action
Actual date of action
Is this action closed out
Is there a 5th action?
5th Action
5th Close out action
Responsible person
Proposed date of action
Actual date of action
Is this action closed out
Is there a 6th action?
6th Action
6th Close out action
Responsible person
Proposed date of action
Actual date of action
Is this action closed out
Is there a 7th action?
7th Action
7th Close out action
Responsible person
Proposed date of action
Actual date of action
Is this action closed out
Is there an 8th action?
8th Action
8th Close out action
Responsible person
Proposed date of action
Actual date of action
Is this action closed out
Is there a 9th action?
9th Action
9th Close out action
Responsible person
Proposed date of action
Actual date of action
Is this action closed out
Is there a 10th action?
10th Action
10th Close out action
Responsible person
Proposed date of action
Actual date of action
Is this action closed out
Are there additional actions?
Additional actions
Provide details of any additional actions, who is responsible for closing them out and by when.