Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Project and work type
General Safety
General Safety
Have all personnel completed a Pre-taskhazard assessments (eg STARTCARD / TAKE 5)? Including subcontractors.
Is there be a SHEWMS completed for the<br>task?
Have all relevant personnel signed on to the SHEWMS?
Is work being performed & controlsimplemented as per detailed in the SHEWMS
Is an Emergency Response Plan / process been required for the site?
Has an Emergency Response Plan / process been developed?
- Hand dig
- Vac truck
- Visual (Pits, trench etc)
- Electronic locator
- Other
- N/A
Has an emergency muster point / assembly point been established?
Is emergency equipment readily available, in test date and fit for purpose?
What equipment is unavailable or out of date?
Have any follow up actions been identified to address any “At Risk” observations / behaviours?
What are the actions?
Were any of these actions able to be completed on site during your visit?
What actions were completed?
Critical Risk Protocols
Which critical risk protocol apply to the works? (Pick at least one)
- Working around mobile plant
- Managing hazardous energies
- Working around live services
- Working around live traffic
- Working at heights
- Working with Asbestos and ACM
- Confined space
- Electrical safety
- Ground excavation
- Isolated work
- Lifting operations
- No critical risk
Managing hazardous energies
Is work being performed (or about to be) on de-energised systems or equipment?
Is there a process detailing the method for “Testing For Dead” (confirming effective / positive isolation)?
Is there a process detailing the method for implementing group isolations?
Is there a process detailing the method for implementing isolations extending over single shifts?
Are members of the work crew able to provide a current valid isolation permit?
Is there a process detailing the method for returning the equipment / system back to service?
Have members of the work crew been provided with Personal Locks and a supply of “Out Of Service” and “Danger” Tags”?
Observing any system in an “isolated” condition, have “Out Of Service Tags” & locking devices been fitted to dedicated locking points?
Have any follow up actions been identified to address any “At Risk” observations / behaviours?
What are the actions?
Were any of these actions able to be completed on site during your visit?
What actions were completed?
Working around live services
Is there a process of identifying & confirming the presence of services (overhead and underground) in / near the work area?
Are overhead services located near or within the work area?
Are members of the work crew able to explain / detail the minimum safe approach distance to those specific services”?
Are members of the work crew maintaining safe approach distances to all overhead services?
Do any travel ways under overhead services have physical warning devices (e.g. signage, height barriers & tiger tails) been installed?
Are underground services located near or within the work area?
Are members of the work crew able to detail the minimum safe approach distance to any underground critical assets (i.e. HV / Gas)?
Are members of the work crew maintaining safe approach distances to all underground services?
Have any follow up actions been identified to address any “At Risk” observations / behaviours?
What are the actions?
Were any of these actions able to be completed on site during your visit?
What actions were completed?
Working around live traffic
Observing a work area that has live traffic conditions, has a site-specific Vehicle Management Plan been developed?
Observing a work area that has live traffic conditions, have designated travel paths for mobile plant / vehicles been set up?
Have designated travel paths for pedestrians or<br>other site workers been provided?
Is there a process detailing the responsibilities of team members with traffic control / vehicle management duties?
Is there a process detailing the requirements of traffic management in the event of an emergency?
Is there a process detailing the requirements of inspecting / maintaining the effectiveness of the site traffic set up?
Can team members with traffic control / vehicle management duties, provide copies of current and valid competency?
Have any follow up actions been identified to address any “At Risk” observations / behaviours?
What are the actions?
Were any of these actions able to be completed on site during your visit?
What actions were completed?
Working at heights
Are temporary work platforms in use on the worksite?
If a temporary work platform is in use on the worksite, is it fitted with adequate means of access, egress and fixed handrails?
Are Elevated Work Platforms in use on the worksite?
Observing any mobile EWPs in use, is the ground it is being used on flat, stable & fitted with an approved fall arrest or guard rail system?
Observing any mobile plant in use, can the operator provide a current and valid licence / nationally recognised competency?
Are ladders being used on the worksite?
Are members of the work crew able to explain /<br>detail when ladders may be used?
Is a fall prevention device, work positioning system or a fall arrest system in use on the worksite?
Is there a process detailing the requirements for maintaining and inspecting that equipment?
Are members of the work crew using harnesses able to provide a current and valid nationally recognised competency?
Where work is being done at height, are risks of falling objects controlled using barriers, screening nets, catch platforms or tool lanyards?
In the absence of other controls minimising the risk of falling objects, has an exclusion zone been established?
Have any follow up actions been identified to address any “At Risk” observations / behaviours?
What are the actions?
Were any of these actions able to be completed on site during your visit?
What actions were completed?
Working with Asbestos and ACM
Is asbestos present at this workplace?
Has an Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) been developed detailing what, when and how ACM work is to be done?
Is licenced asbestos removal work being carried out on site?
Has an ARCP been developed detailing how ACM will be handled, transported & disposed of?
Is there a process detailing the requirements for when health monitoring is required?
Does removal work involve Class A ACM?
If class A ACM removal work is being performed, do those team members performing the removal works hold a minimum Class A Licence?
If class A ACM removal work is being performed, confirm that an Air Monitoring and Clearance Inspection program has been established?
If an Air Monitoring and Clearance Inspection program has been established, has it been conducted by a licenced asbestos assessor?
Does removal work involve Class B ACM?
If class B ACM removal work is being performed, do those team members performing the removal works hold a minimum Class B Licence?
If class B ACM removal work is being performed, has a Risk Assessment been completed to determine if Air Monitoring is required?
Have any follow up actions been identified to address any “At Risk” observations / behaviours?
What are the actions?
Were any of these actions able to be completed on site during your visit?
What actions were completed?
Confined space
Where work is underway in a confined space, are all workers involved in the activity signed on to the permit?
Where work is planned or underway in a<br>confined space, does the Confined Space Entry permit<br>show evidence of pre-entry atmospheric testing?
Does the CSE permit show evidence of atmospheric testing equipment calibration (i.e. Item P/N, S/N & calibration date / due date)?
Where work is underway in a confined space, have warning signs been erected to indicate “no entry”?
If work is underway in a confined space, is a dedicated “Stand-By” person positioned outside the confined space?
Is there a process detailing methods of communication between the dedicated “Stand-By” person with those workers inside the confined space?
Is there a process detailing the method of activating an emergency response?
Is all nominated rescue equipment available within the immediate vicinity of the Confined Space?
Can each person detail their competency requirements permitting them to work in or perform specific Confined Space related roles?
Have any follow up actions been identified to address any “At Risk” observations / behaviours?
What are the actions?
Were any of these actions able to be completed on site during your visit?
What actions were completed?
Electrical safety
Are portable electrical tools / equipment in use in the work area?
Is there a process for removing unsafe portable electrical equipment from service?
Check a sample of portable electrical equipment - are those items fitted with current electrical test and tags?
Are any temporary electrical leads secured off the ground or otherwise protected from potential damage (i.e. cable ramp covers)?
Is work being performed on de-energised systems or equipment?
If work is being performed on de-energised systems or equipment, is the work crew able to provide a current valid permit?
Observing any system in an “isolated” condition, have “Out Service Tags” & positive locking devices been fitted to dedicated locking points?
Is there any live electrical work is being carried out?
If live electrical work is being carried out, are a minimum of 2 workers performing the task?
Have any follow up actions been identified to address any “At Risk” observations / behaviours?
What are the actions?
Were any of these actions able to be completed on site during your visit?
What actions were completed?
Ground excavation
Is work being performed in an excavation greater than 1.5 metres on this site?
Have controls such as boxing, benching, battering or shoring been installed?
If a rescue plan is required, is all nominated rescue equipment available?
Is there a safe means of access and egress in place?
Has a rescue plan been developed?
Are all persons involved in performing rescue trained and competent in rescue?
Are all the excavation works secured to prevent unauthorised access (both during and outside of working hours)?
Has the work area surrounding the excavation been clearly sign posted?
Have any follow up actions been identified to address any “At Risk” observations / behaviours?
What are the actions?
Were any of these actions able to be completed on site during your visit?
What actions were completed?
Isolated work
there an approved Journey Management Plan applicable for this specific worksite / work crew / worker?
Are members of the work crew aware of the approved journey management plan developed for their specific works / location?
Can the nominated / authorised driver provide evidence of a completed vehicle inspection prior to the journey commencing?
Can the nominated / authorised driver detail the agreed methods of communication (i.e. call in) when travelling / working remotely?
Can the nominated / authorised driver detail the agreed frequency of communication (i.e. call in) when travelling / working remotely?
Have any follow up actions been identified to address any “At Risk” observations / behaviours?
What are the actions?
Were any of these actions able to be completed on site during your visit?
What actions were completed?
Lifting operations
Has an assessment been made to determine if the lifting operation is a “standard” lift or a “high risk” lift?
Are members of the work crew able to explain / detail the communication methods used during a lift?
Are members of the work crew able to explain / detail the communication methods used during a lift?
Is the lift area secured to prevent unauthorised access (both during and outside of working hours)?
Randomly select several items of lifting equipment, are SWL markings clearly visible on lifting equipment in use?
Randomly select several items of rigging equipment, confirming that selected items have been inspected and fitted with inspection tags.
On lifting devices fitted with outriggers, are those outriggers protected from vehicle / mobile plant collision with physical barriers?
Can each person detail their competency requirements permitting them to be involved in or perform lifting operations?
Have any follow up actions been identified to address any “At Risk” observations / behaviours?
What are the actions?
Were any of these actions able to be completed on site during your visit?
What actions were completed?
Are you sure there are no critical risks associated with these works?
Working around mobile plant
Observing any mobile plant in use, does the operator have clear / unobstructed visibility of work area / direction of travel?
Observing the operation of any mobile plant in use, are most plant movements conducted in a forward-facing direction?
Is there a process detailing the communication methods used during any mobile plant movements?
Is the work area secured with a means of physical separation (solid barriers) to prevent interaction of plant and people?
If solid barriers have not been installed, has an exclusion zone been established?
Has the work area surrounding operating mobile plant been set up to provide safe means of pedestrian movement around work area?
Observing any mobile plant in use, are those items of plant fitted with working reversing beepers / flashing lights?
Observing any mobile plant in use that requires an operator to be licenced, can the operator provide a current and valid licence?
Have any follow up actions been identified to address any “At Risk” observations / behaviours?
What are the actions?
Were any of these actions able to be completed on site during your visit?
What actions were completed?
Sign off
Person completing lead
Person/s interviewed
Sign on