Title Page

  • Branch / Division:

  • Audit Number:

  • Audit Title:

  • Conducted on:

  • Prepared by:

  • Customer / Jobsite Name:
  • Location:

Personnel & Service Truck

  • List of A-Core Personnel on site?

Service Truck

  • Pre-Trip Inspection has been completed and documented

  • Service Truck is clean and orderly

  • Service Truck has all required Safety items per DOT Regulations (Fire Extinguisher, Triangles, First Aid Kit, Lights, ETC.)

  • SDS Binder is located in truck or on project

General Work Environment

  • Operator completed a JHA, and communicated all hazards with other A-Core staff on site

  • Required Posters/Signs posted and legible

  • Measures in place to protect the public or other trades from hazards created by A-Core

  • Operator communicated with others in the area that could be exposed to hazards created by A-Core

  • If needed, a SWWP has been developed prior to work starting

  • Project has sufficient lighting to work and move around safely

PPE, Excavations, and Fall Protection

  • Hard Hats worn by all A-Core personnel on job

  • Eye & Face protection worn as required

  • Hearing Protection worn as required

  • Safety Toed foot protection worn

  • Hand Protection worn as required

  • High Visibility shirt or vest being worn

  • Respirator or dust mask used as per Table 1

Excavation, Trenching, and Shoring

  • Operator is working in an Open Excavation?

  • Excavation is properly shored or sloped as per OSHA Regulations

  • Spoils, materials, or equipment set back a minimum of 2' from the edge of excavation

  • Trench has legal means of egress? 25 lateral feet from work area

  • Workers protected from loose rock or soil

  • If trench boxes or shoring are used, they have been inspected and have proper pinning/bracing

  • Excavation is protected according to the soil type

Fall Protection

  • Job task requires elevated work above 6' from working surface or near a leading edge

  • Operator is utilizing a ladder, scaffold, scissor lift, or boom lift to reach work location

  • The tool or equipment being used to gain elevation has been inspected prior to use

  • Operator is using proper Fall Protection

  • The Harness and Lanyard have been inspected prior to use

  • Operator has a documented "Fall Rescue Plan" in place

  • The Tie Off point is able to hold a minimum of 5000 lbs per person


  • Work area is kept clean and clear of material or debris

  • Slurry being created is vacuumed, funneled, and disposed of legally

  • Cords & Hoses are strung or routed to prevent trip and fall hazards

  • Cords strung or routed to prevent being cut, sliced, crushed, or damaged


  • Tools and power cords have been tested and color coded as per A-Core's Assured Grounding Program

  • Ground fault circuit interrupters provided on all temporary electrical circuits

  • Extension cords have 3-prong plugs and all 3 prongs are intact

  • Electrical cords are inspected and in good working condition (No splices, frays, ground prong missing, cord ends are tight)

Hand and Power Tools

  • Operator is using the right tool for the job

  • Hand tools are maintained and in safe working condition (Hammer, chisel, anchor setter, etc.)

  • Rotor Hammer Drills are maintained in safe working condition

  • Dustless attachment is utilized on Hammer Drill

  • Hammer Drill Bit being used, is the right diameter for anchor size

  • Hammer Drill Bit has legal side clearance for safe anchor setting procedure

Hand Saw, Ring Saw, Chain Saw Tools

  • Operator is utilizing a Hand Saw

  • Operator is trained to operate saw using safe work practices

  • Saw has been inspected prior to use

  • Guard is in safe working condition

  • Proper Power Source being used to power the saw (GPM, Electricity, Mixed Gasoline)

  • Correct blade being used on saw

  • LOTO observed when changing blade

  • Operator deemed competent with a Hand Saw

  • Operator is utilizing a Ring Saw

  • Operator is trained to operate saw using safe work practices

  • Saw has been inspected prior to use

  • Saw has been properly maintained (Greased, rollers are adjusted and within spec, etc.)

  • Machine guarding in working condition and in place

  • Correct power source used to power the saw (GPM, Electricity, Mixed Gasoline)

  • LOTO observed when changing blade or adjusting saw

  • Operator is deemed competent with a Ring Saw

  • Operator is utilizing a Chain Saw

  • Operator is trained to operate saw using safe work practices

  • Saw has been inspected prior to use

  • Saw has been properly maintained and is good working condition

  • Bar and Chain inspected prior to use

  • Correct power source being used to power the saw (GPM, Electricity, Mixed Gasoline)

  • LOTO observed when changing or adjusting bar or chain

  • Operator is deemed competent with a Chain Saw

Silica Dust

  • Operator is following Table 1 chart for Silica Dust Controls

  • Integrated Water Delivery system is working properly and providing adequate water supply to blade

  • When Sawing all day in enclosed area with no circulation, Operator is wearing a dust mask or Respirator

  • Controls are in place to prevent others from being exposed to Silica Dust created by A-Core

Traffic Control & Utility Strikes

Traffic Control

  • Proper signs placed so to alert other drivers of construction zone ahead

  • A-Core truck is placed so to help protect worker(s)

Utility Strikes

  • Saw cutting possesses potential risk of cutting into any utilities

  • Utilities were located prior to saw cutting

  • Operator has a safe plan in place to eliminate cutting into utility

  • Sub-surface-survey or GPR Scanning completed prior to saw cutting

  • Customer signed our ticket, releasing liability prior to saw cutting operations

Audit Review

  • Operator is prepared and completing project in a safe manner?

  • Operator has a positive attitude and is representing the brand well.

  • Notes:

  • Action Items:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.