
  • Document No.

  • Self Assessable Code audit assessment

  • Landholders name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Assessment Officer conducting audit

  • Location (enter street address)
  • Lot on Plan

  • Departmental Officers supporting audit

Weed Control

  • Date and time at commencement of audit

  • Is the site safe to enter?

  • What other people are present at audit?

  • Do you have owner's consent to enter the property?

  • Date and time the Owner gave consent to enter the property

  • Owner signing consent to enter

  • DNRM authorised officer acknowledging consent to enter

Aspects for discussion with landholders

  • What records were kept of the clearing audit?

  • What other records were kept of the clearing activities?

  • Were there any problems with the code? If Yes, provide details

  • When fully applied, did the code achieve a good outcome?

Audit Assessment

  • Has the landholder notified DNRM?

  • What is the Department's notification number?

  • Site Assessment (for each question, where possible, inspect 5 sites for weed management)

  • Site inspection
  • Enter site location (select GPS coordinates)
  • Record date and time to commence site audit

  • Take representative photograph/s as required

  • 1.0 Providing access specifically for weed control - consider access

  • 1.1 Have weed control access tracks, necessary to gain access for weed control, been limited to 5m in width?<br>(refer to page 9 of the code)<br><br>Score: Yes (5m or less) = 5; Mostly (5-6m) = 3; Generally (6-7m) = 2; No (more than 7m) = 0

  • Take representative photos of audit site

  • 1.2 Do weed control access tracks show signs of accelerated soil erosion?<br>(refer page 9 of the code)<br><br>Score: No (95%+ of area ok) = 5; Yes (5%+ of area has obvious erosion/gullying) = 0

  • 1.3 Have weed control access tracks destabilised the banks of any watercourse or watercourse crossing?<br>(refer page 9 of the code)<br><br>Score: No = 5; General crossing instability = 3; Minor crossing instability = 2; Yes = 0

  • Take representative photos of audit site

  • 2.0 Weed control application limitations - mechanical and herbicide

  • 2.1 Has the clearing of remnant vegetation necessary to allow for access track construction and weed control been in line with recognised best practice and was it reasonable considering the terrain, economics of weed control and the extent of the infestation?<br>(refer page 9 of the code)<br><br>Score: Yes (generally) = 10; Mostly (some additional clearing) = 5; No (obviously excessive) = 0

  • Take representative photos of audit site

  • 2.2 Has mechanical weed control retained all habitat trees, retained trees?<br>(refer page 11 of the code)<br><br>Score: Yes (90%+ of retained or habitat trees intact) = 5; No = 0

  • 2.3 Where weed cover is estimated at < 50%, has mechanical weed control retained 50% of trees 15-19cm DBH?<br>(refer to page 11 of the code, where weed cover is >50% refer to page 13 of the code)<br><br>Score: Yes (50%+ of trees 15-19cm DBH intact) = 5; No (more than 50% cleared) = 0

  • 2.4 Has the use of any herbicide or the manner in which it was applied result in the death to retained, habitat or the majority of other native trees greater than 2m in height?<br>(refer page 12 of the code, look for areas of high mortality with no signs of mechanical disturbance)<br><br>Score: Minor(<10% mortality) = 5; Some (<20%) = 3; Noticeably (<30%) = 2; Yes (>30%) = 0

  • Take representative photos of audit site

  • 3.0 Weed control application limitations - consider aerial application

  • 3.1 Has aerial application of herbicides utilised herbicides that are selective and are not broad spectrum?<br>(Look for areas of high mortality, refer page 12 of the code)<br><br>Score: minor (<10%mortality) = 10; (<20%) = 5; Yes (>20%) = 0

  • Take representative photos of audit site

  • 4.0 Limitations in dense regional ecosystems - consider density

  • 4.1 In dense regional ecosystems has the use of herbicides been limited to direct application such as cut stump, basal spray, injection, splatter gun or foliar spray and not resulted in the opening of the tree canopy (other than where the weed plant dominated >50% of the tree canopy)?<br>(look for groups or clumps of dead trees, refer page 13 of the code)<br><br>Score: Yes = 5; Minor canopy opening = 3; Score: No = 0

  • Take representative photos of audit site

  • 5.0 Wetlands and watercourse protection - consider watercourse protection

  • 5.1 Has machinery been kept out of the no machinery zone? <br>(machinery can cross but must not disturb, blade up. Refer page 14 of the code)<br><br>Score: Yes (90%+) = 5; No = 0

  • 5.2 Have access tracks running parallel to a wetland or watercourse been located >10m from the defining bank?<br>(consider this practically, what gives the best result/outcome. Refer page 14 of the code)<br><br>Score: Yes (90%+) = 5; No = 0

  • 6.0 Protecting the soil - consider accelerated soil erosion

  • 6.1 Has mechanical clearing for weed control retained at least 50% ground cover (dead or alive) in each 50 by 50 metre area?<br>(at least 40-50% of ground cover has been retained, refer page 16 of the code)<br><br>Score: Yes (retained 50%+) = 5; Mostly (40-50%) = 3; No (<40% retained) = 0

  • Take representative photos of audit site

  • 6.2 Has accelerated erosion been prevented in the weed management area?<br>(obvious erosion caused as a result of human activity, refer page 16 of the code)<br><br>Score: Yes (no erosion) = 5; No (bad erosion) = 0

  • Identify areas of interest in drawing as required

  • Record date and time for site audit completion

  • To do another site audit, go back to top and select another site

Completion of property audit

  • What information was provided to the landholder?

  • Landholder's comments on outcomes of audit

  • What questions did the landholder have in relation to the audit?

  • Record any additional notes for this property

  • Add any further drawings required to assist in showing the outcomes of the audit for this property

  • Add any additional photographs as required to assist the property audit

  • Audit Recording Officer

  • Landholder confirming audit outcomes

  • Authorised Officer

  • Completion of property audit

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.