Title Page
审核日期 Date of Review
所管辖的门店 Stores under jurisdiction
部门 Department
员工姓名 Name of Employee
负责人姓名 Name of Person In Charge
Store Manager Monthly Appraisal
门店经理的绩效考核将依据其所管辖的门店表现进行评估。所有得分将以所管门店的平均得分为基础进行评价。培训部将负责将所有指标所需数据公布。The performance appraisal of store managers will be evaluated based on the performance of the stores under their jurisdiction. All scores will be evaluated based on the average score of the stores under their jurisdiction. The Training Department will be responsible for publishing the data required for all indicators.
量化指标 Quantitive Index
损益表 Profit and Loss Statement
有效地进行人员开销控制 *请上传图片证明 *(人效表显示的支出占比净赚低于25%) Control cost of restaurant and make sure the cost is at healthy level *Please upload a picture as proof *(The expenditure ratio shown in the labor efficiency table is less than 25% of the net profit)
所管辖门店平均人效是否处在健康水平?Is the average labor productivity of the stores under your jurisdiction at a healthy level?
您为您所管辖门店的人效水平付出了什么努力?请用PDF的方式解释 What efforts have you made to improve the efficiency of the stores you manage? Please explain in PDF format
所管辖门店的平均人力成本是否处在健康水平?Is the average labor cost of the stores under your jurisdiction at a healthy level?
您为降低所管辖门店的人力成本付出了什么努力?请用PDF的方式解释 What efforts have you made to reduce labor costs in the stores you manage? Please explain in PDF format
门店的平均食材成本是否处在健康水平?Is the average food cost of the stores under your jurisdiction at a healthy level?
您为降低所管辖门店的食材成本付出了什么努力?请用PDF的方式解释 What efforts have you made to reduce the cost of ingredients in the stores you manage? Please explain in PDF format
销售目标完成情况 Sales target completion
所管辖门店实际总销售额是否有达到总月度销售目标?Did the actual total sales of the stores under your jurisdiction reach the total monthly sales target?
您为所管辖门店达到月度销售目标做出什么努力?请用PDF的方式进行解释 What efforts have you made to achieve the monthly sales target for the stores you manage? Please explain in PDF format
营销活动执行评估 Marketing campaign evaluation
鲜青椒葱葱烤鱼 堂食UTC目标执行情况如何?How was the UTC target for (Grilled fish with fresh green scallion) being implemented?
您为了所管辖门店达到鲜青椒葱葱烤鱼 堂食UTC目标做出了什么努力?请用PDF的方式解释 What efforts have you made to achieve the UTC target for (Grilled fish with fresh green scallion) in the stores you manage? Please explain in PDF format
斑斓绿茶 堂食UTC目标执行情况如何?How was the Pandan Green Tea with Chestnut Boba dine-in UTC target being implemented?
您为了门店达到斑斓绿茶 堂食UTC目标做出了什么努力?请用PDF的方式解释 What efforts have you made to achieve the dine-in UTC target for Pandan Green Tea with Chestnut Boba? Please explain in PDF format.
所管辖门店的月平均 新会员注册率情况如何?What is the average monthly new member registration rate for the stores under your jurisdiction?
您为了所管辖门店达到月平均 新会员注册率做出了什么努力?请用PDF的方式解释 What efforts have you made to achieve the average monthly new member registration rate for the stores you manage? Please explain in PDF format
所管辖门店OEC考核表 平均得分 Average score of OEC assessment form for stores under jurisdiction
您为门店OEC达标付出了什么努力?请用PDF的方式解释 What efforts have you made to ensure your store meets OEC standards? Please explain in PDF format
第一次神秘食客得分 First Week Mystery Diner Scores
第二次神秘食客得分 Third Week Mystery Diner Scores
您为提高所管辖门店的神秘食客得分做出了什么努力?请用PDF的方式解释 What efforts have you made to improve the mystery diners scores of your stores? Please explain in PDF format
食品安全 Food safety
当月是否发生食品安全事件? Did any food safety incidents occur during the month?
- 0 Cases
- 1 Case
- 2 Cases
- 3 Cases
- 4 Cases
- 5 Cases
您对减少门店发生食品安全事件做出了什么努力?请用PDF的方式解释What efforts have you made to reduce food safety incidents in your stores? Please explain in PDF format
消防安全 Fire safety
当月是否发生消防安全事件? <br> Did any fire safety incidents occur during the month?
您对减少门店发生消防安全事件做出了什么努力?请用PDF的方式解释What efforts have you made to reduce fire safety incidents in your stores? Please explain in PDF format
及时处理好客诉造成公司品牌影响<br>Ensure customer complaint is well handled and maintain company and brand image
您对所管辖门店及时处理好客诉做出了什么努力?请用PDF的方式解释 What efforts have you made to handle customer complaints in a timely manner in the stores under your jurisdiction? Please explain in PDF format
当月是否有任何社交媒体或网络平台的客诉?Were there any customer complaints on social media or online platforms during the month?
您对减少门店客诉方面做出了什么努力?请以PDF的方式进行解释 What efforts have you made to reduce store customer complaints? Please explain in PDF format
人员管理与发展 People management and staff development
您是否有协助门店(新员工/现有员工)培训?安排带训员?准备好培训文件?安排学习新东西?Do you assist in store (new employees/existing employees) training? Arrange trainers? Prepare training documents? Arrange to learn new things?
店长评估-员工反馈 Store Manager Evaluation-Employee Feedback
”店长评估“ 得分 "Store Manager Evaluation" score
您对人员管理方面做出了什么努力?请用PDF的方式解释 What efforts have you made in personnel management? Please explain in PDF format
个人纪律及出席率 Personal discipline and attendance
每月无薪假 <br> Monthly unpaid leave
每月工作准时 Monthly work on time
完成 Completion
查看上面的总分并选择相关的总体绩效评级。 <br> Review the total score above and select the relevant overall performance rating.
Reference Guide
区域经理评价和期待 Area Manager Evaluation and Expectations
区域经理将在下个月安排什么任务? What tasks will the Area manager arrange for next month?
总体表现评价 Overall performance evaluation
本人对以上问题确认无误 I confirm that the above questions are correct
员工全名和签名 Employee's full name and signature
区域经理全名和签名 Area Manager Full Name and Signature