
  • Audit Title

  • Site

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel consulted

  • Document No.

Back Office

Previous Audits

  • Has the last Audit been reviewed?

  • Are there any outstanding items?

  • Has the hazard awareness chart in the sign in folder been updated in the past year?

  • Has the confined space audit been completed and filed in the stores sign in folder?

  • Complete a Confined Space Audit.

Store Management Review

  • Note any issues store management have that need to be reviewed during this audit?

Asset Management Records / Blue Cabinet

  • Are the following folders available in the blue cabinet and up to date?

  • Verified - Combined Services

  • Verified - HVAC

  • Verified - Water treatment

  • Verified - Evacuation System

  • Verified - Fire Alarm System

  • Verified - Pump Sets

  • Verified - Sprinkler Systems

  • Electrical

  • Emergency Lighting log book

  • Mobile plant

  • Fixed plant

  • Racking

  • Pest control

  • Are there any Other folders available in the blue cabinet

  • Log book
  • Note Additional Folder here


  • Are there any issues in the back office.

  • Back Office Issue
  • Back Office Issue

  • Sketch

  • Contractor

  • Priority

  • Status


Fire Protection Systems

  • Is a Service Provider regularly testing and maintaining the following components to the relevant Service Agreement and appropriate State legislation:

  • Portable Fire Extinguishers

  • Are all fire extinguishers identified with signage to Australian Standards?

  • Fire Hose Reels

  • Are all Hose Reels identified with signage to Australian Standards?

  • Are Fire Cupboards (fire hose reel storage, etc) clean and free from stored materials and rubbish?

  • Fire Doors

  • Fire Alarm System

  • Fire Sprinkler System

  • Are there any other Fire Safety Installation Issues

  • Fire safety Installation Issue
  • Describe Issue

  • Sketch

  • Contractor

  • Priority

  • Status

Emergency Management

  • Is the emergency evacuation plan clearly displayed in all areas and in correct orientation?

  • Are the means of escape paths and emergency exits clear?

  • Are there any other issues?

  • Emergency Management Issue
  • Emergency Management Issue

  • Sketch

  • Contractor

  • Priority

  • Status


  • Is a service provide regularly maintaining the following services?

  • Residual Current Devices?

  • Test & Tag?

  • Thermoscan of all distribution boards

  • Emergency Lighting & Exit Signs?

  • Is emergency lighting correctly operating and not damaged?

  • Are power points being used appropriately (i.e. no double adaptors, etc)

  • Is lighting satisfactory?

  • Are all switchboards clear and free of obstructions?

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • Danger - Authorised Personell Only

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • Isololation Permit Required

  • Are there any other electrical issues?

  • Electrical Issue
  • Electrical Issue

  • Sketch

  • Contractor

  • Priority

  • Status

Selling Floor

Selling Floor

  • Does all glazing have required markings to standards?

  • Is there a travellator in the centre?

  • Check a sample of customer trolleys for correct operation on the travellator

  • Is the general presentation and cleanliness of assets satisfactory?

  • Are floors and surfaces in good condition?

  • Are stairways and aisles kept clear and useable?

  • Are there any other issues?

  • Selling Floor Issue
  • Selling Floor Issue

  • Sketch

  • Contractor

  • Priority

  • Status

Back of House


  • Is back of house racking to standards with SWL signage inplace?

  • Is the line marking & signage adequate

  • Are pathways clear from obstructions?

  • Are there any other issues?

  • Back of House issue
  • Reserves issue

  • Sketch

  • Contractor

  • Priority

  • Status

Loading Dock

  • Is the loading dock up to current standards? Take photo

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 339-1 Receiving Hours

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 326-1 Parcel Pick Up / Receiving

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 326-5 Receiving

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 340-1 Target Personel Only

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 369-2 Receiving Bay Safety

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 329-LOH Danger, look out for walkie stackers

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 356-1 Vehicles give way

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 383-0 Look out for moving vehicles

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 385-1 Speed limit

  • Are there any other issues?

  • Back of House issue
  • Loading Dock issue

  • Sketch

  • Contractor

  • Priority

  • Status

Parcel Pickup

  • Is parcel pick up location well identified and used correctly? Take photo.

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 339-3 Parcel Pickup

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 326-1 Parcel Pick Up / Receiving

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 326-2 Parcel pickup conditions

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 357-W Customers to remain on blue hatching

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 340-1 Target Personel Only

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 329-LOH Danger, look out for walkie stackers

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 356-1 Vehicles give way

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 383-0 Look out for moving vehicles

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • 385-1 Speed limit

  • Are there any other issues?

  • Back of House issue
  • Parcel Pickup issue

  • Sketch

  • Contractor

  • Priority

  • Status

Hazardous Substances / Cleaners Room

  • Are hazardous materials or goods stored correctly?

  • Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for all dangerous goods?

  • Is the cleaners room neat and tidy?

  • Are there any other issues?

  • Cleaning issue
  • Cleaning issue

  • Sketch

  • Contractor

  • Priority

  • Status


  • Is all vertical transport in good condition, with all required signage and safety devices inplace?

  • Check out of service equipment is correctly isolated and set aside ready for maintenance.

  • Are all ladders well maintained?

  • Is there motorised mobile plant onsite (Forklift, Walkie Stacker, Electric Pallet Jack, etc)

  • Is plant in good condition with all safety devices inplace?

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • Authorised use only

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • Tip Over Signage

  • Are all trolleys and stock handling equipment well maintained?

  • Are there any other issues?

  • Equipment Issue
  • Equipment Issue

  • Sketch

  • Contractor

  • Priority

  • Status

Plant Rooms

Plant Rooms

  • Is the stores BMS operating correctly with appropriate times set?

  • Is all HVAC plant operating correctly?<br>Are there any alarms present on the mechanical board?

  • Are all restricted access areas locked, with appropriate signage?

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • Authorised Personnel Only

  • Check the following signage is correctly installed.

    no label
  • Hearing Protection

  • Are ALL plant rooms neat and tidy, free from debris, trip hazards and not used for storage?

  • Can all plant be safely accessed in line with working at height standards?

  • Is the roof area free from debris and trip hazards?

  • Are there any other issues?

  • Plant Issue
  • Plant Issue

  • Sketch

  • Contractor

  • Priority

  • Status


External signage

  • Note any issues with External Signage

  • External Signage Issue
  • External Signage Issue

  • Sketch

  • Contractor

  • Priority

  • Status

Building Exterior

  • Note any External Issues

  • External Building Issue
  • External Building Issue

  • Sketch

  • Contractor

  • Priority

  • Status


Other Hazards

  • Are there any other issues not noted elsewhere in this report?

  • Other Issues
  • Other Issues

  • Sketch

  • Contractor

  • Priority

  • Status

General Comment

  • Are there any other general comments not noted elsewhere in this report.

  • General Comment
  • Note any other general comments.

Sign - Off

  • Audit Completed by

  • Position

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.