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Instructions for Observers
As you observe the clinical team consider how leadership is established and how decisions are made and communicated. Use the question prompts describing 'ideal' behaviours to guide you. These may be collective behaviours or those of a single recognisable leader.
Use your observations to give feedback.
Declares leadership role, if not established
Sets clear goals for all members.
Prioritises tasks and allocates roles to team to avoid overload - declares leadership role if this is not established
Asks team to cross check information e.g. to use close loop communication.
Reassesses and shares information on problem and progress with team
Supports other team members and checks they are comfortable with tasks<br>
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Shared Decision Making
Anticipates and clarifies management options (e.g. vocalises thoughts) .
Discusses management plan with multidisciplinary team in the context of available resources.
Encourages input from other team members and <br>heeds their views.
Checks team understanding and encourages questions to clarify uncertainties.
Overall Evaluation
How do you rate the leadership in the team today?
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