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Is there a procedure in place to control hazardous materials entering site?
Are the hazardous materials stored in an acceptable COSHH Cabinet / Cupboard?
Is access to the COSHH Cabinet restricted?
Is there an accurate inventory of all hazardous materials stored within the cupboard?
When was this last checked and updated?
Is there safety data sheets and COSHH risk assessments in place for all chemicals on site and available at point of use?
When was this last checked and updated with the latest versions?
Are chemicals clearly labelled with what they are and any associated hazard symbols present?
Are there general rules about eating and drinking in areas where hazardous materials are used?
Is there any evidence of eating or drinking in the shop floor area?
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Select 2 staff members from different areas of the business? Employee
Does the staff member know and understand the COSHH procedure?
Does the staff member understand the hazards associated with the chemicals used within their area of work?
Does the operator know what to do in the event of a spillage or personal contamination?
Is PPE freely available to all operatives at point of use?
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Are chemical spill kits available around the site?
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Is there suitable hand wash facilities in place for all staff within the site?
Are there any dedicated First Aiders on site?
Are first aid boxes available and eye wash bottles available in case of emergency?
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Is the first aid kit and ancillary equipment in good working order and are all first aid kits and eye wash in date?
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Any actions that need addressing on the Events Register?
Please give details.
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