Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
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Regulation 5: Maintenance
Is there a maintenance schedule in place, and is it followed
Are high risk items of equipment checked at regular intervals
Is faulty equipment removed from service until repaired
Is there a method of recording and tracking remedial actions
Regulation 6: Ventilation
Is there a method of providing an adequate amount of fresh or purified air into the workplace
Is the workplace free from uncomfortable draughts
Is recirculated air filtered and enhanced with a supply of fresh air
Are mechanical ventilation systems (including air conditioning) cleaned regularly between services
Are mechanical ventilation systems (including air conditioning) equipped with a method to alert of failure
Are mechanical ventilation systems (including air conditioning) serviced on a regular basis
Regulation 7: Temperature of indoor workplaces
Are indoor temperatures maintained at a reasonable level
Can work be conducted without the need for special clothing
Do any methods of temperature control do so in a way that prevents fumes, gas or vapour from entering the building
Are there a sufficient number of thermometers at all internal workplaces
Are there methods of protection from temperature increase due to solar radiation
Regulation 8: Lighting
Is lighting sufficient to enable work without eye strain
Is lighting sufficient to enable people to safely move from place to place
Is there sufficient lighting in areas of pedestrian/vehicles interaction
Is lighting positioned to be free from glare
Is task specific local lighting available and in use
Is there a schedule in place for the cleaning of lighting
Are windows and sky lights cleaned on a regular basis
Is there sufficient emergency lighting
Is emergency lighting powered by a source independent of normal lighting
Is emergency lighting tested and inspected on a regular basis
Regulation 9: Cleanliness and Waste Materials
Is the workplace regularly cleaned
Are floor and wall surfaces maintained to enable effective cleaning
Are waste materials removed as soon as practicable from the working area
Regulation 10: Room dimensions and space
Is there enough space for people to move around freely
Are all jobs carried put without restricted movement, so far as is reasonably practicable
Taking equipment and furniture into account is there at least 11 m3 space available for each person employed in a workplace
Regulation 11: Workstations and Seating
Are workstations arranged so that tasks can be carried out safely and comfortably
Are workstation heights suitable for the task being carried out
Are workstations and seating arranged suitably for persons with special needs
Do workspaces have sufficient clear and unobstructed space to allow for freedom of movement and manoeuvring and positioning of materials
Is any seating in use suitable for the task being performed
Regulation 12: Condition of floors and traffic routes
Are floors and traffic routes free from holes, slopes, uneven or slippery surfaces likely to cause a hazard
Are any damaged surfaces marked conspicuously or guarded
Are any uneven or sloped surfaces marked conspicuously
Are there arrangements in place to tackle snow and ice
Are spillages cleared up, contained immediately
Are traffic routes kept clear of obstruction
Are the open sides of staircases adequately fenced and do all staircases have a handrail
Regulation 13: Falls or falling objects
Is every vessel containing a dangerous substance adequately fenced or covered to prevent a person falling into it
If there is inadequate guarding are there alternate measures in place to prevent a person falling into it
Are all barriers sufficiently high, and filled in to prevent falls over or through the barrier
Are barriers constructed of a material sufficiently strong enough to restrain any person or object falling against them
Are all covers capable of supporting all loads likely to be imposed upon them and any traffic likely to travel over them
Are all covers of a type that cannot be easily displaced or removed
In the event of barriers or covers being removed are there alternate adequate control measures in place
Regulation 14: Windows and transparent or translucent doors, gates and walls
Are all windows etc. made of a material which is inherently robust, breaks in a safe manner or of adequate thickness
Where the material used is 'safety glass' is the British Standards Kitemark apparent of every pane
Are all windows etc. appropriately marked, or incorporate features, which makes their presence apparent
Regulation 15: Windows, skylights and ventilators
Can all windows, skylights and ventilators be opened from floor level
Where they cannot be opened from floor level is there a safe means of access
When opened, are people prevent from falling through windows, skylights or ventilators
When opened are people prevented from colliding with them
Regulation 16: Ability to clean windows safely
Can all windows be cleaned from ground level or internally
Regulation 17: Organisation of traffic routes
Discounting pedestrians whose work requires interface with vehicles. Is there a Physical barrier between pedestrians and vehicles
Is there sufficient segregation between traffic routes and any doors or gates which may be used by pedestrians
Are all traffic routes suitably indicated for reasons of health and safety
Is any soft or uneven ground on which a vehicle could overturn, shed its load or become stranded indicated with adequate signage
Is there prominent warning of limited headroom
Has a site speed limit been set and is it adequately indicated
Has the need to reverse been reduced so far as is reasonably practicable
Where reversing is unavoidable, is this carried out under the control of a banks man
Where pedestrian routes cross vehicle routes is there suitable identification of the routes
Are barriers in place, where appropriate, to prevent pedestrians entering a traffic route unobserved
Do all pedestrians on, or adjacent to, a traffic route wear high visibility clothing
Regulation 18: Doors and gates
Do all sliding doors or gates have a device to prevent it coming off its track during use
Do all upward opening doors have a device to prevent it falling back
Do all powered doors and gates have a device to prevent it trapping any person
Do all doors or gates that can be pushed open from either side provide a clear view when closed of the space into which it opens
Can all doors required for escape in an emergency be opened easily, without the need for a tool or key, whilst the building is occupied
Regulation 19: Escalators and moving walkways
Regulation 20: Sanitary conveniences
Are sanitary conveniences readily accessible
Are sanitary conveniences adequately ventilated
Are sanitary conveniences adequately lit
Are there separate sanitary conveniences for men and women, or is each is a separate room to door of which can be locked from the inside
Is there an adequate number of sanitary conveniences
Regulation 21 Washing Facilities
Are there washing facilities in the immediate vicinity of sanitary conveniences
Are there washing facilities in the vicinity of changing rooms
Do all washing facilities contain a ready supply of clean hot and cold water
Do all washing facilities contain a supply of soap or other means of cleaning
Do all washing facilities contain an hygienic means of hand drying
Are all washing facilities adequately ventilated
Are all washing facilities well lit
Excepting washing facilities for washing hands, forearms and faces, are separate washing facilities provided for men and women, or in a seperate room ,the door of which can be locked from the inside
Is there an adequate number of washing facilities
Regulation 22: Drinking water
Is there a ready supply of wholesome drinking water
Are drinking water taps situated where contamination is unlikely
Are cups, beakers or glasses provided where the water is not supplied by a drinking fountain
Where non-disposal cups, beakers or glasses are used, is there a means to wash them in the immediate vicintiy
Regulation 23: Accommodation for clothing
Is there sufficient accommodation for personal clothing not worn during working hours
Is there sufficient accommodation for special clothing not worn home
Is the accommodation dry and well ventilated
Are there effective measures to secure personal clothing
Are there facilities to dry work clothing
Regulation 24: Facilities for changing clothing
Where there is a need to remove more than outer clothing, has a changing room been provided
Where clothing can become contaminated by a hazardous substance, is there a changing room which prevent workers own clothing becoming contaminated
Do changing rooms contain adequate seating
Are changing rooms directly connected to clothing accommodation and showering/bathing facilities
Do changing rooms ensure users privacy
Are the facilities large enough to allow the maximum number of people expected to use them at any one time to do so without overcrowding or delay
Regulation 25: Facilities for rest and to eat meals
Do facilities contain an adequate supply of seating for the maximum number of people expected to use them at any one time
Are the facilities situated in an area that allow for rest and food breaks to be taken without the need to wear PPE
Are the facilities situated in a place that prevents discomfort from cigarette smoke
Have suitable facilities been provided for pregnant women or nursing mothers
Have suitable facilities been provided for disabled persons
Sign off
Inspection completed and discussed with local management
Inspection conducted by
I have discussed the results of this inspection with the inspector, and am aware of the actions required to address any failings
Site Manager