Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Company name

  • Type of works undertaken by the company

  • Company Personnel

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Audit carried out by

Health & Safety Policy

  • Is a written Health & Safety policy in place?

  • Does the policy contain organisation (including individual responsibilities) and arrangements?

  • Has the policy been signed and dated (within 12 months) by the person responsible for overall Health and Safety of the workforce?

  • Have signatures been obtained from all employees, confirming receipt and understanding of the policy?

  • Can the workforce access the company policy?

  • Is the Health and Safety Law poster on display in a prominent position? Is it completed correctly?

  • Is a copy of the Company's Employers Liability insurance certificate on display in a prominent position?


  • Does the company have a competent person who advises on Health and Safety?

  • Does the company have a relevant organisational chart identifying the person/company?

  • Have managers and supervisors been made aware of the legal responsibilities regarding health and safety through job descriptions?

  • Are annual appraisals taking place for all staff?

  • Have individuals been selected to react in emergency situations?

  • Is there a company business risk register in place?

Health & Safety Planning

  • Is there a Health and Safety Plan to ensure continuous improvement in Health and Safety?

  • Is the Health and Safety Plan reviewed on a regular basis?

  • Have foreseeable emergencies been identified and suitable site emergency plan/procedures developed?

  • Are there adequate arrangements and resources for implementing the site emergency plan?

  • Is there a system for recording and controlling access and egress to site?

  • Has an SHE filing system been set up?

  • Is the company able to keep up to date with changes in SHE legislation?

Selection & Training

  • Is there a system in place to check and ensure the competence of new starters?

  • Are all new employees medically assessed?

  • Are all new employees given a "basic safety" induction course? Is it recorded?

  • Are measures in place to ensure that an on-going Health and Safety training needs analysis is undertaken for all staff?

  • Is fire training given to staff?

  • Is Manual Handling training given to all staff?

  • Is First Aid training given to staff?

  • Are attendance records and certificates kept for all training attended?

  • Is on-the-job training recorded?

  • Is there a safety-training programme in place to fully meet all current legislative requirements, including the provision of risk information?

  • Are all staff trained for the roles the perform i.e SMSTS, SSSTS etc

Consultation, Communication & Control

  • Are their arrangements in existence for consultation between management and employees on activities that affect their Health and Safety?

  • Is there a Health and Safety committee comprised of a cross section of the workforce?

  • Are posters, bulletins and articles used to help communicate the message of Health and Safety?

  • Are sufficient Health and Safety notice boards made available and regularly maintained and updated?

  • Is relevant information from other sources - HSE, Client, Trade Union - made available on the board?

  • Are suitable signs erected in accordance with Safety Signs Regulations 1996?

  • Do safe working procedures exist for activities that are carried out on a frequent basis and have a potential for harm? Can employees access these procedures?

  • Is there a suitable permit system in place to control maintenance/contractor operations and other potentially hazardous work?

General Risk Assessments

  • Are procedures in place to implement changes to risk assessments?

  • Are the assessments reviewed on a regular basis by management? (Minimum annually)

  • "Do managers/supervisors monitor and review changes to risk Assessments on a regular basis?"

  • Is the workforce aware of risk information?

  • Managers/Supervisors are made aware of changes to risk assessments and job specific risk assessments are prepare for each projects

  • Is the information entered on the risk assessment accurate and true reflection of work activity?

  • Has the organisation identified its ‘key’ risks?

  • Do risk assessments take into account normal, abnormal and emergency situations?

  • Have the people responsible for conducting risk assessments, Attended a risk assessors training course?

Display Screen Equipment

  • Have DSE workstation assessments been undertaken by a “competent person”?

  • Are written DSE assessments kept up to date and held?

  • Are DSE assessments reviewed at least on an annual basis?

  • Are DSE work stations equipped to meet essential safety requirements?

  • Do arrangements exist for “users” to be referred for an eye test?

  • Are all members of workforce aware of the requirement to report to their line manger any potential injuries from working at their station?

  • Do all workforce have access to information regarding the safe use of display screen equipment?

COSHH Assessments

  • Are COSHH assessments carried out for all substances that are used in the business?

  • Does an inventory exist for all chemicals used on site?

  • Are the assessments reviewed on a regular basis by management? (annually)

  • Are MSDS available for all substances in use?

  • Is the workforce aware of risk information?

  • Are the people responsible for conducting COSHH assessments competent?

  • Is the information entered on the COSHH assessments accurate and a true reflection of work activity?

Control Of Contractors

  • Does the company maintain an approved subcontractors' register?

  • Does the company subcontractor’s register identify any licenses or trade association memberships held by their subcontractors?

  • Has the organisation identified the minimum levels of insurance applicable and required to be held by its subcontractors?

  • Does the company have a mechanism for periodic monitoring of subcontractors insurances, licenses and professional memberships?

  • Does the company undertake post contract reviews of subcontractor performance and how are the results of these reviews communicated

Workplace Safety

  • Are fire exits clearly signed?

  • Are suitable and sufficient fire notices in place?

  • Have suitable emergency assembly points been identified?

  • Are appropriate fire extinguishers present and are these mounted and suitable signed?

  • Are appropriate fire detection and warning systems in place?

  • Does a competent person check extinguisher, fire detection and warning systems on a regular basis?

  • Are fire evacuation drills conducted (minimum six monthly basis) and recorded?

  • Is there a suitably appointed person (plus deputy) to make a head count in an emergency situation?

  • Have all staff members undertaken fire extinguisher training?

  • Is all information relating to the fire safety kept together in a single location for audit/inspection purposes?

  • Has a Fire Risk Assessment been completed within the previous 12 months?

Work Equipment

  • Is all work equipment part of a planned maintenance schedule?

  • Has all lifting gear/equipment been identified and part of an adequate inspection schedule?

  • Have all ladders and access platforms been identified and part of an adequate inspection schedule?

  • Does a register exist of all work equipment? Do they meet the requirements of PUWER?

  • Is there a suitable log in existence to report any defective equipment?

  • Are workforce suitably trained and instructed in the safe use of plant/equipment?

  • Are staff competent to drive company vehicles? Are licences checked on a regular basis?

  • Has a PAT test been carried out by a competent person? Are suitable records in place?

  • Can all equipment be electrically isolated?

  • Are all electrical cords, plugs, switches etc. in a safe condition and is cabling managed effectively?

  • Does a register exist to monitor issue of PPE? Is this reviewed at least annually?


  • Does the working area afford adequate lighting, heating, ventilation and humidity control?

  • Are there adequate welfare facilities available to all workforce (toilets, portable or bottled water), restrooms, etc.?

  • Are the work conditions suitable for the employees with no complaints recorded?

  • Has a noise assessment of the workplace been completed?

  • Has an asbestos survey been completed? Is a register available for inspection?

  • Has a lighting assessment been completed?

  • Have all confined spaces been identified on site?

  • Have traffic routes been suitably identified and are they maintained?

  • Are areas of access and egress (particularly fire excavation routes) free from any debris, obstruction, etc.?

  • Does the organisation have a clear ‘No Smoking’ policy?

  • Is there a suitable smoking area available?

Audit Close Out

  • Name of Auditor

  • Name of Auditee

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.