
  • Document No.

GWI - General Workplace Inspection

  • School or Section example: ( Accommodation Services )

  • Audit Title example: ( GWI Science Building AX15 )

  • Floor Level, Zone or Room No:

  • Campus or Site:

  • Conducted on

  • Audit Undertaken by:

  • if Other Person, then enter name in the space below.

  • Personnel in attendance:

1. Housekeeping

  • 1.1 Work areas free from rubbish and obstructions

  • 1.2 Floor areas free of slip/trip hazards

  • 1.3 Doors fully functional

  • 1.4 Floor coverings in good condition

  • 1.5 Windows clean and operational

  • 1.6 Stock/material stored safely on shelves or in cupboards

  • 1.7 Vision at corridor corners clear

  • 1.8 Noise levels within acceptable standards

  • 1.9 Are photocopiers located close to personal workstations

2. Electrical

  • 2.1 No broken plugs, sockets or switches

  • 2.2 No frayed or defective leads (T&T in place and in date)

  • 2.3 Power tools and devises in good condition

  • 2.4 No work near exposed live electrical equipment

  • 2.5 No strained leads or leads incorrectly placed

  • 2.6 No cable-trip hazards

  • 2.7 Heaters safely located/in working order and not obstructed

  • 2.8 No temporary or makeshift leads/power boards

  • 2.9 No excessive use power boards (double adaptors not to be used)

3. Lighting

  • 3.1 Lighting sufficient for tasks undertaken in work area

  • 3.1 Fluro light diffusers in place

  • 3.2 No flickering or inoperable lights

4. Hazardous Substances

  • 4.1 Stored appropriately

  • 4.2 Containers labelled correctly

  • 4.3 Adequate ventilation

  • 4.4 Material safety data sheets available

5. Stairs, Steps and Landings

  • 5.1 No worn or broken steps

  • 5.2 Handrails in good repair

  • 5.3 Clear of obstructions

  • 5.4 Adequate lighting

  • 5.5 Emergency lighting working

  • 5.6 Non-slip treatment/treads in good condition

  • 5.7 Kick plates in place where required

  • 5.8 Clear of debris and spills

  • 5.9 Floors have even surfaces (no cracks etc)

6. Kitchen Area

  • 6.1 Equipment in good working order

  • 6.2 Rubbish and Recycling bins provided

  • 6.3 Bench and sink clear of clutter

  • 6.4 Microwave at suitable working level (not at face height)

7. Manual Handling

  • 7.1 Mechanical aids appropriate for tasks at hand

  • 7.2 Risk assessments undertaken when medium or high risk tasks performed

  • 7.3 Manual handling controls implemented where required

  • 7.4 Tasks involve no unnecessary or excessive bending, stooping, twisting or turning

  • 7.5 Work surfaces (desks, benches and shelving) are set up at appropriate height

  • 7.6 Work station is orientated for easy access to phones, computers and storage spaces

  • 7.7 Routine tasks do not require individuals to lift excessive weight

  • 7.8 Mechanical equipment is available for lifting heavy loads

  • 7.9 Adjustable seating and footrests are available when needed

  • 7.10 Ergonomic Workstation assessments completed in previous 12 months.

8. Storage Areas

  • 8.1 Stacks of goods, boxes and other stores are stable

  • 8..2 Higher shelving used for long term storage

  • 8.3 Floor space clear of obstructions to allow for moving stock

  • 8.4 Unwanted or obsolete stores and materials regularly disposed of

  • 8.5 Heavier items stored at lower levels

  • 8.6 No sharp edges or trip hazards protruding from shelves or stacks

  • 8.7 Suitable ladders or platforms provided to access high shelves

  • 8.8 Shelf and rack contents clear of lights and fire sprinkler systems

9. First Aid

  • 9.1 Record of treatment and of supplies dispensed up to date

  • 9.2 Incident reports filled correctly

  • 9.3 Cabinets and contents are clean, orderly and properly stacked

  • 9.4 Emergency numbers are clearly displayed

10. Emergency Procedures

  • 10.1 Procedures displayed

  • 10.2 Evacuation plan displayed

  • 10.3 Evacuation drill undertaken within last 12 months

  • 10.4 Emergency exists clearly marked and functional

  • 10.5 Emergency exits unobstructed

  • 10.6 Emergency lighting system checked

11. Fire Control

  • 11.1 Extinguishers in place and locations have signs

  • 11.2 Fire fighting equipment serviced and tagged

  • 11.3 Extinguishers of appropriate type for possible fire sources

  • 11.4 Emergency personnel identified and trained

  • 11.5 Emergency telephone numbers displayed

  • 11.6 Overhead sprinkler/detectors clear of obstructions, stores, etc

12. Means of Egress

  • 12.1 Exit doors are marked and clearly visible

  • 12.2 Exit doors can be opened from inside (no padlocks)

  • 12.3 Exit corridors clear of obstructions

  • 12.4 Exit ladders and catwalks are clear of obstructions

Additional Comments

  • Sketch Pad to assist with issues resolution

  • Auditors Signature

  • Staff Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.