Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Final checks.
Are all sewer risers in the correct position?
Have all risers been measured and checked twice?
Are all stormflex risers within 1m of the D/P position?
Have all risers been taped or capped off?
Has all rubbish been picked up, put in a neat pile and secured?
Have all risers that require boxes been marked clearly?
Is the ORG 200mm off the building line?
Is the ORG charged by a fixture, tap or PTRV drain?
If boundary trap is fitted, is the riser out of a pathway, driveway and at least 3m away from an openable window?
Is the site backfilled completely and left in an acceptable condition?
Where there is recycled water present is the Lilac poly 300mm clear of the fresh water line and have warning tape?
Has the poly line been fitted with a M/I poly fitting and a cap at the building end?
If A/G Drains have been installed, has the scoria been spread evenly to match the ground level?
If underground trenches, pits and holes have not been back filled have they been left in a safe state with the correct barricades used?
Are all roads and footpaths clear of mud, rubbish and stones?
Has the site been left in a safe state with all site fences closed?
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Is this job ready for the next stage?
I have checked all the above items and the work has been done to a satisfactory standard.