
  • PGH Order Number (SAP)

  • Despatching Site

  • Date and Time

  • Conducted By

  • Drivers Name

  • Transport Company Name


  • Has Driver Been Inducted

  • Has driver provide GVM/GCM, Tare Weights and payload on entry

  • Using the vehicles entry information and delivery docket has the correct QTY and Product been loaded onto the vehicle

  • Using the vehicles entry information has the load been positioned in accordance with drivers instructions, mass management, dimension and positioned so that load restraint can be applied

  • Using the entry information and the delivery docket has the load mass exceeded the allowable GCM/GVM

  • Driver Declaration: - I am fit for duty - I am free from drugs and alcohol - I have had all require rest breaks in accordance with Fatigue Management Laws - I have the required hours left to complete my load in accordance with Fatigue and Speed Laws - I have reviewed my delivery point and route to ensure all mass and road restrictions can be followed - My vehicle and equipment is suitable for the task and in working order. All maintenance tasks are up to date - The load has been loaded as per my directions and in accordance with all Mass, Dimension and Restraint requirements - I have reviewed the quality and integrity of all elements of the load and am satisfied that the load in a condition suitable for transport.

Method of Restraint

  • What method of load restraint has the carrier advised they will be using

  • Blocking and tie down is a combination of forward blocking structures and Straps and Angles. Here is an example of what this should look like

    Chained front headboard.jpg
  • Please take a photo of the carriers load after it is restrained

  • Blocking and containment can be completed differently depending on the specific certification the carrier may hold. Attached is an example

    hinged gates.jpg
  • Please take a photo of the carriers load after it is restrained

Forward Restraint

  • What form of forward blocking is the carrier using

  • Requirements for a Chained Headboard

    Chained headboard from LRG.jpg
  • Has Carrier used correct method for chained headboard

  • Rigid Headboard

    rigid headboard.jpg
  • Has carrier used correct method for rigid headboard

  • Tuatliner Headboard

    Tautliner front blocking.jpg
  • Hass Carrier used correct method for tautliner headboard

Side Restraint

  • What Method of Side restraint is the carrier using

  • Had each row been strapped and have full length Angle to tyne holes been used

    Straps and angles.jpg
  • Had each row been strapped and have full length Angle to tyne holes been used

  • Are the gates hinged. Are the latches positive locks. Do the gates go higher than the packs.

    hinged gates.jpg
  • Has the carrier provided a copy of his certified system.

  • DO all gates have full infill so that no brick can fall from truck. Have all rows of gates been secured with 2.5t webbing strap

    Drop in infill gates.jpg
  • DO all gates have full infill so that no brick can fall from truck. Have all rows of gates been secured with 2.5t webbing strap

  • Have all rows been strapped and angled (Note angles do not have to be full length).

    angles for tautliner.jpg
  • Have all rows been strapped and angled (Note angles do not have to be full length).

Intermediate blocking

  • Has the load been split to assist with axle mass management

  • If gates are greater than 100mm then carrier must block. What method has the carrier used for intermediate blocking

  • A single 8mm chain must also be used unless carrier has supplied written certification

    intermediate headboard fixed 1 chain.jpg
  • Has carrier applied the correct method for intermediate blocking

  • If intermediate headboard is not attached to truck then 2 chain are required

    intermediate headboard moveable not fixed.jpg
  • Has carrier applied the correct method for intermediate blocking

  • Depending on weight the number of cross over straps will change. Look at the attached and confirm what carrier required

    crossover upload version.jpg
  • Has the carrier correctlly applied the cross over method

  • Has the carrier used dunnage to fill all gaps greater than 100mm. This could be stacks of pallets, timber or other structures

  • Has the carrier used dunnage correctly

Rear Restraint

  • Are there gaps greater than 100mm rearward

  • WHat method has the carrier used to block or tiedown rearward

  • Structures can vary here is an example

    blocking dunnage structure.jpg
  • Has carrier used structure correctly

  • Chains must be 8mm and wrapped around rear of packs and secured. (Note these do not need to be tensioned with a dog)

    rear blocking chain.jpg
  • Has carrier used chain correctly

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.