Title Page
Unit Number
Unit Name
Conducted on
Inspected by
Fire Suppression Equipment
Is the tank externally clean and free from stickers/labels (Other than Manufacturers Label)
Are any visible pipework leading from the tank free of defects?
Pull Station - Is the pull station free from obstructions?
Pull Station - Is the pull station tamper tag sealed and in place?
Cooking Area
Are all cooking equipment situated within the canopy?
Are the suppression nozzles visibly clean and free from build up of grease
Is the canopy extractor system on at time of inspection?
Why is it not switched on and operating?
Is there any immediate Safety Concerns?
Has this been addressed at the time of the inspection?
Have You informed the Commercials Manager and Senior Management Team
What has been done to remedy the unsafe condition?
Fire Extinguishers & Fire Blankets
Are the Fire Extinguishers and Fire Blankets installed where they should be?
Are the fire extinguisher covers on each fire extinguisher?
Is the tamper tag sealed and in place on each fire extinguisher?
Does the Fire Extinguisher/Fire Blanket correspond to the Label installed above it?
Report Complete
By Signing this report, you agree that the above responses are correct at the time of inspection
Please ensure this report is downloaded and sent to Alex O'Connor - H&S Officer. alexo'connor@fantasyislandresort.co.uk