
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Are all emergency exits signed, clear and unobstructed? (internally and externally)

  • Are all fire equipment maintained, signed, tagged and appropriate to hazard?

  • Are exit doors easily opened from inside?

  • Is fire alarm system functioning correctly (if applicable)?

  • Are sprinkler heads unobstructed (if applicable)?

  • Are fire instructions available and displayed? (including designated personnel)

  • Are regular fire drills carried out (documented records within last 12 months)

  • Are minimum quantities of flammables stored at workstations?

  • Are employees smoking only in non-smoking areas?

  • Are there accumulations of rubbish or debris in a position that may present a risk of fire (eg under buildings)?

  • Are gutters clean and no tree foliage over hanging buildings?

  • Is emergency lighting operational?


  • No evidence of broken plugs, sockets or switches?

  • Do electrical installations generally appear safe?

  • Any leads, plugs or equipment requiring repair/ replacement? (i.e. frayed/ strained or defective)

  • Are extension cords located off floor & in safe areas (i.e. no water, trip hazards)?

  • No work near exposed live electrical equipment?

  • Have tools, leads and appliances been checked and tagged in accordance with relevant regulations / standards?

  • Is there a procedure in place for the lock down and tagging of faulty equipment?

  • Are switchboards clear and secured?


  • Are light fittings clean and in good condition? (no flickering or inoperable lights)

  • Is there adequate lighting?

  • No direct or reflected glare?


  • Are waste bins emptied regularly?

  • Is recyclable material separated and placed in appropriate bins provided?

  • Walkway areas at the workshop are clean ,coloured defined and free from obstruction

  • Is there adequate vision around corners?

  • Is spill management material readily available for quick cleanup of spills?


  • Has sufficient consideration for pedestrian/vehicle interaction been made (e ghave pedestrian walkways been marked externally, crossing, signage)?

  • Is pedestrian / vehicle right of way clearly defined?

  • Are roadways in good repair and free of obstructions?

  • Is there adequate signage internally (i.e. speed limit signs, mirrors, authorised personnel)?

  • Is there adequate signage externally? (i.e. speed limits, pedestrian access, and mirrors)


  • Are office setups ergonomically sound (i.e. desk, computer/ chair)?

  • Is electrical equipment tagged and in good condition?

  • Are walkways clear of obstructions (i.e. boxes, cords, chairs)?

  • Is area clear of sharp corners, broken furniture, trip hazards (cables)?

  • Are chairs in working order (no broken legs, faulty wheels)?


a) Static equipment

  • Manufacturer’s manuals are kept for machinery operation and maintenance

  • Are warnings, safety signs and instructions displayed?

  • Are machines adequately guarded?

  • Are starting and stopping switches within easy reach?

  • No evidence of oil and grease around equipment? (collection trays required)

  • Are regular inspections of equipment carried out?

  • Has the operator been trained in the use of the equipment and licensed?

b) Mobile equipment

  • Are guards in place and in good condition?

  • Is data plate visible and state maximum load capacity?

  • Are mast, tynes, safety cage and tyres in good condition on forklifts?

  • Are prestart forklift checks completed daily?


  • Are workbenches set at a comfortable height?

  • Are workbenches clear of rubbish?

  • No evidence of unmarked containers (i.e. drink bottles) on workbenches?


  • Is there even surfaces, no cracks or holes?

  • Have non slip materials (i.e. strips / plates ) been installed where needed?

  • Are there designated walkways through the workshop, and are they adequately marked?

  • Is the workshop floor clean, is there a floor cleaner available?


  • Is material stored in racks/ bins if possible?

  • Is racking in good condition (i.e. no damage, bending of beams)?

  • Is material secure, not stored too high?

  • Can stored materials be reached safely, by hand or mechanical means?

  • Is area free from rubbish and obstruction?


  • Have staff been trained in 'correct lifting techniques' and are there JSP’s displayed?

  • Can lifting be undertaken between knee and shoulder height?

  • Is there lifting equipment available as an alternative to manual handling (i.e. hoists, trolleys)?

  • Are employees lifting loads in the workshop/ office in a safe manner?


  • Is an MSDS available for all chemicals?

  • Does the workplace have a hazardous goods register, listing chemicals used at the workplace?

  • Are there any written procedures for the introduction of new substances to the workplace?

  • Are containers clearly labelled (including product name and UN number)?

  • Has a training program for people using chemicals been established?

  • Do special storage conditions apply (i.e. bunded areas)?

  • Are chemicals stored correctly?

  • Are pressurised cylinders (LPG / O2 / Refrigerant cylinders etc.,) stored in accordance with AS 4332:2004

  • Is chemical waste disposed of correctly?

  • Is appropriate PPE available for chemicals in use? (i.e. goggles, gloves, aprons)

  • Are health checks necessary, and have these been established and documented?


  • Are first aider’s names and numbers displayed in prominent places and at F/A kit?

  • Are first aid cabinets clean and tidy and well stocked?

  • Is there easy access to F/A cabinets?

  • Are all employees aware of the location of F/A kits, and are kits adequately signed?

  • Are emergency numbers displayed?

  • Is there adequate supply of soap, towels and F/A kits?

  • Do F/A kits include a note book for recording F/A treatment?

  • Is there a record of treatment and first aider involved?

  • A safety shower/ eyewash is provided where hazardous chemicals are in use?

  • Are safety showers/ eyewashes well maintained and access unobstructed?

14. PPE

  • Is there a site policy for high visibility/foot protection established and displayed?

  • Is PPE available for tasks with risk of injury and are employees using PPE?

  • Are receptacles for PPE full of stock (i.e. ear plugs in dispenser)?

  • Are gloves available for prevention of hand injuries?

  • Are glasses/ goggles available for prevention of eye injuries?

  • Is there a requirement for foot protection in workshop?

  • Is there adequate provision of PPE for outdoor work? (i.e. hats and sunglasses)

  • Is there signage to indicate mandatory wearing of PPE?

  • Management and supervisors enforce mandatory use of PPE?


  • Are gas bottles securely fixed to trolley or racks?

  • Is a fire extinguisher located close to welding area?

  • Are vision screens used for electric welding?

  • Is PPE provided and worn by operator?

  • Is the Hot work permit system used?

  • Are gas equipment hoses not excessive in length and are free from damage?

  • Are gauges, hand pieces and associated accessories for gases not damaged?

  • Are flashback arrestors adequately sized and fitted to portable and mobile oxy-fuel gas systems for welding, cutting and heating metal?


  • Are platforms available for safely working at height? (i.e. 2 meter platforms)

  • Do platforms have secure handrails, guards or fence panels?

  • Full harness and lanyard provided and in use?

  • Are all drains, pits, excavations covered or barricaded?

  • Are unsafe areas signposted and fenced?

  • Is there any work occurring at height without any fall prevention equipment / fall prevention process in place?


  • Are platforms in good condition?

  • Are platforms positioned at correct angle or proximity to structure?

  • Are straight or extension ladders securely fixed at top and on firm ground?

  • Are platforms conforming to AS and no home made units in operation?


  • Is equipment regularly inspected and recorded ie cranes, hoists and gantries?

  • Are safe working loads marked clearly on forklifts, jacking equipment, vehicle hoists?

  • Vehicle stands are inspected and maintained?

  • Are safety latches on hooks in good working order?

  • Are chains in good condition and stored correctly?

  • Is there adequate pendant indication?

  • Are safety stands in a safe condition and available for working on tipper bodies?

  • Can safety props /stands be secured to vehicles when in use?


  • Are steps in good condition?(No broken or worn steps)

  • Are handrails in good repair?

  • Are stairs clear of obstructions and debris / spillages?

  • Are there non slip treads and kick plates where required?


  • Is the workstation and seating design acceptable?

  • Is ergonomics considered in work layout and tasks?

  • Is there use of excessive force and repetitive movements?


  • Are toilets, locker and wash rooms clean?

  • Is lunch room clean and tidy? (fridges and sinks clean, waste removed)

  • Is there adequate rubbish removal?


  • Are noise levels maintained to acceptable standards?

  • Adequate engineering controls in high noise areas? (i.e. isolation, enclosure)

  • Are hearing protection areas signposted and enforced?


  • OHS Policy displayed in reception area and on HSE notice-boards in workplace

  • Injury Management Policy and related procedures and available procedures displayed?

  • Are pre-employment medicals carried out and assessed for new employees?

  • RTW coordinator in place and appropriately trained and details communicated on site?

  • All injured workers are given a return to work plan upon return to work?

  • Are all Return to Work Plans are signed/ approved by RTW coordinator, injured worker, supervisor/manager and medical practitioner?

  • Are site safety representative(s), & committee in place and appropriately trained?

  • Is HSE committee poster current and displayed on HSE notice board?

  • Are regular safety meetings held and safety issues addressed by site?

  • Are all injuries and near misses recorded and investigated by site management or rep?

  • Are HSE minutes are displayed on HSE notice-board?

  • Are relevant job safe procedures communicated and located in key areas?

  • Are regular mini-HSE audits completed monthly by site and reported to HSE committee?

  • Is Risk Register in place, maintained and reviewed regularly?

  • Does Risk Management occur before any purchases of equipment or changes to systems of work or work environment?


  • Are all contractors and labour hire workers inducted?

  • Are pre-employment medicals conducted for labour-hire employees?

  • Are contractors and labour-hire are supervised and work performance monitored and reviewed?


  • Are breakdown vehicles fitted with appropriate safety equipment (ie safety cones, lights, spill kits, phone) ?

  • Are employees appropriately trained in JSP for breakdown work?

Miscellaneous / Other

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.