Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.0 Executive Summary & Introduction
Audit Executive Summary
Opening Meeting Summary
Closing Meeting Summary
Previous Audit Findings and Closeouts
2.0 Audit Body
Review of organisation structure and reporting lines
Is there clear leadership and communication from senior management?
Does the facility have KPI's and set objectives which are reported in to management?
Are company policies available and implemented including; Occupational Health and Safety, Quality, Environmental and Anti-bribery?
How is the anti-bribery policy managed in country of operation?
Does the facility have a comprehensive set of operating procedures?
Are procedures managed in accordance with company document control processes?
Does the facility have a risk register?
Is the asset owned or leased and are there any potential issues?
Any other comments/findings?
Are roles and responsibilities clearly defined?
Are job descriptions available?
What is the recruitment process?
Is there a competency/training matrix available for staff?
Are training records available for staff?
Are subcontractors made use of?
Are they inducted and familiarised?
How do you carry out quality assurance on them?
Are they given work briefings and TBTs?
What is the working language?
Any other comments/findings?
Infrastructure and Facility Operations
Is the facility in a good state of repair?
Are there any issues relating to Noise?
Is lighting adequate?
Are there any air quality issues?
Is there sufficient air conditioning/heating as required?
Is there sufficient supply of safe freshwater?
Are any tests carried out on freshwater supplies?
Is IT infrastructure adequate and in good working order?
Is equipment calibrated and are there any records/certificates of such?
Any other comments/findings?
Emergency Preparedness
Is a fire risk assessment in place?
Are fire procedures in place?
Is a fire detection system in place and is it tested regularly?
Are fire drills carried out regularly?
Are there clearly marked fire exits and muster points?
Is firefighting equipment available?
Is there a maintenance regime in place for fire fighting equipment?
Is there any flood or other natural disaster risk?
Any other comments/findings?
Health and Safety
Are risk assessments available for all operations? (random sample)
Is there a risk assessment for lone working?
Are risk assessments in date and approved?
How are incidents and near misses managed, reported and investigated?
Does the facility have a good state of housekeeping?
Is there adequate and sufficient safety signage?
Are cable tank walkways and barriers fit for purpose and free of any defects?
Is PPE available and in use as per company procedure?
Are first aid arrangements in place and kits available?
How is lifting equipment managed? (random sampling; register, certificates, inspections, quarantine)
How is scaffolding managed? (inspection, tags, qualifications)
Is a ladder register available?
Are control of work procedures employed for hazardous work?
Are portable power tools maintained in accordance with manufacturers guidelines?
Is any machinery and plant maintained in accordance with manufacturers guidelines?
Are any workshops/benches maintained in good order with emergency stops and guards in place?
Are chemicals managed in accordance with COSHH procedures?
Does the facility have a good state of electrical safety, including cabling etc?
Any other comments/findings?
Management of Stores & Stock
Does the facility have an adequate goods in/out procedure? (outline in notes)
How are suppliers managed by the facility? Is there any interaction with HO purchasing?
How is stock managed at the facility?
Any other comments/findings?
Environmental Management
Are any mitigations put in place for the environmental impact of the facility?
Are there any local environmental considerations that need to be taken into account?
Are spill kits available for any environmental incident mitigation?
Are chemicals and any oils/fuels stored safely and controlled?
Are waste management records kept?
Are records kept relating to energy usage?
Any other comments/findings?