Title Page
Are the Workshop offices in a good condition, clean, tidy and utilities fit for purpose?
Are the Ablutions in a good condition and all utilities fit for purpose?
Is all electrical tagging clearly visible and up to date?
RCD’s on all electrical equipment, VRD on welders?
Is the Workshop floor area in good repair, clean, tidy and utilities fit for purpose?
Is there enough lighting in the workshop and is it effective?
Are machine guards in place and in good condition on all floor standing and handheld power tools?
Is the workshop floor free of potential slip and trip hazards?
Are cables, hoses, leads etc. properly stored on shelving / hooks or in cupboards?
Is the work area uncluttered? (Materials stacked on shelves or in racks/cupboards, storerooms tidy etc.)
Are walkways, access areas and emergency exits clear?
Are workbenches clean and tidy?
Are all personnel wearing PPE required for the area/task and are they using it correctly?
Are tools put away when not in use?
Are safety clips used on all hose connections?
Are grinding and cutting discs for grinders and cut-off saws in good condition and the correct type for the tool? (no cracks or broken edges, rated to the correct rpm, correct type for the material being cut etc.)
Are gas hoses and welding leads stored correctly when not in use?
Have the oxyacetylene hoses and reels been inspected and tested?
Are gas bottles stored correctly (refer BOC Guidelines for Cylinder Safety)
PPE correct for task
Are all flammable goods stored in an approved dangerous goods storage cabinet/shed?
Does hand grinders have guards in place around the disk?
Are safety hammers available for the removal of pins etc?
Is the level of ventilation and lighting adequate?
Are there fire extinguishers clearly visible and correct signage in place in the work area?
Are "PPE Required" signs located at entrances to the workshop?
Does the workshop have a separate battery charging station with good ventilation?
Is the battery charging procedures sign in place?
Are there "Danger", "No Smoking" and "No Naked Flames" signs in place?
Is there an emergency shower/eyewash station close to hazardous areas and are they in good working order?
Is there clear access to the emergency shower/eyewash station?
Are spill kits available and are they easily accessible?
Is there enough absorbent material available to clean up oil spills? (Containing booms, socks, pads)
Is appropriate protection for spills (ie. drip trays) in place in fuel and oil transfer areas where fuel and/or oil is transferred to/from small containers (20lt - 205lt)
Are adequate bins available for waste? Are they being used and emptied regularly?
Is the work area free from litter including cans, cups and rags etc
Are waste bins clearly labelled and materials placed in correct bins?
Are there any waste oil drums stored outside of bunded areas?
Are there any oil spillages on floor or outside workshop?
Are oil filters separated from general waste?
Is there a fire extinguisher on every piece of mobile equipment?
Are spill/drip trays being used correctly?
Are hoses correctly stored and are there any leaking or dripping hoses?
Are oil and other lubricant drums clearly labelled and correctly stored?
Are engine coolants (ie. ethylene glycol) being captured and removed from site by a waste contractor or reused?
Inspection Team