Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Project and work type
Has a start card been completed correctly?
What was missing/incorrect?
Are all workers wearing the appropriate PPE?
Were the employees able to explain the major risks and hazards associated with the task being undertaken and the necessary controls that were in place?
Are the controls effective in controlling the hazards
CRP's observed;
- Lifting
- Live traffic
- Isolated work
- Confined space
- Mobile plant
- Live services
- Excavation
- Heights
- Electrical
- Hazardous energies
Asbestos and ACM
What additional PPE is being worn?
- N/A
- P2 Mask
- Coveralls
- Gumboots
- Safety Glasses
- Disposable Gloves
- Other
Have personnel conducted asbestos awareness training?
Are the workers aware of how to correctly dispose of ACM and their PPE?
Explain the workers understanding of the task and disposal.
Confined Space Work
Has a rescue and permit been completed?
What type of rescue method has been selected and who is completing which role?
Is continuous gas monitoring being completed?
Has equipment been inspected prior to use and when is the equipment due for inspection?
Electrical Safety
Has all electrical equipment been inspected prior to use and test and tagged?
When is the equipment due to be reinspected for test and tag?
Managing Hazardous Energies
Are any isolation's in place for the work?
Are all relevant permits and plans in place?
How have the hazardous energy sources been isolated?
What training do workers completing the isolation have and is it current?
Trenching and Excavation
If the excavation is over 1.5m deep - Are all side of the trench benched, battered or shored?
Is there adequate warning signage and appropriate access/egress?
Has a rescue plan been completed on the start card?
Working around live traffic
Are road closures, detours, traffic control or traffic signage in place when working around live traffic?
Is traffic control self performed or externally provided?
Take a photo of the signage or traffic control devices
Do the implemented traffic management controls offer adequate protection to the workers and pedestrians?
Mobile plant
Have plant and vehicle pre-starts been completed correctly?
Where there any faults or maintenance requirements noted in the pre-starts?
How is site set up to achieve separation or maintain the exclusion zone between plant and personnel?
Are flashing beacons and beepers installed and operational?
Is all plant secured correctly when being transported? Are all safety chains for buckets available?
Working around live services
Are DBYD plans available on site?
Have all services been located in vicinity of works?
How have services been located?
- Hand dig
- Vac truck
- Visual (Pits, trench etc)
- Electronic locator
- Other
- N/A
Emergency response
Are all workers aware of where the muster point is?
Have the crew explain their understanding of the emergency procedure for these works.
Who is the nominated first aider for the site?
Are fire extinguishers and first aid kits present and in date?
First aid inspection date
Fire extinguisher inspection date
What environmental hazards are present?
- Dust
- Noise
- Water
- Waste
- Asbestos
- Sediment
- Fuel/Chemicals
- Spoil
- Other
- N/A
What environmental controls are in place?
Contractor Management
Are any contractors on site?
Are the contractors wearing the correct PPE?
Discuss PPE requirements with contractor.
Are the contractors aware of the emergency procedure and muster point?
Have the contractors completed the Ventia induction?
Report name to SHEQ for induction and complete short term induction.
https://ventia-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/kurtis_carlyle_ventia_com_au/EX-YouWn0iRPrShGdbUtfakBw7O-aiA-JVOOXq3e1N4lMA?e=PYXwzo -
Contractor name?
What hazards and controls were identified by the contractors?
Additional information
Site photos
Personnel interviewed
Add signature
Person completing