
  • GPYHA Room inspection

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by Craig Tester

  • Location
  • Conducted by:

All rooms

    Room check
  • Room number:

  • Is the door in working order inc key lock

  • Is the door closer working and not slamming

  • Is the carpet in fair condition

  • Is the carpet free from stains or tear marks

  • Is the main room light working and cover clean (no visible bugs/dust)

  • Is the smoke detector clean and free of obstruction

  • Is the fan working and free of dust

  • Is the heater working and plugged into the correct socket

  • Is the hand basin in good condition

  • Are the taps working and not leaking

  • Are the tiles under the basin clean and in good repair

  • Is the area behind the basin clean

  • Is the mirror clean and free from marks/scratches

  • Are the walls clean and free from marks

  • Is there a feature wall painting?

  • Is this a dorm room?

  • Are the lockers in good repair

  • Is there any items left in empty lockers

  • Is there a blanket inside the locker

  • When you pull the locker away from the wall is it clean and free from dust/rubbish

  • Is this a private room?

  • Is the wardrobe in good condition?

  • Are there any items left in the wardrobe?

  • Is there spare pillows & blankets in the wardrobe?

  • Is the bedside table in good condition and clean?

  • Is the bedside lamp in good working condition?

  • Are the bunks sturdy and not squeaking

  • Are all the bed lights working and have covers

  • Are all the mattresses in good condition

  • Are all the mattress protectors clean and in good repair

  • Are all the pillows of decent quality and clean?

  • Is the area under and behind the beds free from rubbish and dust

  • Is the window seal clean (including all the way round)

  • Is the window clean

  • Is the fly screen clean and in good repair

  • Are there extension cords in use?

  • On a scale of 1-10 how clean is this room

  • Please fill in any extra notes here:

  • Please sign to state that you have inspected all the above room to the best of your ability

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.