Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Auditors Name

  • Site Representative/s and Title

  • Date of Last Audit

Management of Health & Safety


  • Group health and safety policy in place and displayed?

  • Health and safety statement of intent in place and displayed

  • Is the statement distributed to all employees and acknowledged

  • Health and safety law poster displayed with the relevant sections completed and current

  • Employers and public liability insurance certificate available and current?

  • Does the Senior Management conduct Site Specific Safety Inspections of all areas of their responsibility at least twice per year with inspections documented

  • Is there Competent Health and Safety Assistance

  • Are there any written Site Safety Rules that are displayed on the site?

  • Is there a Safety Committee/Team

  • Does the Safety Committee/Team meet at least once every 3 Months

  • Are minutes kept and displayed detailing the action to be taken, who is responsible for the action and time scale for completion of those actions

  • Have all members of the Safety Committee/Team attended the relevant Safety Awareness Course

  • Driving License checks conducted at least 6-monthly and documented (where required)

  • Checks in place for those employees who use private vehicles on company business (where required)

  • Are medical mandates conducted and documented where required (where required)


  • Is there an Accident and Incident Reporting Procedure in Place

  • Is there an adequate Accident Book or Reporting System in Place and clear evidence of it being utilised

  • Are all Accidents and Incidents being reported and within a timely manner (All Accidents and Incidents should be reported as early as possible and at least within 8hours of the event)

  • Do all staff know how and when to report an accident or incident (Interview staff to ascertain)

  • Are all "RIDDOR" Events being reported in accordance with the current Regulations

  • Are all Lost Time Accidents being recorded

  • Are all Accidents and Incidents investigated and is the investigation conducted inline with the Accident and Incident Reporting Procedure

  • Are recommendations and remedial actions from the investigation recorded, monitored and completed

  • Are all Accidents and Incidents reported to Senior Management on at least a Monthly Basis for their action


  • If the annual Fire Risk Assessment occurs concurrently with the annual H&S audit, there is no need to create duplicate actions. Instead, actions will be linked to the annual fire risk assessment to avoid replication of actions.

  • Has a Site wide Fire Risk Assessment been conducted and a Report Provided and is the report available

  • Have all remedial actions and recommendations outlined within the report and or assessment been completed or have subsequent action attached to them

  • Is there a Fire Log Book for the Site and or Individual Buildings

  • Is Fire Safety Procedures which includes the Evacuation Procedure, Displayed and or available to All Staff, Visitors and Contractors

  • Has at least TWO Fire Evacuation Drills been conducted per shift in the last twelve months with documented evidence within the Fire Log Book

  • Is there a Service Contract in Place for the Fire Detection and Alarm System (show evidence)

  • Is the Fire Detection and Alarm System Tested at least Once per Week and documented within the Fire Log

  • Is there an Electrical Service Contract in place for all Emergency Lighting (show evidence)

  • Is the Emergency Lighting Tested at least Once per Month and documented within the Fire Log

  • Is there a Service Contract in place for the Sprinkler System (show evidence)

  • Is there a Service Contract in place for all Portable Fire Extinguishers, Including all vehicles fitted with Extinguishers (show evidence)

  • Are all Fire Extinguishers Inspected for serviceability at least Once per Week and documented

  • Does the site operate a Clear "NO SMOKING POLICY" and is designated smoking areas provided


  • Are Individual Risk Assessments conducted for Young Workers (show evidence)

  • Are Individual Risk Assessments conducted for Work Experience (show evidence)

  • Are Individual Risk Assessments conducted for New and Expectant Mothers (show evidence)

  • Are Individual Risk Assessments conducted for Disabled Workers (show evidence)

  • Have Risk Assessments been conducted that consider the impact of "Night Working" (show evidence)

  • Are Individual Health Assessments being conducted for "Night Workers" (show evidence)

  • Does the Site have any "Lone Workers"

  • Is there adequate control in place to ensure their safety?


  • Has the site got an Established Approved Contractor list

  • Are all Contractors vetted prior to conducting works by the use of the Approved Contractors Questionnaire and reviewed annually and proof of public liability insurance submitted?

  • Have all Contractors submitted Proof of RAMS

  • Have all Contractors and their nominated employees received the Contractors Site Induction and attendance documented (Note Contractor Inductions last for a period not exceeding 12months)

  • Are all Contractors given an "Authorisation to Work" Permit before works commencing which includes handover once work is completed

  • Are "high risk" permits for contractors in place and issued where applicable eg hot works, working at height, electrical installations?

  • Does the Site operate an Isolation "Lock-off - Tag-off" Procedure (Show Evidence)


  • Has An Asbestos Management Survey and Assessment of the premises been conducted in the last Three Years and a report provided (show evidence)

  • Have all Recommendations or Remedial Actions been completed and documented

  • Is there a Asbestos Management Procedure in place and being operated (Show evidence)

  • Does the Site Maintain an Asbestos Register including a site map identifying all Asbestos Areas and their Hazard Classification (show evidence)

  • Are All Contractors made aware of the Asbestos Hazard Areas as part of their Site Induction (show evidence)

  • Does the site ensure that only asbestos approved contractors conduct the required works

  • Have all Employees been made aware of those areas that contain asbestos and the risks associated with that area (show evidence)

  • Has a responsible person(s) who is suitably trained been nominated to conduct the relevant periodical checks and to implement the Asbestos Management process


  • Does the site have an Environmental Policy

  • Are Emergency Spillage Controls in place and Tested (show evidence)

  • Are the arrangements for waste disposal adequate and conducted by an approved contractor

  • Proof of Special/Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes

  • Proof of Controlled Waste Transfer Notes


  • Does the site or any part of the site come under the Scope of Dangerous Substances Explosive Atmosphere Regulations (DSEAR)

  • Has a DSEAR Survey and Risk Assessment been conducted in the last TWO Years and a report provided (show evidence)

  • Is there a DSEAR Management Plan and Procedure in Place (show evidence)

  • Is there a DSEAR Emergency Plan in place and has it been tested at least Annually (show evidence)

  • Are adequate signs in place displaying the type and category of ZONES under DSEAR

  • Is adequate Detection in place to warn of hazardous build up of gas/fumes within ZONES under DSEAR

  • Is Portable Electrical Systems Intrinsically Designed for use in ZONE Protected areas under DSEAR

  • Are all Electrical Installations Intrinsically Designed for Use within ZONE Protected Areas under DSEAR


  • Does the site or any part of the site come under the Scope of Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH - Top Tier or Lower Tier)

  • Is a Hazardous Substances Consent License in Place for the respective COMAH Tier

  • Is there a COMAH Policy in place which sets out how the site will prevent a major accident taking place

  • Has any part of the site or installation undergone any modification since the last COMAH Assessment was conducted

  • Is a COMAH Management Team in place and all members of the team have been suitably trained for their respective tasks


  • Where areas of the site and or buildings are shared, are the responsibilities for areas, facilities clearly defined and known by all parties

  • Are regular site inspections conducted on Tenants to ensure compliancy with site rules and tenancy agreement

  • Is proof of Health and Safety Compliance requested Annually from Tenants for Fire Safety, Electrical Safety, Gas Safety etc.


  • Does the site have a Training Matrix for all Trades and Employees (show evidence)

  • Do all New Employees receive a Site Health & Safety Induction Training and is this documented (show evidence)

  • Do all Employees receive ongoing refresher training and is this documented (show evidence)

  • Have all Directors, Managers and Supervisors attended the relevant Management of Health and Safety Course

  • Are all Training Records Available and up to date (show evidence)


  • Are all staff wearing PPE in the required areas?

  • Is PPE in good condition?

  • PPE requirements displayed on entrance/exits

  • Are PPE requirements displayed at specific equipment or chemical areas?


  • Is there a Risk Register in place and is it current and all tasks been identified and Risk Rated

  • Have all Risk Assessments and SOP's been completed and made available and brought to the attention of all relevant employees

  • Have all Risk Assessments been reviewed at least annually or as outlined in the assessment

  • Is there Trained Risk Assessors in place

  • Are the Risk Assessments and SOPS reviewed Post Accident and where required updated with further controls


  • Is housekeeping adequate throughout the building

  • Are there any building defects that affect the health and safety of the occupants

  • Is all building defects reported and actioned in a timely fashion

  • Is there sufficient and appropriate waste disposal resources for the work area

  • Are walkways and stairways free from defects or obstructions


  • Are general working conditions adequate for all employees

  • Is suitable lighting available in all interior areas

  • Is suitable lighting available in exterior areas

  • Are windows easily accessible and able to open safely

  • Are all floor surfaces passages and stairs maintained and in good condition

  • Is the workplace well ventilated and clean

  • Is wholesome drinking water available

  • Are suitable and sufficient toilets and washbasins provided

  • Are handrails provided on all stairways

  • Are facilities available for rest and to eat meals


  • If the annual Fire Risk Assessment occurs concurrently with the annual H&S audit, there is no need to create duplicate actions. Instead, actions will be linked to the annual fire risk assessment to avoid replication of actions.

  • Is there sufficient and suitable fire exits available for the work area

  • Are all Fire Exits clear and free from obstruction

  • Are all Fire Escape Routes clear and free from obstruction

  • Is there appropriate fire safety signage displayed including directional signage

  • Is there sufficient and suitable fire extinguishers available for the work area and free from obstruction

  • Is there sufficient and suitable Call Points and Detection available for the work area

  • Is there sufficient and suitable emergency lighting in place and working

  • Has excessive storage of flammable materials been reduced

  • Is there sufficient Trained Fire Wardens in place for all shifts within the work area


  • If the annual Fire Risk Assessment occurs concurrently with the annual H&S audit, there is no need to create duplicate actions. Instead, actions will be linked to the annual fire risk assessment to avoid replication of actions.

  • Proof of Fixed Electrical Testing and Inspection of the Building within the last 5 Years

  • Proof of Portable Electrical Testing and Inspection been conducted at least Annually

  • Electrical users checks (portable equipment) being conducted

  • Are all Electrical Outlet Sockets and Switches in good state of repair

  • Are appropriate Residual Current Devices in place where required

  • Where extension cables are being used are they surge protected

  • Is there any evidence of overloading of power distribution outlets

  • Are electrical safety signs displayed where required

  • Are there any trailing electrical cables which could produce trip hazards


  • Is there sufficiently trained First Aiders available for all shifts

  • Is there sufficient and appropriate first aid kits available

  • Are First Aid Kits regularly inspected and documented

  • Are AED's available and First Aiders trained in there use

  • Is there adequate first aid signage identifying where the first aid kit is located and who the first aiders are


  • Register of Hazardous Substances Available

  • Manufacturers Data Sheets Available

  • CoSHH Assessments in place and regularly reviewed

  • Have all employees who are exposed to the risks been made aware of the CoSHH Assessments

  • Adequate bunding for tanks and drums (oil, fuel, lubricants etc.)

  • Is LPG stored appropriately?

  • Skin Examinations Conducted (where appropriate)

  • Skin Care Program in place


  • Has manual handling been eliminated where possible (lifting carrying aids e.g. trollies etc.)

  • Are items stored sensibly with easy access (i.e. heavy items used frequently stored at waist height, heavy items used infrequently stored at low level)

  • Are any steps available for reaching items at height suitable for purpose and properly maintained


  • Appropriate guards fitted to machinery/equipment

  • Are items of mechanical cutting equipment (e.g. Paper guillotines, shredders etc.) adequately guarded

  • Appropriate warning signs displayed to machinery/equipment

  • Access Equipment (Ladders, Steps etc.) appropriately controlled and inspected

  • Is warehouse racking used on-site?

  • Is a racking inspected by a nominated employee periodically and recorded?

  • Is the racking inspected annually by a SEMA approved contractor?

  • Have any remedial actions been completed and instructions followed?

  • Does all racking appear to be in good condition including SWL information?

  • Are forklifts serviced annually under LOLER

  • Are forklifts subject to daily checks prior to use

  • Are pressurised systems regularly inspected?

  • Are all items of equipment inspected under PUWER?


  • Proof of Induction Training

  • Proof of General Safety Awareness Training

  • Proof of CoSHH Awareness Training

  • Proof of Manual Handling Training

  • Prohibitions in Place for Trainee's

  • Proof of Mandatory Toolbox Talks being conducted

  • Proof of Forklift refresher training


  • Have all DSE users been properly assessed?

  • Are work stations suitable both for the persons using the work station and for the type of work undertaken

  • Is there sufficient movement space within the office to allow people to get to/from the work station safely

  • Have all remedial actions from DSE assessment been actioned in a timely manner

  • Are office staff aware of safety procedures if required to enter production/warehouse areas?


  • Is there a traffic management plan in place?

  • Pedestrian routes and crossing points are appropriately marked and in good condition?

  • Ground in good condition? free of potholes, debris and liquids

  • Are there suitable and sufficient Traffic Directional and Warning Signs?

  • Are there suitable and sufficient Pedestrian Warning Signs?

  • Are seat belts fitted where required and worn?



  • DATE


The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.