Title Page
Sub Contractor Company Name
Site Being Audited
JDE Job Number
Date of Audit
Is the detection fitted so that there is no point further than 7.5M from a smoke detector or 5.3M from a heat detector?
Please provide details / reasons
In any pitched roof, are the detectors fitted no more than 600mm (smoke) or 150mm (heat), from the top of the apex?
Please provide details / reasons
Are the ceiling heights below 10.5M for smoke detectors or 9.0M for Grade 1 heat detector? (Except rapid attendance)
Please provide details / reasons
BS5839 P1
Is BS5839 P1 applicable to the system being audited?
Is detection fitted throughout the building, including any ceiling voids greater than 800mm, the top of all voids and shafts and on the landing of all enclosed stairwells where applicable?
Please provide details / reasons
Is there detection fitted within 1.5M of all vertical shafts that penetrate the floors or ceilings?
Please provide details/reasons
Is there any detection in any "Lantern Lights" or other ceiling vents/penetrations greater than 800mm deep?
Please provide details/reasons
Where sounders are fitted are these sufficient to give sound levels as for life protection?
Please provide details / reasons
BS5839 P2
Is BS5839 P2 applicable to the system being audited
Is there clear and unambiguous description of the area of detection coverage?
Please provide details / reasons
If manual call points are not fitted is this clearly stated?
Please provide details / reasons
BS5839 L1
Is BS5839 L1 applicable to the system being audited?
Check all the points for "P1" plus is there a minimum of two sounder circuits installed throughout the building? (An external sounder is not required)
Please provide details/reasons
BS5839 L2
Is BS5839 L2 applicable to the system being audited?
Check all the points for "L3" plus is/are the additional detection areas(s) clearly specified?
Please provide details/reasons
BS5839 L3
Is BS5839 L3 applicable to the system being audited?
Are all circulation and escape routes including rooms opening onto escape routes fitted with detection?
Please provide details / reasons
BS5839 L4
Is BS5839 L4 applicable to the system being audited?
Are all circulation and escape routes fitted with detection?
Please provide details / reasons
BS5839 L5
Is BS5839 L5 applicable to the system being audited?
Are all areas within the assessed fire risk fitted with detection or have the device locations been specified by the customer?
Please provide details / reasons
Are all call points fitted to all exits to the open air, not in an approach, and at a maximum search distance of 45M?
Please provide details / reasons
Are call points fitted at 1.4M (+/- 200mm)?
Please provide details / reasons
Is the circuit dedicated?
Please provide details / reasons
Is it correctly labelled?
Please provide details / reasons
Is the wiring standard/enhanced category?
Please provide details / reasons
Are the types of detector suitable for sitings?
Please provide details / reasons
Are sensitivities set to approved values?
Please provide details / reasons
Do they clear 2x the depth of ceiling obstructions?
Please provide details / reasons
Are detectors greater than 500mm from walls?
Please provide details / reasons
Are call points installed at a height of 1.4m (+/- 200mm)
Please provide details / reasons
Are the areas per zone within the limits specified in the installation rules (2000M Square)?
Please provide details / reasons
Is the search distance less than 60M?
Please provide details / reasons
Are remote indicators supplied as needed?
Please provide details / reasons
Is the siting of the FAP appropriate and protected?
Please provide details / reasons
Is internal workmanship satisfactory?
Please provide details / reasons
Are all required commissioning records complete?
Please provide details / reasons
Are there satisfactory as fitted drawings?
Please provide details / reasons
Is the PSU suitable for the systems type?
Please provide details / reasons
Are batteries of a suitable type and dated?
Please provide details / reasons
Is any interconnecting wiring suitable?
Please provide details / reasons
Are Spurs double pole unswitched, dedicated and labelled?
Please provide details / reasons
Are all batteries properly secured?
Please provide details / reasons
Is the wiring mechanically/fire protected?
Please provide details / reasons
Is the interface satisfactory?
Please provide details / reasons
Is there adequate short circuit isolation?
Please provide details / reasons
Are the location of line isolators appropriate?
Please provide details / reasons
Are there spurs on conventional sounder circuits?
Please provide details / reasons
Are cables of a suitable type?
Please provide details / reasons
Are cables suitably mechanically and fire protected?
Please provide details / reasons
Are joints suitably terminated?
Please provide details / reasons
Are all joint boxes labelled and on drawings?
Please provide details / reasons
Is there segregation where needed between cables?
Please provide details / reasons
Are insulation test results logged and satisfactory?
Please provide details / reasons
Are cables fixed and supported to meet the requirements of BS5839-1 26.2.4 (F)?
Please provide details / reasons
Are there at least 2x sounder circuits?
Please provide details / reasons
Based on experience, are the units sited to give adequate sounder levels?
Please provide details / reasons
Are visual indicators adequate?
Please provide details / reasons
Grade the overall workmanship 0 to 5 where 0 is Good and 5 is Poor
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Product Audit Score
Please select audit score
Please ensure a copy of this audit is sent to your QEHS Specialist for review
Please ensure a copy of this audit is sent to your QEHS Specialist for review
Environmental, Heath & Safety Summary
In the opinion of the auditor does the sub contractor work and act in a safe manner?
Please provide details / reasons
Does the sub contractor require any EHS refresher training? (if yes, please state requirement)
Please provide details / reasons
Does the sub contractor dispose of waste as per company requirements?
Please provide details / reasons
Is the sub contractor trained in all aspects of work related Health & Safety?
Please provide details / reasons
Has the subcontractor been issued with up to date risk assessments?
Please provide details / reasons
Did the sub contractor spot any near miss, unsafe acts or conditions during the audit?
Please provide details of the near miss or unsafe acts and if they have been correctly reported
Training requirements (if any)
Please provide details / reasons
Sign Off
Engineer Signature:
Auditors Signature:
Post audit
The following items are for post audit use should they be required
Any Notes & Observations
Preventative Actions (i.e. Training):
Proposed Preventative Action Close Out Date:
Corrective Actions:
I confirm that the corrective action has been completed
Add signature
I confirm that the preventative action has been completed
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