
  • Client / Site

  • Project ID:

  • Conducted on

  • Checklist review undertaken by:

  • AMS in use - Title and Date:

  • WRA Date:

  • Does the activity contain (HRW) High Risk Work ?

WRA – Workplace Risk Assessment

  • WRA captures all high level risks associated with the project?

  • WRA has appropriate system and training level controls for identified risks?

  • WRA has been authorised by the person in control of site?

  • WRA is current (evidence of review within last 3 months as minimum)?

  • WRA accessible/displayed in a common area?

AMS – Activity Method Statement

  • All AMS’s nominated on the WRA are built into the (WBS) Works Breakdown Structure (and / or Programme) and are developed for current Works?

  • AMS captures all risks associated with the defined activity?

  • AMS includes a detailed description of the works? (Including methodology, sequence, plant and equipment, materials, number of people and competencies required, etc.)

  • AMS includes reference to supporting drawings, permits, approvals, SWMS, ITP’s, SQE Plans, etc associated with the activity?

  • AMS has been authorised by person in control of activity?

  • AMS is current (evidence of review within last 1 month as minimum)?

  • Has the methodology changed? If yes, have all risks been reassessed?

  • AMS risk controls have considered hazard elimination or engineering controls?

  • Evidence that AMS control measures have been actioned (completed and signed off)?

  • AMS is in open display for all to see in site office?

High Risk Activity AMS Review (if applicable)

  • AMS identified the High Risk Activity?

  • AMS captures all the key risks associated with the High Risk Activity?

  • AMS has been authorised by person in control of activity and accepted by BW project management?

  • High Risk Activity AMS risk controls have considered hazard elimination or engineering controls?

Commissioning AMS Review (if applicable)

  • Has the AMS been reviewed by the SQE Manager and signed off by the SPM & Barwon Water Ops?

  • Does the commissioning require connection into a live system or Isolation ? If yes is there valve status checklist !

  • At the time this review was undertaken the WRA/AMS documentation and controls implemented meet the contractual minimum requirements.

  • Persons conduction the review:

  • Workplace Manager:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.