Inspection Title. B80 Steel Reinforcement and Embedments Ed 5 / Rev 0
Project Name: Tabulam New Bridge.
Prepared by
Conducted on
Work Activity Record
Cl 6.1 Have compliance certificates for the reinforcement material supplier/fabricator been received. (Australian Certification Authority)
Cl 6.2.1 Is the reinforcement bars or welded wire fabric the type and size referred to on the drawings.
Cl 6.3.1 Is the reinforcement fabricated to the shape and dimension shown on the drawings and within the tolerance given in Cl 6.9. Table B80.15
Cl 6.3.2 Has the reinforcement been bent by either cold bending around pins, or by uniform heat not exceeding 450DegC for a period not exceeding 2 minutes and (not cooled by quenching). <br>No bending of previously bent and straightened, or bend in reverse again, within 20 bar diameters of the previous bend, of reinforcement rod <br>
Cl 6.3.3 Do all welds conform to RMS 204 and the bar manufacturer's recommendation. <br>Do not field weld Grade 500L reinforcement. <br>Have the welded splices been tested. <br>No welding of reinforcement for prestressed members after the prestressing tendons have been placed in the reinforcement assemblies or cages being assembled.
Cl 6.3.3 Have the load bearing welds for lifting or transporting of prefabricated reinforcement cages must be designed by a suitably qualified person with extensive experience in the design, welding and handling of prefabricated cages.
Cl 6.4.1 Are the splice location as shown on the drawings. <br>Have additional locations been approved by the Principal.
Cl 6.4.2 Lapped Splices
Cl 6.4.2 Lapped Splices
Cl 6.5 Has the reinforcement been supported above the surface of the ground.
Cl 6.6 At the time of placing concrete is the surface condition of the reinforcement clean as not to impair its bond to the concrete or its performance in the binder.
Cl 6.7.2 Has the reinforcement been kept clear of formwork or blinding concrete by using concrete, compressed cement, or plastic chairs <br>No wire chairs, pieces of timber or coarse aggregate been used to support reinforcement. <br>Have the chairs been placed sufficiently to ensure maintaining the correct cover.
Cl 6.7.3 Was the witness point notified
Cl 6.7.4 Are the supports for the screeding rails and height pins durable sacrificial non- corrosive materials compatible with the concrete or are they capable of being completely removed from the deck after final screeding.
Cl 6.7.5 Is there evidence that the placement of embedment's has been planned in detail.
6.7.6 Has the contractor's inspection, verified that reinforcement, welding and embedment placement is correct BEFORE the placed reinforcement and/or embedment becoming inaccessible.
Cl 6.8 Are the covers to reinforcement as per drawings , or within the tolerances shown in tables B80.15, B80.16 & B80.17
G22 Safety and G36 Environmental
Have operators demonstrated their competence to operate the plant/equipment to the satisfaction of the contractor. <br>
Has a SWMS been developed.
Has a certified rigger checked that the structural members are secure before the load is released.
Is each and every item of plant being used for its designated and intended purposes.
Have the attachments for plant and processes been approved and used in accordance with their design and purposes.
Is the correct PPE being worn
Have scaffolds and falsework been erected safely and signed off by qualified personnel where applicable.
Are all accesses safe and sign posted.
Are all electrical equipment tested and tagged and in good condition.
Were any unsafe practices observed. <br>
Good safe practices observed.
R44 Cl 1.7 Were erosion and sediment controls in place prior to the removal of any topsoil.
Are Erosion and Sediment controls measures being installed and maintained.
Has mud been prevented from being deposited on roadways.
Have any environmental incidents or potential incidents been observed.
Good environmental procedures observed.
Compliance and Follow-up action.
Is the activity compliant.
Surveillance Officer
NCPN or memo number.
Follow up action
Product Non Conformance
System Non Conformance
Contractor generated NCR
Contractor generated a CAR
Matters arising
Contractors NCR no
CAR no
Closed out.
RMS representative's name